why does everyone hate the white man?
why does everyone hate the handsome and successful guy?
ask the jews
cuz they are small
Never met anyone that hates "white man", like any other skin color there are individuals that are deserving of hate.
becaus white men PWN at basically everything, while the rest are loosers.
it's just envy.
i'm wondering why there's no rekt thread anymore for a while on 4chan, what happened ?
There's been rekt threads all day, newfag.
they reduced the webm size to 2mb
the way it flip flops about after its head comes off killed me
That arent rekt threads, since hiroshimoot reduced the file size to 2mb basically we cant upload the good shit anymore
God does not exist. If you believe there is a god then please kill yourself.
Literally just saved me.
at last I truly see
if you could switch from having a penis to a vagina but keeping the status and power of a man would you???
I am God.
God exist. If you believe there is no God then please seek him.
Celeb Thread III: Return of the Semen Demons
Emma's wet mouth, part II?
Mmm yesss
cock is out, make it hard and wet
yup. she's awesome like that. i really dig her creativity too. and the fact that she cosplays. my dick, bruv.
Girls you know that you fap to part 2
checking in from last thread. keep dumping while i edge
>OP not a faggot
>Hillary is a robot sent from the future to kill us
Bumping for truth.
Op is a faggot
Clinton is about to be jailed
I'm gay
OP is the biggest faggot
on off thread
I keep hoping to see some one I know in these threads , but I never do...
s/fur partially applied
ima just lurk for a bit
When does your biography come out?
Fap to the picture below you.
Random images 2.0
Old thread: >>706969598
Name a better movie.
Pro tip, there are only 8.
Here's one
Citizen Kane, Shawshank Redemption, Scarface, The Godfather, The Silence of the Lambs?
>8 movies better than pan's labyrinth
Girls you know that you fap to
Continued from last thread
Dubs choose = Minor event
Trips choose = Major event
Quads choose = anything
Example: People build a lighthouse
nearby trees are cut down +10 wood
niggers started a mine +10 stone
There is no food left
negros invade
They build a farm and send the women out to gather berries.
Hot or Not thread with rates
who likes her?
Look fine
Hot 8.75
9. My wife?
oh shit i remember her. Is she still alive? I used to have her whole folder
Life just gets worse and worse.
Plz give me a good baw thread b
self bump
even my baw thread is lonely.
The most useless superpower wins.
The ability to heat up ketchup.
the power to communicate with fruits
Mfw throwing really fucking hot ketchup at people would be funny
The power to change the color of your toilet paper
The ability to be OP.
Being able to human.
What is the most autistic or cringeworthy thing(s) that you do?
>take baths with a literal rubber ducky
>cum on my wall
>shit naked
Shitting naked feels good man
Literally sing myself to sleep
I collect conkers as it is a secret hobby but don't tell anyone so you are the first person ive shared this with.
New 34 thread
Prozessor, Ram und Graka eures ersten eigenen PCs?
wie lange glaubt ihr wird es 4chan noch geben?
wie lange werdet ihr noch auf 4chan sein?
welchen luxus gönnt ihr euch?
wie lange wart ihr heute vor dem pc? seid ihr durchschnittlich vorm pc?
nach was seid ihr süchtig?
wart ihr heute produktiv?
wie lange glaubt ihr wird es 4chan noch geben?
solange simon hier ist
wie lange werdet ihr noch auf 4chan sein?
solange simon hier ist
welchen luxus gönnt ihr euch?
physik zu studieren, das kann sonst keiner
wie lange wart ihr heute vor dem pc?
solange bis regina mich geblockt hat
seid ihr durchschnittlich vorm pc?
solange bis regina mich geblockt hat
nach was seid ihr süchtig?
nach reginas vagina
wart ihr heute produktiv?
ja ich hab mir 300 mal einen runtergeholt und danach...
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Shouldn't that be "Seien Sie ruhig und Deutsch lernen"?
>Prozessor, Ram und Graka eures ersten eigenen PCs?
386er, 6MB RAM, 33 Mhz CPU, 80 MB Festplatte, Monochrom Display
>wie lange glaubt ihr wird es 4chan noch geben?
nicht mehr lange, außer ein paar Richfags steigen ein, dann wirds aber nicht mehr gut
>wie lange werdet ihr noch auf 4chan sein?
jede Woche etwas weniger
>welchen luxus gönnt ihr euch?
Saufen. Kiffen. Hemmunglos....
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na simon, wie fühlt es sich an ne jungfrau zu sein?
shall I commence the dump?