Waifu claiming thread
No one's fucking awake edition
Previous:>> yeah no
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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Previous: >>711417138
Guess I'll just take my claim
Odd photo with both hands in it
Discord Thread: https://discord.gg/xRneENd
FB Fap Thread. Save these. Post em. Again and again.
What kind of slut post these on facebook. Holy shit.
New celeb thread
Im here
Picking up with some sexy legs/feet
Just another nude game
Cant uploaf shit fir some reason
and roll for ff
/nzg/ New Zealand General
1st for South Island is best island.
on behalf of Uke, who cannot post. here's the IDBro tits.
can we gets some tits other than quercy's?
Post pawgs
roll time
Insult me in your native language, you fucking cocksucker
cyka blyat
I disagree with you, sir.
Ahem.. YOU fucking cocksucker.
deutsch faden
#OiderMeinKaterIsHeutMächtig-Editio n
Wieso trinkt ihr?
Wie lang trinkt ihr?
Was trinkt ihr?
Wie oft kotzt ihr dabei?
>Wieso trinkt ihr?
weil die alte endlich im bett ist
>Wie lang trinkt ihr?
bis ich betrunken genug bin
>Was trinkt ihr?
>Wie oft kotzt ihr dabei?
ok jetzt mal ernsthaft so von alki zu alki: wenn du vom alk kotzen musst dann besorg dir pantoprazol aus der apotheke, das hilft echt und dir wird nicht mehr schlecht beim saufen. es hemmt die magensäure
warum geht das quick reply feld nich
>connection rerror
same here. connection error.
Milfs please.
Ylyl V2
>starts ylyl thread
>doesn't dump memes
you're a fucking nigger
hello fourchan... i came here yesterday looking to make friends and had a lovely time talking to some of you.. i would love to talk with somk more people :)
What sex are you? I can't tell by looking at your face.
Run away. Far away.
Or show us your tits.
tits + timestamp
Bruh, thats a girl
Kill yourself
What is the most illegal thing you've ever seen on /b/
I know, and have fucked this girl.
Bump for interest
Hey it geg
That's a bit of a loaded question OP
Why do chicks buy dildos they cant even take?
Straight shota thread
Can someone explain to me what daily life is like with an uncircumcised penis?
We could, but then we'd be contributing to your suicide, and that'd be bad.
I've got nothing to compare it too. Pointless question.
Beats me, I've never been without one. More sensitive I guess? Also my second head never gets chapped, dry, or chaffed which is something I hear happens those unfortunate enough to have their penis damaged at birth.
Can someone please explain to me how it is to live with a full head of hair
Lots of self hate and old urine smell
Pics you've saved/shouldn't share/want spread/want more of part 30, GO!!!
Would love for someone to fap to my wife
Anyone have or want her pics ?
ex, please dont spread!
I want them. care to share?
Girls you know and want to fuck
Goth girl I know... REALLY want to fuck her, but shes married.
If you've never tried this shit before you're missing out. It's the slimiest, stringiest, most-cum like shit imaginable. Makes fapping feel gr8, bros.
just have another dude nut on your dick and quit pretending to not be gay
It's supposed to be pumping out of your bad dragon dildo that's shoved up your ass /b/ro
Now how would you know that anon?
Fucking shill
Fapping feels great already because I didn't have my dick butchered in a twist kike ritual
However, that cum lube is amazing for dildos holy fuck
rollin kek
an hero if snooki