fucking roast the shit out of me or rate me or tear me to shreds or whatever i dont care im so tired just take it
all fucking niggers must fucking hang
Don't worry I'll skip the foreplay
You look like a boy, but you're legitimately hella cute
you look except-able, maybe slightly below average
I want to kill myself every day, but I don't because I'm a coward.
I've been having suicidal thoughts too. Not sure what to do about it. I already take two antidepressants. I'm so broke I can't afford to go to the doctor anymore. Not sure how I will afford my pills when I need a refill. Costs me over $300 for a 3 month supply of pills.
also dont feel bad about being a coward bro I have three guns within reach and i can't make myself do it.
I'm in love with my cousin and he's going a thousand miles away tomorrow to meet up with some chick he met online. Fuck me.
wasting dubs on such a faggot.
she can deep throat that SHIT!
Holy balls this is great. If you dont get this well youre a new fag.
Just cant stop cumming
just woke up time to download some porn
My god shes a fucking cunt
this is better than my japanese animes
Hunger games thread
48 entrants are needed to start the game
Johanna Dark
New wincest loli bread yay!
ctnd from >>683380734
Looking for anything in particular? I don't really have any incest pics
np just post ol' fashioned vajayjay loli ^^
Only going to post the one picture?
i'm bored
ask a millionaire anything
before you ask: it's sitting in a pnc bank account because i recently liquidated a bunch of NFLX and i haven't decided where to move it from here. so ask a different question, fag
1) Nice trips
2) Can I have some money
what car do you drive?
because a million is so much money nowadays
nice trips
Should I invest in a 2004 Ferrari F430/2004 Lambo gallardo?
no. but i'm happy to answer any questions you might have on how to have some financial success of your own.
ITT: We poorly/vaguely describe video games and guess them.
>gif not related
You're a pirate with weird ass hair going on a quest to save some skeleton's pirate costume. you also have this flying chimp that follows you and is able to turn animals into weird shit.
>travel to the future in a refrigerator
>your son was kidnapped
>Make settlements
A huge dissapointment
Fallout 4
>wake up in a prison
>the most annoying and funny magic and combat system
>2 days later you kill a god
Waifu Claiming thread
>404 this web page cannot be found
The rules are simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando. One claim per anon.
>No shipping
>Keep RP and ERP to a minimum. No lewd.
>Don't be gay
>We know you masturbate. Stop talking about it.
>No posts with focal point on sexual objects or speech(This includes pictures)
Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Shit nigga
>tfw making it through hell week
>Shizuru get!
>I triple dog dare you
You'd have to get trips, and even then the only kys I answer to is one from Syndranon.
>Sriracha Yoko Ono claimed
still here
ok. you?
Faces of /b/, rate thread
sweet shirt brah
Butter rate me bee!
Get rolling faggots.
Which chink will you get?
Ching Ching roll
None, these are too common a girl it's distasteful but then again this is 4chan, /b/ no less
Draw thread
The cycle beings anew
Make requests
Draw things
Requesting Elli pls, Bonus points for anal!
oh shush, you're really good. I've seen your art on here even though we've never talked. tbqh i would do the same if i had a tablet, i dont really like the way it came out.
u ok???
Oh, whatabout me? I'm moku and thanks!
/r/ drawfags being FABULOUS
can anon resist the urge?
/r/inf drawfags ignoring the haters
Post your job, salary, age
Chef at Wendy's
Chef at Walmart
$52,450 before overtime
IT Security Analyst
Not quite as good but
Security Guard
Cockold thread post em.
Have tons of my gf
then post then /b/ro!
LOL good one!
am i the only person that gets pissed off at all the porn on /b/?
i've never actually bothered making a thread about it because i know i'll get called a faggot but it's not the porn itself that bothers me but rather that it's on /b/
put that shit in it's proper boards
You're not alone anon
thanks anon
It's /b/. Yeah, the porn does get annoying, but you get slightly used to it.
yeah but these days it's to the point where it filters out the actual content because "people like porn"
it's just gotten progressively worse over the years
It's sad because I've had to slowly migrate out to /wsg/ & other boards
I was out of Vi pics, so it's Elastigirl for now
What would Mabel's panties taste like?
Comfy wallpapers thread
Just forced my sister to fuck me, and I got it on vid, /b/:
pic related
Really hot
Was dying for this porn
its legit man. i usually dont download these things but its 100% real
What a little bitch. I hope she gets hurt.
pretty good
Just forced my sister to fuck me, and I got it on vid, /b/:
pic related
fap fap fap I CAME
i cant believe you even attempted that OP
damn she spreadin' her ass wide
>that ending
i wasnt prepared for these feels..
Naked celebs time.
No fakes allowed.
Include names
If I ever forget a name/it isn't in the filename call me out and I'll post it.
Rihanna. oops. Also Rihanna.
Cum tribute thread. I'll start with a tribute video of my own: https://eroshare.com/rxprov73
Pic related.
Can someone cock or cum tribute her please?
maybe if she pulled those tits out
Here's a tribute she's gotten before.