do you guys plan on marrying people who are the same ethnicity as you? my parents only want me to marry polish girls.............................. ...................
You don't have to listen to your parents.
I'm white and my gf is black so I don't think so.
is marry someone in your own race but different country = interracial?
how do you manage 2 cultures at once?
I don't know man, I always seem to put myself in a family man position and the wife is always white, opposed to my mexican.
>respecting your parents wishes
If you were adopted by faggots would you grow up to suck cock in gas station bathrooms?
James Bond
Francisco Scaramanga
Mr Bean
Hey /b/, I need more like this
we need this meme
Thats all ive got.
In high school, give me motivation to study Math and Science anon
only things that actually matter in this world
>underage b&
GTFO and go to reddit
You can find a way to stop that baldness that looks to be coming on there.
Science doesn't really matter that much. Not knowing basic math will fuck you later though.
U can study this nigga
Girls on toilet thread. Need to expand my small collection...
Keep going.
ITT: God tier comedians
Good goy :^)
OP here
You've my approval
Ass in leggings/yoga pants thread
> in leggings/yoga pants
those are jeans, fgt!
There's a pretty dime girl at work. She's fucked a coworker before as well. So she's kind on the easy side. Especially since the guy she fucked is a backwoods looking retard. She wears leggings everyday to work. Every time she bends over to get some I can see her underwear. I literally want to rape her. But one, fuck jail. Two, I have a girlfriend that also works with us... She sucks man.
Degrading texts / sluts thread!
You got more of her?
All curvy chicks...young/milfs...all races...OC welcome
knock knock?/
pic ruined with the censoring
i am trying for the uncensored pic..hopefully somebody has it
My chubby girl
Ohh shit niggers, there is sniper in /b/ can you spot hi....
What are some words or phrases /b/ never uses anymore?
I'll start.
lurk more
Only newfriends on tonight?
penis, vagina and buttsex are not what they used to be
o rly
I heard you liek mudkips
>Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are in a playful mood
>They see this
What do they do?
(I'm writing a story and I need ideas.)
The fuck. Isn't there a board for this?
Get off /b/ and buy a noose.
Burn it alive and eat that delicious leagle meat
They turn 360 degrees and walk away.
Just saw this yesterday and besides, you fuckwits have your own board.
Gay thread!
Post pics
Coming out stories
well i first found out i was gay when i learned to do this
Found out I was gay when I was 13.
Hated myself for years
Never acted on my feelings until I was 18
Came out to a friend on AIM chat
He posted our chat to MySpace
Lost every single friend I had except the guy who posted to his MySpace
Told my mom through a letter
She told me it was a phase,awkward as shit for weeks
Me and my best friend cuddled for almost 4hours once. We watched 2movies, it was honestly kinda nice, neither of us are flat out gay, but we're so close to each other that we could kiss and wouldn't feel weird about it. If I were to "go gay" for anybody it'd be him, and he'd say them same for me. I still very much like girls and I do not feel attracted or that comfortable with any other guy except him. I love the dude.
fiddled as a kid. bisexual now. maybe i wasnt before. who knows.
go on faggot.
Does anyone know this guy?
Nope I sure don't sounds like he may be black American
Fake af OP
You do realize that's illegal to post you dumb fuck
Typical nigger always losing
His girlfriend did sigh
>Be Hillary
>Laugh on how everyone isn't smart enough to see your flaws.
>Laugh on how people Trust her even though she's been accused of Corruption and much more.
>Be Donald Trump.
>"We need to build a wall."
>"Temporary ban on Muslims." (Pic related)
>Be the hard left.
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i like you, you can come over to my house and fuck my sister.
Thank you sir.
lurking because not sure the level of bait
You can watch this if you want bro.
No bait m8 -OP
slit wrists thread
Time stamp, you edgey faggot.
In blood, nonetheless.
Im sure he's dead by now
It's only been 9 minutes... besides, isn't that the wrong way to do it?
Bled out? it looks deep the faggit probs killed himself
>black women
I fucking hate this picture. I hate every FUCKING thing about it. God I just wanna smash this fucking banana. You don't understand the logistics of it. I really wanna fuck this banana up. I hate this fucking picture beyond belief. FUCK YOU. I get you goddamn obnoxious cunts use it as a joke because it pisses people off, but it really FUCKING irritates me. STOP USING THIS PICTURE EVEN AS A JOKE.
I have never actually won a single one of these threads. Everytime I see that comically anthropomorphized banana holding his peel in a suggestive manner, likening the peel to clothes and his peel-less nature to human nudity, I bust up laughing. This happens every time, no matter where I am, be it the house or the bus or in class. Sometimes I laugh just thinking about it. This is a dark memory but a few months back I had just gotten done with a fit of laughter caused by one of these hilarious threads. Suddenly...
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Like anyone on 4chan gives a fuck about your faggot opinions you peice of human garbage
Fuck you too, you're probably one of these banana-enablers. I wanna rip that smile off of the banana's face. I wanna break its jaw.
Show us your watch collection or favourite watch, /b/
Was my grandpa's.
>watch collection
>not looking at your phone to check le hour, blood
smh tbqhwyf
You're suppsed to waste your money on a cool looking watch, not actually have one that's meaningful to you.
Oh my poor friend, how does it feel to not be able to afford the luxuries of the world?
Get on my level plebs
Deutsch THread #original
wie geht's?
was steht am we an?
wieso ist OP immer noch in gedanken bei nem mädel?
keiner wach??
>Deutsch THread #original
Original ist hier nüscht.
> wie geht's?
> was steht am we an?
Bitte lerne, die deutsche Sprache korrekt zu verwenden.
> wieso ist OP immer noch in gedanken bei nem mädel?
Weil du nur ficken willst.
>wie geht's?
kopfschmerz sonst okay
>was steht am we an?
chillen, gammeln
>wieso ist OP immer noch in gedanken bei nem mädel?
bin tatsächlich gedanklich noch bei einer. die schlampe hat mir den kopf verdreht um dann wieder mit ihrem ex zusammenzugehen...einerseits wut andererseits wars halt auch gut für paar wochen. kack fotzn
morgen anon!
>Weil du nur ficken willst.
mir fehlt eher diese nähe
morgen anon!
> die schlampe hat mir den kopf verdreht um dann wieder mit ihrem ex zusammenzugehen.
same hier nur ging es n halbes jahr lang
fühle mit dir
>eher diese nähe
um zu ficken. Gib es doch zu, wir werden durch primitivste Triebe gesteuert.