What is keeping you from killing yourself ?
Even if you have a "good" life, it still sucks. Life is painful.
I have depression and anxiety problems. No girlfriend. No friends. Really the only reason I stick around because I'm afraid that death might be worse than life.
But I don't enjoy it. Most days are bad. Days like today are just pain.
Life is pain
mostly what keeps me from suiciding is parents and close friends... cause i dont want them to be sad for me
i don't have friends either and the one friend i had died in a car crash in 2010. girls don't even look at me. i was physically and psychologically abused from age 3-16
>What is keeping you from killing yourself ?
i'm not a self pity wallowing faggot
I'm going to fuck a beautiful girl tonight and I'm not pulling out. I live for pussy and money
my life is breddy good mate, don't see why I should end it now.
fuck the bunny
Rolling for trips
It's Caturday, where are the cats?
Good night /b/. Fuck im not australian
R8 plox
Good pussy
how you see the usa
include your flag
Lol I live in nice and calm, go me
Kek tornados and corn, so true though that's what I'm in
Let's have a crappy Paint adventure, today, you'll be playing the role of Bob.
> Inventory
1x Cart
50x Gold Coins
Dubs decides what we do next.
Buy massive cart dildo
Early bump.
Damn it, you should have said a thing.
Put coins in cart
Put cart in pooper
Walk to nearest town
Waifu claiming thread - Only making thread edition
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>Only one Waifu/Husbando per anon
>Use your Waifu/Husbando to communicate
>Cannot claim what is already taken (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualized content
>If someone is new, compliment them with sarcasm
>Keep RP and ERP to a minimum
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Roll time
Fine then nigga
Why is being a male such hell on earth?
Can't we just kill off everyone who hates girlyboys?
hah what a faggot
Being a white MALE is hell.
Because of all the pathetic people who force Men into 2D shells of what they were really meant to be.
If you notice, it's always the outcasts who become the legend.
Thus you will never amount up to anything.
Kill yourself Cuck
What's wrong with a Male being into Cuckolding?
You need to stop LIMITING males/females.
Begging for king arthur's gold
https://steamcommunity.com/profiles /76561198231197988/
don't gift with this faggot
TRADE with me instead!!
WTT Last Horizon
[W] offers!!!
nice id fag
Feeling generous today. First 10 steam links get a random game of my choosing from their wish list
Have an awesome weekend anons
Cringe bread
Hilarious, AND original.
how is this cringe
so fucking angsty m8
Deutscher Faden
Was geht bei euch Anons?
Würdet ihr lieber den Rest eures Lebens auf einer Insel oder in der Wüste verbringen?
Irgendwelche Tipps um Steuern zu sparen?
Lieblings Musiker?
Pläne für das restliche Wochenende?
>Was geht bei euch Anons?
Zeit totschlagen
>Würdet ihr lieber den Rest eures Lebens auf einer Insel oder in der Wüste verbringen?
>Irgendwelche Tipps um Steuern zu sparen?
Leider nicht
>Lieblings Musiker?
Michael Jackson
>Pläne für das restliche Wochenende?
no spam? haha
und die fragen? unterirdisch
tschü mit ü!
>Was geht bei euch Anons?
Dösen, Essen kochen, lesen
>Pläne für das restliche Wochenende?
Dösen, Essen kochen, lesen
>>Lieblings Musiker?
>Michael Jackson
lieblingsalter der jungs?
Bin 36
< 5 > She was a huge whore and she loved to get fucked in the ass. She also cheated on me thus I will be leaking all her videos today :) http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=57576396991166757624 Enjoy /b/ Will be removed in 15 minutes
The average /b/tard these days is 12-16
But some of you remember the good old days
ITT Internet nostalgia thread: Pre-2011 edition
Thread theme: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jjgwV SDAmP4
NEVER forget
This kid is probably in college now
Does anyone remember those hackers on steroids who used to browse this site
My Gay Nigger Association of America membership expired today
And that hacker named "4chan"
Big Incredible Natural Tits
New FEET bread guys.
Ass and soles, please.
here's some OC heel pics, man
anyone you want specifically? sisterfeet? one of my school creep girls?
I am the exposer.
Send me nudes of girls you know, and i contact them on Facebook
there you go bro
fb / anyetta.holloway
Waifu claiming thread - I'm alone at home edition
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>Only one Waifu/Husbando per anon
>Use your Waifu/Husbando to communicate
>Cannot claim what is already taken (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualized content
>If someone is new, compliment them with sarcasm
>Keep RP and ERP to a minimum
Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
first for asuka
chara a qt
I guess i wasn't first.
Freddie Mercury would be proud
>he has a gf
Shoo soo soo waah
Shwee daa
Shraa laa laa wee wheet doo saaw
Nope. He said someone else was supposed to, but...
no porn webm thread?
>>678464564 sauce??
Sup /b/
Got WoW codes to give away, dubs gets it.
Get plox
My name is dubs
ayy lmao
pls give dubs