When you outgrow atheism, will you apologize to your parents for your juvenile "atheist" phase?
Outgrow atheism?
You have it backwards.
Sorry for the confusion, but it's a common mistake.
Do people really enjoy posting this stuff?
I don't imagine anyone could. I can only assume it's being done out of habit now, not any kind of joy; even perverse joy attained through others frustration would make sense but...
I get the feeling that neither the OP nor the people responding even care:
It's like a sad little dance where everyone just goes through the motions but no one can hear the music anymore.
It's a shame, really; so much time and energy wasted on such utterly useless things.
Good luck to you OP - I hope...
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wake up bro you are a simple person pushing a bunch of little buttons to say this. Santa was fucking made up braAH! nothing is special! be a person.
Just forced my sister to fuck me, and I got it on vid, /b/:
pic related
I cant believe it....
dat ass hnng
Oh fuck I hope my mom doesnt seen this
sauce on girl?
+1 thx
Feels thread
That's one of my favorite pictures OP, also, I hope you get better.
Took this off of a feels thread earlier, thought I'd share. Made me sob.
Idk what it is about traps that interests me so much. I'm a straight dude, have been straight all my life, so I honestly don't know why I'm attracted to traps. Like I'd never fuck a guy unless he could pass as a good trap...yet at the same time I still know its a dude, so why am I still attracted?
who the fuck cares what you like?! just go fuck anything that moves!
that's human*
I want to pop your cherry
go ahead ;)
>I'm a straight dude
4 /b/, are u a psycho?
>Putting Henry VIII in the same league as Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great
I mean Napoleon I can kind of understand, but Henry the fucking VIII? We may as well put Hitler up there with his wannabe attempt at becoming a great.
>A drawn canteen
>Connected dots forming a fish
Post the person you wish was sucking your dick right now.
tell us how old she is ... wins or bikinis are encouraged
fuck off cuck
dude, just look at that ass. i want to be balls deep in that!
more of her?
i can't even see her lips
We've gotten reports of illegal dubs in this area. Would you know anything about that?
no officer
Not me officer I was just On my way to pick up some pizza for me and my niece
Nah mate, I'm clean
No officer, I only know of trips
Fuck you pig
fucking russians, thread
Don't perpetuate stereotypes you uncultured swine
you seem mad, do you need something to drink rather than your own forehead sweat?
Perhaps our comrade could use some vodka!
using big words doesn't make you look smart, buddy.
You can't stop me
What drugs are you doing tonight /b/? I'll start..
>xanax and heroin
Also, general drug bread
nicotine out of my vape
>>xanax and heroin
Best combo. Have fun man.
Probs just weed and a couple of oxycodone 10's.
I'm having a blast anon thanks. What you rocking out with?
just drinking man
>be me
>29 years old
>literal manchild
>3 am
>lying in bed, have to take a shit
>don't want to get up, so shit in my bed
>its getting too sticky & stinky for my liking
>get out of bed and start stomping on the ground as hard as i can while shouting: MOMMY!!! POOPOO!!! POOPOO!!! at the top of my lungs
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Jesus FUCK
Your mom is the fucked up one here
Kids like you should be put inside a bag and thrown at the sidewalks of india to be stomped to death by elephants and shat on
>saved up enough Good Boy Points for a new game
>ask mummy to drive me to EB Games
>says she drank too much of her grape juice so she cant drive
>decide to go myself
>pack some chicken tendies for the journey in case I get hungies
>go to the garage, grab my bike and TMNT bicycle helmet (leonardo, of course)
>riding my bike, people angry and yelling at me as...
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>friend zone
>creampie gangbang said friend
>back in friend zone the next day
pic related
Post greentext OP
At least you got laid?
I'm confused
>cute Asian chick
>pretty slutty - telling me of her adventures
>i make fun the stupid shit she does
>friend zone but don't care, not into her at that level.
>she was setting up 3 guys for her
>she gets a hotel
>one guy bails couple hours before
>invites me...
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>she isn't on the pill like she promised
>she's pregnant
>it's magically yours
>you're trapped by a complete, utter, literal whore
Have fun paying those child support payments anon
Orange bubble man here cont. Last thread >>686049987
I was doing this one too.
Do the middle slut please
I got this bitch tied up in a remote area. She wont stop screaming. What should i do.
Post nudes
Post a timestamp
Timestamp or gtfo
Why goes she still have clothes on??
Post anything you want
cute pupper thread post your pups
90s nostalgia thread.
>inappropriate sexual contact
lol good times
how about late 90's early 2000s
Good idea anon.
Loli thread
i read a doujin on here long ago about a loli whos driver/butler would tie her up and they had qt loving scenes. it's multi chapter and when it was posted people called her chubby squirrel loli.
anyone know what it was? been dying to read it again and have been combing loli tags for about 3 months now
Anybody here in a 3 person relationship? Just interested if that's an actual thing.
been in one. it was aight.
I was banging some guys girl for awhile and he was cool with it. I never met him though.
2 guys 1 girl?
You mean being a cuck?
Literally if you consider my now ex gf cheating on me with another guy who also was cheated on with other dudes
Trips decides what I put into my arm. I will put any liquid substance you want. And ill post proof.
blood from your other arm
Salt water
timestamp or fuck off
Faces of /b/ thread!
>Post, Rate, or just come Chill
~Back for a day~
Whatsup my Californian brotha
You look like a trap right before they start HRT
Ahhh, feels so good to be home
Ayyy nah nigga!