If you could genocide any group of people, what would it be?
>anyone who posts facebook photos on fucking 4chan
All niggers.
place to talk and not post gay anthro animals
>post gay anthro animals
Got it!
hows the Witcher Am
why is it so hard to talk to people on skype
i could hit up any of my friends at any time but it's so daunting to do so
it's literally my job to talk to people all day
so why is this so difficult
What's your job
Post pictures to get COCK Tributed (COCKED on) and do some requests yourself. Everyone contribute for a good thread.
PIC RELATED - I will fulfil a few requests so post the pics you want COCKED on.
Can you do her please?
haha Cock Tributes are fuckin hot xD
Do this ass
We're going to play a game of riddles and ciphers, and test your knowledge /b/. This will span multiple websites across the internet if you can manage to solve my clues. But first, you have to find the clues. We begin at 10:10pm EST. You will have more hints along the way as needed, based off teamwork and how far you can get.
Your first hint is: The numbers are the answer.
As long as it's not laughably impossible or fucking hex and binary, I'm interested.
Lurking, but also thinking this will be a shit thread
It's not hex, and binary is too simple. Don't expect it to be easy, but all the answers will be right in front of you.
As long as the thread doesn't die, we'll begin in 5 minutes.
Bumping because OP thought an inactive thread could last 12 minutes on /b
new loli bread
for chino and the gang!
this loli is not amused /b/
quick do something
Only dumping one tonight, I have to masturbate and that stuff, real life stuff.
The Thigh High Master.
ITT: we claim our celebrity fuck toys and say what you'd do to your toy
Fuck off with this cringe, you massively lonely 14 year old retard.
> touch myself while he quietly whispers for OP to kill himself
dance battle with her
Kaylyn is hotter.
Hmmm... It's getting kinda late /b/. NIGHT TIME FLUFFY THREAD!
Gettysburg was the turning point of the American Civil War. This is the most famous and important Civil War Battle that occurred over three hot summer days, July 3, 1863, around the small market town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. More importantly Gettysburg was the clash between the two major American Cultures of their time: the North and the South. The causes of the Civil War, and the Battle of Gettysburg, one must understand the differences between these two cultures. The Confederacy had an agricultural economy...
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Cool story bro
683156281 fuck fluffy things. i used to love the movie gremlins. its still ok but not the best movie I've ever seen. anyway. i met this girl who also loves the movie gremlins. she said that it reminds her of her childhood. and for some reason the mogwai really turn her on. i ask how thats possible. the mogwai have absolutely no sexual features. no rounded ass, no raised breasts, no genetalia of any type. could it possibly be the fact that they transform into those slimy green gremlins? what is it? she refused...
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What celebrity you think that does anal?
I would pay godly amounts of money to give Jennifer Anniston anal.
Ariel winter
she's jewish?
She is not jew
God-Tier Horror movies
The misses and I need to add some films to our queue.
This a good one.
Excellent. Also pic related.
1982's The Thing.
Awesome movie
fb fap continuation
Post the pic with three girls and they all look surprised
what do you guys think of her?
s/fur is a bunch of fucking twats
Hey now I for one like having a twat means I cam cum as many times as I want
Fat / chubby / thick / land whale thread
Nah. Yiff thread?
i saved this pic a couple of thread ago.
have anymore, op?
hows this?
Women you want to cum inside and impregnate
Who is this semen demon?!?!?
dude same
get in
be part of 4chan history!
over 200k dislikes so far.
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dt CyepuLt8Q
Shut up queer. No one cares
keep the downvotes coming
comments are disabled so that's something
If you created another account just to down vote this video, shame on you, create a third.
So, I've logged into a LaserJet printer that I don't own.
69 chooses the image that I print 100 times.
Post any pedo greentext stories you have
>Go to YMCA
>family showers
>see naked 4 year old
>grow up to be a pedophile.
Did you look in the mirror as a kid?
Is there like a pedo scale or is it just 100% all the way ?
not pedo but jews are involved
>Be me
>Be nigger
>Be Jewish
>Live in ghetto
>Notice that niggas aren't motivated
>They seem to have something along the lines of what other jews call ADD
>Set up supply chain for pseudo using human...
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I think it's a scale. Inversely proportional to how young you desire.
10 being the worst I'm a 2.
>I like 12-14 yo
Itt: people who should kill themselves.
You are scum.
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
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Far superior to the anime, yes.
Affirming existence.
We describe games poorly
>Go into a dungeon
>Things are fine
>Party members get hit by critical attacks over and over
>Can't avoid it
>Everyone died
>be plumber
>have plumber brother
>we're super
>my name is mario
> spawn a character
> be in a team full of retards
> try not to be a retard
> fail
> cry
Dankest Dungeon?
Overwatch probably
>have screen
>have controller
>have game
She like me or nah
Did she like my dick?
thanks man!
top kek. and I thought it wouldnt be legit. can confirm that this shit is legit. now i have to eat moms spaghetti
Best video ever
I jizzed in my pants at the very thought of this video
amazing d00d
very cool and very hot