this ones my fav
shitskin (not human)
OP, please allow me to cum. Show us those amazing Tits and stretchmarks.
I would strip her naked, taking my time to sniff her panties, socks, and feet. Id lick her face and feet. Id strip naked myself and lie as close to her as possible, touching skin to skin. Id penetrate her vagina with my penis, but no thrusting. I would just leave it in her still and throbbing while i kissed her and held her. Then Id tie her up and put her in an adult diaper. Id leave her in the diaper until she had an accident in it. Id change her diaper and put her used diaper on myself. Then Id sit on her face while wearing her own used diaper and jerk off on her feet while...
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>Cyka )))))))))
oi blin
personally i dont like mr skellingtons, but i would cuddle him and love him just because hes crying
Big boys can be kawaii too. It's the style that matters.
1) gewinne ich den Eurojackpot am Freitag?
2) Titten oder Arsch?
3) berufstätig?
4) schon mal eine Crowdfundingkampagne unterstützt?
5) poste ein Youtube Video mit Musik die du magst
zu früh?
dann verreck halt, thread
die guy fawkes maske wurde ja bereits vom faschopöbel missbraucht.
wie wärs nun mit killerclowns gegen afd-pegisten-putinisten?
Gruseliger Horror-Clown-Trend schwappt aus USA nach Europa
Ein schauriger US-Trend erreicht Europa. Unbekannte in Clownkostümen sprechen mordrohungen gegen Erwachsene und Kinder aus. Für Viele ist das ein Spaß mehr.
ich würd den bewegungsunfähig prügeln wenn einer auf meinem grundstück stehen würde
ein wieder celeb thread
Bubble photo thread.
Finally, I have some free time and can make some bubble photos for you. Post your photo and if it is good enough I'll bubble it for you.
why would you bubble a pic of a girl who has a lot of fucking nudes?
u don't get the idea of it.
maybe it is you who is the one that is an idiot
not him but I don't think you do. This was a way for clothed chicks to appear nude.
What's her name?
All aboard the loli marathon train!
Level 137
>All images from threads (1-120)
https://mega.nz/#F!VlREwJKb!CKsgHAK VSMBvlR0oaBDJnA
>Previous threads (1-129)
Old thread:
1018 New photo leaks: http://www.jailbaitfans.ml/
I ain't clickin that shit nigga
When do you think we'll reach 200? We seem to only be averaging around 30-40 threads a day during weekdays.
I'll bet we reach 200 by the weekend, and hit the big 300 by the end of Sunday when the traffic goes up due to normalfags being out of work.
Shota Bread part III
wtf they look like boys thats not cool
gay pedo shit part III
>same x pictures
New Zealand thread - /nzg/
9pm edition
How's the weed? It's dry af up here in Auckland haven't been able to score in 3 days
Get some OC
was liberally just about to make a toast
what's the best thing that happened to you guys today?
ctrl+F - no cringe thread.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MI1 v7p1VUDo
Did you know dyslexia is not covered by Social Security Disability.
i did not know that, that's a shame. it's more the dabbing that's the cringe rather than the fact it's for dyslexia
Why are you still up mister?
cant fall asleep till my body passes out do to pain in my leg
because it's only 2:15 am nigga
post anus
Me too. I was going calf raises but I fucked up then left it immobile and bent too long the next 3 days and now I am worried about a DVT.
So if I die, feel free to call me a bitch. I will have deserved it.
Dubs decides what I say to this faggot
ok ill admit ive got a crush on you its why i dont respond
every time i see your meesages i get nervous and cant think what to say
want to go eat out sometime?
2576 New photos leaked: http://www.jailbaitfans.ml/
ok OP don't be a faggot post proof
How often do you think about suicide?
A lot. Got some meds but they don't work anymore, gonna talk to my doctor about getting something stronger
Every night. Keeps me up for hours.
Daily, some more than others. I've tried meds and all, but never really changes much. I think about it even when I'm in good moods though too, not sure why.
Grown used to it over the years, never mention it to anyone. Doesn't bother me I'm more intrigued about just doing it now, see what it's like.
Everyday then I go on here and I feel better.
You people are fucked up.
no cleaning
Are you gay or what?
what headset is dat
is that a wacom tablet?
>That guy who pronounces it "jiff"
That's the correct way to pronounce it, although I don't like the way that sounds.
The right way
The inventor of the damn format pronounces it, "jiff."
Wincest stories thread.
Sent this to my cousin the other day, if any of you remember. Interested in how it ended?
Go on, I don't remember but I'd like to remember this thread
Sure hit us up
go on please
Guess the last 4 digits of your post and I will give you $1000 via Paypal
Ask someone who has been deaf since birth anything. I want to clear any misconceptions people have with deaf people so they stop treating us like we're dumb.
Can you hear anything at all? Do you feel like your other senses are increased?
Is it sweet when someone knows sign and do you get shocked since it's rare nowadays?
Do you hear a ringing noise or just nothing
Whats your favorite song?
When did you learn farts made noises?
Pics you saved/shouldn't share/want spread/want more of V11, GO!
Anybody want more?
more plz
Anyone else gonna share?
Dick some pics! Tribute Time!
Gotta go soon but people into this might like watching this vid!
Celeb Thread
this one makes me hard