Pictures you cant explain
Gf pictures
I can call her that, I guess
This big pupper just gave birth to smaller puppers.
Look at them.
really cute anon!
Rape and kill the dogs with a knifegun
This can be an amazing example of contrasting.
Lay on ground and let them smother you with puppy love.
And this is a great example of polarization!
Any ausfags on /b/ right now?
Scotfag currently living in aus, and hating every fucking minute
Welcome to hell buddy.
Things to remember about australia
Most of the most dangerous animals on earth are exclusive to australia
Abbos are subhuman trash that are even more savage than niggers.
And we have 3 seasons, Fucking hot, fucking cold, and fucking finally
Why is the internet so fucking trash here?
also, checked
Saw you post on a thread about our Aussie internet can't blame you its worse then north Korea. I am not joking it is proven to be true...
Brisfag reporting in. What are you hating?
Internet, heat, people
But there are a couple pubs here that are pretty good
Also, in brisbane
Ein Faden am Morgen vertreibt Kummer und Sorgen.
Wie geht's wie steht's?
Was macht ihr gerade?
Was ist das degenerierteste das ihr für Geld getan habt?
Benutzt ihr Deo?
Habt ihr Erfahrungen mit Depressionen?
>Wie geht's wie steht's?
Ausgezeichnet! Wetter ist schön, bald Mensa und danach nur eine VL, morgen das 2. Date mit meiner hoffentlich danach Freundin.
>Was macht ihr gerade?
Föhnen. Eben geduscht,
>Was ist das degenerierteste das ihr für Geld getan habt?
Einen Brühwürfel für nen Euro gegessen.
>Benutzt ihr Deo?
ja, klar?
>Habt ihr...
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nice, wie hast du sie kennengelernt?
>Wie geht's wie steht's?
Gut soweit, nur bisschen müde.
>Was macht ihr gerade?
>Was ist das degenerierteste das ihr für Geld getan habt?
Eigentlich nichts außer arbeiten.
>Benutzt ihr Deo?
>Habt ihr Erfahrungen mit Depressionen?
Richtige Depressionen, nein.
>Wie geht's wie steht's?
Geht so, gleich ins Krankenhaus, Leben läuft nicht so wie es soll.
>Was macht ihr gerade?
Zocken, breit sein.
>Was ist das degenerierteste das ihr für Geld getan habt?
Ne absolut ekelhafte alte geküsst
>Benutzt ihr Deo?
>Habt ihr Erfahrungen mit Depressionen?
Ja, momentan wieder heftiger.
YLYL thread
No fucking banana edition
le reddit armi le has arrived XDXDXDXDXDXDXD
Never say no banana, there will always be a banana
Have you seen him?
Waifu claiming thread.
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of your waifu
>one claim per anon
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>naps are NOT a good idea
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
Miho claimed
Best demigod claimed.
>best waifu legs ahoy
i have always loved the SCAR but more recently i have become obsessed with scar 16s SBRs
FUCK, i can't afford that and i don't even like hotpockets. why you gotta do your buddy like this koko.
i just bought astroglide like two weeks ago
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Shinoa claim
Good morning.
Half asleep claim
FB fap thread
Fuck the first and fourth
Marry the second
Kill the third
fap pls
Roll 4 paride
yeah these all sounds like things im considering. ill roll
damn ok, i kinda wanted to games but you right i need to sleep. night fam
/nzg/ - The New Zealand General!
im fucking sick of these cooking shows, they can fuck right off
Dunners reporting, bruh
Why are IDs even gone?
Post something disgusting and beautiful.
your mom
WTF is that?
No father selfposts faggot.
centipede with littler centipedes :)
Centipede thingo, around noodles.
Asian girls prefer big black guys over Asian guys.
Prove me wrong
Are we talking real life or porn
prove they do
Can you fuck off with these threads already thanks
Pics you said you wouldn't share
How did you get these? She seemed easy but damn
FB Friends you wanna fuck continued
Ich want to fuck it very hard
Posting in faggots thread.
Was just about to make one
post the spaz gif
can improve and give it more frames if wanted.
New YLYL Thread
ITT: God tier metal albums
My nigga.
Going to see them live in about a month
what type metal we talking about
the magical genie grants you 1 wish, other anons put conditions on your wish
on tuesdays only
mine : time travel
On Tuesdays only.
Mine: every day is tgit
Ability to pause time.
Forgot to say; But you have to work saturday.
only works when you're halfway through taking a shit
Ask a dude who has a year to live anything.
You sure you got a whole year, Skeletor?
Give or take, unless the cancer wants to speed up the process for the lulz.
Show your dick
This thread is cancer
Ask a guy who just organized his Guro folder between Fappable and Shitposting anything.
>trips and i dump what i have
>implying not all guro is fappable
post those gifs
I mainly just fap to certain types of guro, anything i find disgusting i just use to de-rail and shitpost with.
>too disgusting
I meant
i need some sick stuff for my facebook shitpost page so kindly post some non porn gurro maaaate