Found this nasty snek in my bed, can anyone identify if its dangerous? Also trips decide..
That's a garter snake. Cum on it
Finger its booty hole
Release the snek back into the wild and cut your head off with a chainsaw.
+1 for me, too. i say cum on it
Drawthread: Image limit reached edition!
Here you go
draw this girl
requesting this guy doing whatever you want him to do
Trump just made peace with Mexico.
you shillary fags can just give up now because hes pretty much won at this point
PS Mexico already has a wall along its southern border, to keep those pesky central american beggars out of their more prosperous nation. Hmm, imagine that.
Fuck you. Trump is a looser.
not an argument
Classic liberal response.
Is rolling worth the risk!?
worse than death??
poor anons...
rolling cause i aint got nothing to lose
You basement dwellers are talentless and will never be able to actually build anything
>implying I'm not currently learning to design and build automation systems
Poor basement self fuckers
cool story bro
I make furniture and sculpt.
>one time I hit metal until it was sharp
I can buy a knife on ebay
New new celeb thread
Love her
No Fluffy Thread?
fluffy thread
They finally finished this one.
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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>That picture
quick claim before i delve deep into chromebook bullshit
ah bye <3
just fallout glad you arent feeling bad
sup guys, what's happening in here today?
Weird shit you think only you do
>I like to take all my clothes off to take a shit at home
>I pretend to be afraid of dogs
I'm really not
i call OP a straight alpha sometimes
Not weird at all, I've been doing that forever
Also, I always piss in the sink. Even if I'm in someone else's house.
I enjoy the smell of my dick after a few days of not washing
I only ever shit at home.
Post girls you know you want anon to fap to cont. from >>701992925
hot redhead, nice tits, nude, i'm in
More? Same last girl
Last one
enjoy :)
MILF thread
love this mexican milf
New thread Boxxy/Catie
Forever Queen
fuck you
is she alive?
What!! No rekt thread? Lets change that
No rekt?!?!?! Wadufax
holy fuck! what's the caliber of this weapon?
GTA 5 thread you know what to do
overwatch R34
>> bonus points for tracer
dont post tracer just for the lulz
pics you're not supposed to share?
Dubs for ig
Screenshot a movie at 49:53 and other anons try to guess the movie
how the fuck are we supposed to guess that there isnt even a fucking face there retard
Why did I spend the last 2 minutes analyzing this picture, trying to figure out what movie it's from? Fuck you. OP is a fag.
you just suck
Drawthread: Evanjewlion edition
+ Durst Edition
Requesting requests that I won't do.
Feet thread? Feet thread!
Non-celeb version
Why do white girls in America lie about rape so much?
>dad finds out about sex
>teenage white grill afraid of dad says rape
Makes them feel special.
because they want to be raped
but dad was there because hes the one who fucked her
This. They're scum.
Society has been shifting towards "being a victim is cool and empowering" lately. Truly that wasn't their initial intention but it became that way because of how victimization was being treated. Like you're invalid unless you have been through something traumatic. Then it just becomes a pissing contest of "who's had it worse".
I imagine every popular character will be replaced with a woman, at some point. Shortly after, they'll realize...
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