Cock tribute... go
New pics you shouldn't share thread
Y u do dis?
Anyone else here?
Just found out my gf cheated on me yesterday. Crying, she said we'd talk tonight after work. This bitch. Trips for nudes, I guess. Fuck.
Just post them nigger
post them even without trips fuck her
Dump or whata your kik
"we'd talk after work"
did she have sex with someone else?
Oh damn the booty
Chubby thread
Who's got more of her?
I find her incredibly cute
Muslim here, with a message for you Islamophobic people.
The West created this mess.
It was you who divided up the land.
It was you who put in the puppet governments.
It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.
It was you who allowed the Jews to exterminate and enslave the Palestinians.
It was you who played geopolitical games with Iraq and Iran during their war.
It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.
It was you who caused the Ayatollah to come into power in Iran.
It was you who created the Mujaheddin,
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i agree OP, europe needs to burn
Thank fuck someone said it, everything that's happened to the usa (and other countries) is entirely their fault
Mudslime faggot, go allahu ackbar yourself with a bomb and get your virgins you cunt.
Girls you've whacked it to more than 10x
Kik - Sbl565
No limits fap to sluts we know!
faces of /b/
r8 me
gay cancer
you look like you had single parents
you hair is fluffy as shit
Cops arrested me after I got caught for motor vehicle theft. I managed to smuggle my cell phone to this prison cell by putting the phone in my asshole and giving my 2nd spare phone to the idiots. Any tips what I should do to get out of here?
call 911
that would be fun, but then u will have no phone :P
kill self, post resutls.aedgrfgq
also check em
Oh a fur thread just when i started fapping
Pick ONE
HTC 10
LG G5...
Trips gets my cunt exes nudes
I don't care about the cunt, post or get the fuck out
>its my wife
>its my sister
>its my gf
>its my cousin
>its my mom
>its my aunt
>its my ex
No, it's a lonely fucking teenage loser posting pictures of some girl who doesn't notice or care that he exists.
Fuck off with this cringe, you socially-stunted sperglet.
Rolling while I shit
Been WAY too long since a good asian amateur thread! Get in here and post your quality pics.
I got a huge stash I'll dump from as long as other bro's share theirs and keep the thread alive. OC always welcome of course.
gonnna need a bump an anon out
I'd love to bloww a load in heeer ass.
this is the art of suckinggg:D.
Wie geht’s wie stehts?
Polizei Uniformen und -wägen in Blau oder Grün?
Habt ihr schonmal einen Rubiks Cube gelöst?
Welche Instrumente könnt ihr spielen?
Habt ihr schlechte Angewohnheiten?
"Ich bin locker 9/10." - Boxxer
>Wie geht’s wie stehts?
ganz gut, muss jetzt mal mit dem Lernen anfangen
>Polizei Uniformen und -wägen in Blau oder Grün?
Blau finde ich schöner
>Habt ihr schonmal einen Rubiks Cube gelöst?
>Welche Instrumente könnt ihr spielen?
>Habt ihr schlechte Angewohnheiten?
Nägel kauen
>Polizei Uniformen und -wägen in Blau oder Grün?
>Habt ihr schonmal einen Rubiks Cube gelöst?
>Welche Instrumente könnt ihr spielen?
Die Fleischflöte
>Habt ihr schlechte Angewohnheiten?
Ewig vor dem Internet versacken
1. Schwarz
2. Nein
3. Gitarre bass keyboard lineal
4. Ja. Diese hier u.a.
der steht auch 100pro auf nem Stuhl
Share your sexual assault story? I'm coming to terms with the fact that it happened to me, and knowing I'm not alone is becoming therapeutic.
> just broke up with the love of my life. Looked to a guy friend I had for support (he always wanted to sleep with me, but I needed a friend).
> he promised if I picked him up he wouldn't try anything, just give me a shoulder to cry on, yanno, "bro stuff."
> pick him up from park and bring him to my apartment to smoke
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He's right... of you don't consider it rape them it's consensual.. there is no in between... either concent was given or it wasn't.
Unless you post their names, this is a made-up story.
In fact, you are a guy fapping to this, arent you?
Sounds to me like you're a regretful slut
Didn't think it was rape at the time because I didn't think oral could be considered rape. The only reason he didn't want to have sex was because I told him I was on my period. I'm thankful it didn't go that far.
tits or GTFO
Let's see your wallpaper, anon.
your thread is gay
So much summer
Here's mine OP.
Here have fun
Waifu claiming thread.
Previous: >>696329120
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Naps are a GOOD idea
>Insult others with vigor
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I hope that the manga dumper joins us again.
Girls you've whacked it too more than 10x
She just got married
Same basic rules, but NUMBERS ARE OPTIONAL and DUBS ALWAYS WIN when replying to a post!
1. Post a clothed Picture of your girlfriend, wife, or ex.
OPTIONAL: add a number (OR MULTIPLE NUMBERS) between 0 and 9 to your post.
2. If someone replies to your post (and If the last digit of their reply post ID ends in the number you choose), you must post any picture they request.
3. Best to make your request in your reply and not later as to avoid confusion.
4. If you post a pic of your girl but
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can this anon come back
Shower video
Did someone say Irish sluts?
>inb4 no
Good luck
Leitrim reporting in
>OP can't inb4, newfriend
Galway's finest checking in.