fb fap #197
let's start with shialee
Roll n' Fap to gym leaders and elite trainers.
quads get
roll for fap
Yeah why not?
Ask a men who its gonna kill himselft in 30 min, anything
there's not
How you doing it
Time stamp faggot
Tell us your story.
i normally go for like 2 hours edging
Oh, I guess I totally skipped that part. Whoops.
You're just weak is all
It's all good
But yeah accounting is good for me. It's a bit rough doing both full time work and full time study though
Why am I into gfur and furries Q_Q
Yeah, that sounds awful. I can barely handle part time work and full time study.
Waifu claiming thread
Fucking okay.
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: BTFO
Miho claimed
Shiki claimed
Last pic you fapped to.
Sauce anyone? Hnng
Dumping favs
Omg moar
Prove that you're white, /b/.
you mad white boi ?
I grew up with both of my parents.
I eat Nutella
I didn't have three kids with three different dads by the time I was 17.
I only listen to Gangsta Rap. TwoPack is my dog!
American here, honest question: why is scandinavia so cucked?
They've had it too easy for too long, and now they are soft.
Both physically and mentally.
>thinks the Netherlands is Scandinavian
Yep defiantly American
>doesn't know how to spell definitely
yep defiantly europoor
Also the country you are referring to is called holland (netherlands is just a part of holland iirc) and it IS indeed scandinavian
Survived two World Wars on their soil. "too easy for too long" .
What wars did Murica fight on their soil in the past 100 years? Ill tell you: none.
GF/WIFE thread. Rate and comments PART 2
Gfs tits
ITT: Petite girls
*No* cheese whatsoever, keep it legal gents
I only have sauce for the first pic
Offizieller Deutschlandthread.
Als was arbeitet ihr?
Seid ihr zufrieden mit wieder Arbeit?
Wie viel verdient ihr?
PS: hat wer nu des aus Essen und Umgebung?
Nice, da macht t9 aus eurer ein wieder.
>Als was arbeitet ihr?
>Seid ihr zufrieden mit wieder Arbeit?
>Wie viel verdient ihr?
Essen? Hä?
Kontrolliert eure Privilegien, cis-Dreck!
>mgw ich vergessen habe ein Bildschirmfoto vom Ergebnis zu machen
Ich hatte 72 glaube ich.
Stadt in NRW
Where was the trap movement when I was younger?! I would've totally trapped out, sucked, fucked and gone full cumslut. Now I'm 30 and married with kids. This shit was just gay when I was a kid. Now it's a lifestyle. Anyone else miss the boat by a few years?
Pic related - my old as attempting to be a fag...
You have to wear that dress higher you fucking faggot
I know what ya mean. Had I really known about this and how I really feel as a kid things would of been a lot different. Im married now also but Im lucky my wife is into CD and I can keep a part of it. But Shit if this was around when I was a kid I would of transed for sure.
It's still gay as fuck, nothing has changed but the little queers inhabiting this site. I'm 20 and nowhere in society in my age bracket is this shit acceptable.
I doesn't go higher cunt.
Wife knows but isn't really into it. She's not a bitch about it or anything just doesn't do it for her. I definitely would've transitioned too. I'm happy as a man but damn... To be able to look in the mirror and see a girl looking back would be seriously cash.
pretty much this. Hormones were just becoming realised when I was at the height of my adolescent body.
I looked hot as fuck all done up, but never went full bitch, because I figured it was still early days, and unknown outcomes ahoy.
If I had todays support systems, and scene behind me, I would of started that shit as soon as I hit 16.
Ah well, ce lest via. Trannys are pretty crazy anyway, I dont think im that mental.
LOL ikr?!?!?
OP do you mind if I save this?
The fuck was that?!?!!!
what is this sorcery , now you shall check the dubs of truth
>No fluffy thread in catalog
moar sadbox please
No problem my dude
dubs get 1 20 euro steam card
trips gets 50 euro steam card
if out of 50 euro cards trips get 20 euro one
if quads all cards in one
operator get me trips
proof that you have them faggot
Icon Thread
requesting steam please op
I hope you like mine
GF/WIFE thread. Rate and comments
Any rate?
How old?
From ?
milf thread
I wish I knew her name
This is like the oldest milf / "incest" vid in the world.
mommy tickle my peepee :^)
Fuck, I want her to force me to suck that fat cock.
What do you think should the age of consent be?
If she cant say no then its fine
parents should decide untill you reach 13
Classy MILFs you'd love to ruin
Why is she on different bed.
You must be fucking around with her in hotels