creepshot thread?
were all gonna die were done for, humanitys on a road for DEATH. idk give me your views.
It's bound to happen sooner or later, best enjoy the time you got before the shit hits the fan.
Everything that lives dies. So yes, we're all going to die. Just a sad fact of life. To live is to die. They say to enjoy life while you can.. but honestly? I think life sucks. I know death will be no better... which is why I don't give a fuck about anything.
So what else is new?
Saw Ohio and Illinois thread.
How does it feel knowing you pathetic insignificant state wasn't apart of the original 13? Georgia master race reporting in.
Lagrange bump.
>cheeks unrelated
Columbus here. Is she from LG?
Nebraska Master Race here
Nah, I just chose a random pic. I heard she's an escort from Florida.
My wife is from LG btw
Add me. I'll share
Johnny_raddz......add me on on mobile
Add easyandproud
Add suprisesforyou
add iwafflestomper
Any Ottawans around to hook up and tag team my gf thursday night, already rented a hotel near ottawa airport for when i'm back home
bump with tits of said gf
I'm in
Does she have a nice ass
Dude. Hell yes
what does /b/ think of Ethiopians
I don't.
The food is good
the fastest thing in Africa
an Ethiopian child who just found a cheese burger
Best niggers are ethiopian niggers.
"We are warboys! Kamikrazy warboys!" Ethiopia 2016
Grow fast potato pupper
grow fast potato pupper
Grow fast potato pupper.
This kind of shit it's getting weaker and weaker.
Traps / shemale / cross-dressing general
Almost 100,000 images: post&s=list&tags=shemale
R34 Thread.
Bump, any naruto or bleach?
God damn japs and their censored shit
>nuke country
>nuke country again
>force your morals into their constitution as part of peace terms
>bitch and whine then they comply
American logic.
Lets get artsy
>roll thread
ditto get
Fuck it, I'm in.
it will be shit but let's go
FB fap thread
Vapers of /b/,
I have the aspire odyssey kit with a triton 2 tank, and I don't seem to be getting much flavour in my vape. The vapour is not harsh or anything, just tasteless, am I doing something wrong?
Also, general vape thread. Post your vape/liquid. Haters, feel free to hate on us for styling on you.
Couldn't say, unless you're not priming correctly.
I tried this tank and it's alright. Can't be the battery so it's most likely the juice. I stop tasting the flavor if I vape on a same juice for too long. I have iStick 50 Watt and Atlantis mega tank.
It's because you don't have a mech mod you pleb
I have the same iStick, usually using a Nautilus mini. I know, too much stick for the tank, but I like the battery life and how it fills my hand. Never crank it above 15 watts.
ITT: vape bitches talk about shit devices
Is this the greatest achievement of humankind?
The internets.
Yes it is a pizza is something everyone can eat
I have eaten some form of pizza every day for the past decade or so.
How fat are you?
asians amateurs?
>asian amateurs
Bumping this hard
Here you go op
Picture you wish you never saw
Just forced my sister to fuck me and I got it on vid, /b/:
pic related
my cock is literally doing the jig! hottest shit on the block OP
A very calming porn.
very cool and very hot
If you can't get this you're seriously missing out.
goddammit i could hit her anytime
Guys, my girlfriend just asked me if it's ok for her to post tits on /b/ what should I say
yes, but now you have to deliver op
Tell yer mom no matter how sorry she feels for you... it's still wrong... but she can show tits still.
You say hell fucking yeah it's okay
Deliver PLOX
Hey /b/ I need a feels thread... Can I please get a feels thread...
Please RAID
TwitchTv: FrozenSorrow604
Ill be there
Got banned from commenting for razor jokes.
boring as fuck
rip in paul walker
Are you going to make me cry myself to sleep alone
so be it
Who you talkin to?
Timestamp or gtfo
why cry yourself to sleep if you can laugh
hold on one sec