Magyar Cérna
Filleres aru
Cérna kolbász? Kedvencem
Szopd ki a faszom te büdös patkány
Cérna a kurva anyád, az! Valakinek vannak magyar csajok meztelen fotói?
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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Thats not even the usual Karen.
Edim. It doesn't sound like you cringed into an edgy website and picked a name from what was generated.
Cute pic.
Eh, I suppose so. It isn't too noticeable, yea. I'm more so fine with signatures, like on this picture. Watermarks have always bugged me though.
I understand that.
Thanks for renewing the thread.
the sky
>sorry i had to :^)
YLYL thread?
YLYL thread!
Try this anon
YLYL thread. Only the best /b/!
Nude Game Pt 2. Continued.
Still all odd and 0
Give us a try show something and we will reply
More of her please
Pokemon Box
i have one or two
Deutscher Faden
Wie geht´s?
Pläne für den Abend?
In welches Land würdet ihr gerne auswandern?
Ist OP immer eine Schwuchtel?
Was war zuerst da, Huhn oder Ei?
Schnappschuss des Tages
>Nur mit Ihrem Blick, stoppt STORM das System
gesehen auf:
-das rächerhauptquartier
Es ist ein Experiment. Ich schaue oft Filme auf Pilzen, das kommt gut wenn die Motorik nicht mehr gut genug ist um Mass Effect zu spielen. Die heftigen Optics geben dem Film zusätzliche Tiefe.
Ich glaube das kommt gut diese Ponyserie mit den heftigsten Fraktralen und Mustern die sich durch die Comicwelt winden.
>Wie geht´s?
Langes Wochenende weil Urlaub
>Pläne für den Abend?
Bier und Pizza
>In welches Land würdet ihr gerne auswandern?
Kein Plan, vielleicht in die Niederlande?
>Ist OP immer eine Schwuchtel?
>Was war zuerst da, Huhn oder Ei?
Ei, weil Urform von Krokodilen haben, lange bevor es Vögel gab, Eier gelegt oder irgendwie so. Bin schließlich kein Biolehrer. Was fragst überhaupt immer so...
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>Wie geht´s?
So semi, bin in meinem Freundeskreis irgendwie der einzigste der mal nach links und rechts schaut, alle anderen sind straight forward, aber was soll man da schon groß sagen...
>Pläne für den Abend?
Tütenwein und Faden
>In welches Land würdet ihr gerne auswandern?
USA wär schon kewl, braucht man aber die entsprechenden Schekel für um so zu leben wie man sich es vorstellt, eigentlich...
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>der einzigste
Hey /b/ - 19yo who's just shaved for the first time - opinions? c;
You missed a couple of hairs. Other then that, you have a nice pussy.
Did you shave your tits?
Another angle. :3
Looks like a decent shave job, should spread ass cheeks and show us though, honestly most girls I've been with miss some there and that's the critical part
Fap worthy fakes
Amateur or celeb?
>fap worthy
pick one
Post your favorite pussy pics
Why is there no asian thread?
Cucking thread v3. post girls you know, Amos say what they'd do to them
reply to replies only
Reply for reply
Facefuck her till tears run down her face, then rip off her clothes, fuck her pussy and cum deep inside
I'd bend this slut over that counter and fill her pussy full of cum and make her lick up any that dripped on the floor
Strip her to neighing but those high heels and facefuck her upside down on that couch for hours
No FB fap? FB Fap.
bitch you don't do it from the floppy drive
Why do you faggots like this game so much? I just went on an hour walk and I didnt even see a single pokemon. I was even using the incense. Now one. And to top it all off the ar camera doesnt work on my phone. I have an iphone 6s and it cant detect my phones position. Such a shitty app. I had to leave the house for the first time in years and I just get slapped in the face. I can still hear Satoshi Tajiri laughing at me
Pokemon GO:
Getting idiot neckbeards to exercise since 2016.
Game is trash, it's not even a game. Tap on your screen and then pay us money for shit so you can be better than everyone else!
Not at all. Games trash
It's because even Pokemon's think you're a rapist
Wincest thread! Get in here!
fucking kill yourself
where the twinks at
in ur mums ass ya p00f
That photo makes me sad. It's no secret they would have to drink booze and take drugs just to get in the mood. He looks so young.
just out of curiosity... what was -your- libido like when you were eighteen? I'd have fucked nearly anything when I was 13 - 23
Did anyone on /b/ ever succeed stealing a gf from someone ?
my current GF was engaged with her ex
no, but i've been involved with way too many girls who had boyfriends
Jes and i regret it every day of my life since it happened to me.... guess karma solves everything over the time.
How did u manage that ?
happened more than once. it usually was not my goal
Quiet edition
fuk this thread
but y tho?
sounds like a plan
Ask a femanon anything!
> dating advice
> sexual advice
> personal questions
> food recipes
> psychological help (im psychology student)
> anything
I am really bored guys, entertain me.
Post tits with timestamp
How many niggers will die before they realise that cops hate them
Tits + timestamp or else no one comment
New celeb thread
But what if I have shit to do?