g/fur thread
dont fuck it over with non-g/fur shit
You furs are the best! You all love bareback and don't bother asking for condoms, making it easier for me to get my gift inside you at your conventions! :)
Dragon dildos are love dragon dildos are life
Looking to join the club! I'm in the midwest
Steam giveaway thread:
trips=game of your choice ($40 max.)
YouTube cucklord Onision created a Twitter poll on who people would vote for on Election Day. He's probably gonna use this poll to "convince" people that most people like Hillary on one of his videos soon. Let's change the results of the poll against his favor by voting "Trump, I'm not white" and let's see him try using that poll on one of his videos to prove that non-whites like Trump. (This guy believes Twitter polls are very factual)
Friendly reminder that Onision is a pedo and had to take his girlfriend to another state to fuck
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Just done it. Onision is a wanker.
ffuck off /b/ isnt your personal army
trump's success is needed for the eradication of islam
Panties thread continued! Last one reached image limit
I'm a Muslim ask me anything.
Don't forget we don't need to be praying 24/7 to be Muslims the same way as Christians don't need to be in Church 24/7. As humans we are all imperfect.
I will answer to trolls within reason.
I am more interested in discussing and learning than to argue over banalities.
Bump, I don't want to go back to writing just yet.
Vanessa Ann Hudgens. Lame bait
nice dubs
Did you really think I was trying to pass this off as myself?
Well, no one gives a shit about muslims, so I just assumed you were using her as bait
Why're you a muslim?
Post a pic of your girl or a girl you like and others post what they'd do to them.
I would bend her over and blow my load deep in her ass
Public use by the homeless.
Favorite pics you've saved of other anons sluts/pics you saved from other anons you want moar of.
Stop the samefagging edition
Deutschland Faden. Hier rein ihr Opfer.
>Fragen stellt ihr
Gibt euch das.
>war vor ner stunde in der U-bahn.
Sehe eine eher kleine Frau, die mit nem Typen hereinkommt, der c.a zwei Meter groß ist. Sie hielten Händchen und waren offenbar ein Paar. Und ich sitze gegenüber und muss mir das Lachen verkneifen, weil die Frau so ne fotzenfresse hatte. Sie denkt sich bestimmt, dass niemand auf die Idee kommen würde, warum sie wohl mit ihm zusammen ist, nähmlich weil große Männer normalerweise auch einen großen Schwanz haben. Frauen...
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Darf ich dir für 5 Euro ins Gesicht furzen?
Reportiere ein.
>Fragen stellt ihr
Would you date a dick with a girl attached?
Oh fuck yes best of both worlds, be a proud fgt.
You know the good life.
>Is this a stupid question?
and now:
Of course. Trips confirm the wisdom of this
Have kik?
Pic from somewhere!
You must be new here:
HUNGER GAMES: "Taaaaaaaake meeeeeeeeee onnnnnnnnn, take on me!" Edition.
First 48. 49th is the Season Logo.
Hopefully this doesn't take too long
DeDeDe Amiibo
80s Emiya ghost
SCP thread
You have to spend 12 hours with an SCP and make it out alive
The last 3 numbers of your post tell you which SCP you will get
If the 4th to last number of your post is 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 check this list:
If the 4th to last number of your post is 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 then check this list:
http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-series- 2
i.e. post 2123 would go to the first list and look for scp 123
Tell us what SCP you got and how fucked you are, pictures welcome if available
For new people:
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Op roll
rick rolling
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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All religions make me wanna throw up
All religions make me sick
>Ama claim
Didn't even realize I had last image, desu.
New YLYL thread
https://mobile.twitter.com/Onision/ status/753763384722493445
Part two of the cuck raid
was in last thread
Vote trump non white!
Secrets thread!
Tell us your secrets and confessions, /b/
Ever since I met my girlfriends sister I've only wanted the sister.
I forced my sister to have sex with me.
I think my mom is a milf
Teenage years;
>Rubbed my dick on EVERYTHING in my little sisters room. Pillows, blankets, door handles, anything and everything that she would touch
>used to jerk off just loud enough for her to hear (her room was on the other side of mine), I'd press myself up against the wall and just moan slightly
>used to jerk off by her while she slept at night, usually cumming on the floor
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When my little sister was 8, I jerked off and came in her mouth when she was asleep.
When she was 12, I dissolved a couple of my xanax in her water bottle and fingered her tight pussy and asshole while she was still loopy.
Did it again when she was 15, but I fucked her instead.
To this day, she has no idea.
Battlestation thread?
Battlestation Thread
Razer mouse, keyboard, mousepad and pc ... Just why? You could spent all that money on better gear
Cause I like the brand and I'm fine with my gear.
Imo, Razer looks nicer than other brands, and its plenty good C:
Steel series is a better choice imo
Cheaper too
I don't have a lot left of her
Let's see what you got /b/
Of course Instinct cucks got shit pokemon
>not having Dragonite spawn in your driveway
Also have these. Wish I had a better hitmonlee but I have yet to find any in the wild.
Nice. All the Pokemon I find are shit CP for the most part. Ones above 600 are few and far between
Op is slow as fuck so thread 404
but im back with more free steam keys
sorry for all i missed while delivering
dubs = 1 key
trips = 3
im back proof that i have keys
Dubs? And trips?
Generous OP have a dead by daylight key ?
http://steamcommunity.com/id/665652231654654 or [email protected]
you sent me a key that was already used.
Whatever though, rolling again.
[email protected]
Celeb fap. Get lewd.
We making exception for celeb cows?