Whats stopping you from having a trap girlfriend (with a feminine penis)?
None near me
because most normal men don't want a penis in their mouth you faggot
Can't find one. Only ugly ass cross dressers.
I think it's time for a cringe thread /b/.
Facebook / Chatbox / Online conversations edition
Every fuckin' time this gets me.
>adjusts tie
He may never recover. Or maybe he got over his faggotry and is a better person today.
Waifu claiming thread.
Previous: >>700264334
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>No one is going to take you seriously if you don't post your waifu
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Well would claim but shes taken, so I shamelesy roll trips once again
Excuse me, are you trying to make sense? Because you aren't. You don't even take yourself seriously.
YouFapYouLose Game!
Not losing
And suddenly
Hot and deadly. The perfect mix.
Trips tells me how I should end my ugly ass
just dont
Are you a cat? You've killed yourself 3 times in the past 2 days.
I want to
Now fucking roll
become a successful young lady
I'm bored. Post interesting things.
no, u
albino black people
I'm hispanic n I hate niggers I'm curious about the opinion of other Hispanics n Asian's no whites or blacks let's be truthful guys
I'm white and won't say nothing, but I am curious and listening to what you got to say.
Also I'm not racist, I just don't like people who don't have common sense.
This is ment to be an open discussion for other minorities about blacks it only my opinion that I hate them
Yeah but this is like saying the chicken came before the egg.
other thread died
She is not dead just resting
sharpie in pooper
OP how is she fast asleep
i dont understand. you have to put a finger in her bellybutton and take a photo.
AND the you show us the pic
stab her and pull out her teeth and burn her fingertips
Hunger Games Thread: Medieval Edition
First 48 are in, let's make this a good one.
Lord Kazugeta
qt Gardevoir
Capra Demon
Best of 4chan thread.
also dubs get
Post the baddest soldiers u got, any kind of weapon and armor, no homo, i want to get motivated to workout, also what motivates u /b?
is that a women
kinda looks like by the eyes
Request things
draw things.
its still hot...
If mew is still here, can I get as nude edit of this girl please?
No fucking around! check em!
Can someone draw Romelia in a leg spread pose, with dry crispy piss stained fur around the regions from this pic?
Here is a little slime lewd before I go to work.
Pics she told you not to share
You have 20 seconds to prove you're an oldfag.
>we'll know if you're lying
somethingawful world2ch
Yeah sure let me just post a shoop from earlier this week to prove myself. Hold on. I'll be right back.
you can't beat me
>prove you are an oldfag
I've never made a thread like this before.
Girls other anons posted you want more of... continued
would love to see more of her
UK thread time!
Milton Keynes signing in
Dunstable, checking in
China here.
Fuck you
Not too far off - Rushden, Northants
Birmingham here.
No I'm white
No I don't sound like a brummie / yam yam
No I'm a guy and won't suck your dick
Selby here
>le me in class
>pwned a hillary supporter
>they ended up crying
hillary supporters should be deported to africa
pics or it didn't happen
>pwned in class
Enjoy it while you can, for the next 8 years you're going to be deepthroating the majority.
>calls "pwed another retard in class" a success
where my /b/ gone
Would be only way to stop Clinton from winning in a landslide come November.
Another fb fap thread