Fragen der Nacht
wie gehts, wie stehts?
wieviel geld würde euch für den monat zum essen reichen wenn ihr euer normales essverhalten habt?
welchen luxusgegenstand habt ihr euch zuletzt gekauft?
was vermisst ihr von früher?
simon hat keine einladung zu reginas hellowwweeeeen party bekommen. dabei hat er sich solche mühe gegeben. ok ich suche das gedicht, einen moment.
>wie gehts, wie stehts?
>wieviel geld würde euch für den monat zum essen reichen wenn ihr euer normales essverhalten habt?
150 €
>welchen luxusgegenstand habt ihr euch zuletzt gekauft?
Rasierpinsel aus Dachshaar
>was vermisst ihr von früher?
Partys, bin nicht mehr so nachtaktiv seit ich im Job bin.
duz meinst das`?
ich bin ne kleine fotze ganz fies und feig',
ich hab verfaulte zähne die ich niemandem zeig.
ich red am liebsten über der anderen mundgeruch und gynäkomastie,
aber ne freundin oder richtigen sex hatte ich noch nie.
immerhin bin ich kein versager, so red ichs mir ein,
um das zu untermauern red ich andere klein.
reite dabei auf dingen rum die kein schwein interessieren,
aber ich merke das nicht weil ich muss 24/7 mein ego massieren.
aber mit pseudointimität und...
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Ok, ich will das wirklich finden.
Hat jemand das Originalvideo dazu?
God tier rapper thread
I'm that Gay born gorilla out the concrete jungle
Never see enough love for these two
Run the Jewels, nigga.
Suicide boys are the gods of the rap game right now.
Logic forever
So it's now speculated that the FBI, the GOP, and the KGB are in cahoots, and trying to throw the election for Donald Trump.
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with these unpatriotic Trump supporters, who are so blinded by his hypnotic lies, that they cannot see this simple truth.
Time to outlaw Fox News too because they are working as a direct operative of the Russian government by spreading their propaganda.
That's right fam. Russia's fault.
we dindu nuffin
G/fur, rimjob edition
>no qt doge bf to rim until he leaks
whys life ao cruel
People really like rimjobs, as of late.
Sucker punching, thieving niggers. What a surprise!
Why would anyone vote for her? Don't you realise that she would turn your home into a nuclear wasteland before the end of the year if she becomes president?
She's a woman, and apparently that or being black is reason enough to vote someone into the presidency.
america is not a democracy
Just like obama was gonna do, right?
But why all that nuclear story?isn't that too obviously a hoax from trumpsters?
Roll Quads and I'll gift you Civ 6 on Steam
Or femanon post tits with timestamps saying Civ 6 and time
nice trips.
quad get
well that was bullshit
Ok, anon, will do. Feelsbatman.jpg
i don't believe you but roll anyway
Girls you know personally who would die of embarrassment if they ever found out /b is saving their nudes.
>Girls you know personally
well this is gonna be a short thread
Draw Thread
>Take or give request
>Interact or roleplay with others
>Threadly reminder that you can always git more gud
>Don't be afraid to try a request yourself
>New Drawfriends are ALWAYS desired
TECH SUPPORT and shitposting at #/b/drawthread on
DRAWFAG LIST, events, resources, faq, and more:
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>inb4 repeat requesters
requesting this cat giving a blowjob
Post girls in slutty halloween costumes
bonus points for OC
come on trips?
there you are
don't you dare insult Ashley
What is the REAL reason she stopped making videos
FB / IG Fap Thread Continued
She had fully undressed and I came to the conclusion that if she wanted me then she can have me, I unzipped my pants then she proceeded to kiss me and then finally made her way down to my penis, I was already erect and she (no lie) gave the best head that I have ever gotten, I teased her by not touching her, she started to beg for me and I think someone heard us but didnt think much of it, I told her to quiet down.
Nerdy girl next door types
Bonus for both in one
Pics you should share/saved/want spread etc. bonus for full frontal. starting with my friend's girl
ya you shouldn't share this picture..
my ex
Halloween Fluffy Thread!
ITT we butcher famous movie quotes:
I see people who are dead
Do you feel lucky, chump?
Is this Sparta?
I will return eventually.
There currently are no more TIE fighter or other obstructions halting your journey to the Death Stars core. Shoot directly into the core to cause a chain reaction that will cause a set of explosions that will cause the whole structure to crumble. Upon doing this, we will be able to return to the place where we currently reside.
The name my parents gave me is James Bond.
C-C-Celeb thread - P-Please d-don't k-kick me edition...
Dovebro here.
Glad to post more of ariels fantastic ass
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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still here
Dull thread.
>technically the hair isn't pink
but i appreciate the gesture
cuck/wwyd thread
presenting my gf from previous thread, wwyd?
wwyd to my gf?
i'll wife. WWYD?
her hairy cunt looks so fuckable
Go on.
no but id like to know to