New shota bread
Requesting Link from legend of zelda shota
requesting >>692144859 to finish
The last two numbers of your post in reverse is the amount of days you must go without wanking.
Its going to be a long month for you OP
Fuck off
Lets do this
99 get
OP goes 13 days. Not 31
Why are most people on here right wing?
because left wing is for fags
Most people on here are liberal. It used to be the opposite, until generation z with their smartphones, social media and lust for minority cumshots dripping from their cheek overran this place.
Explain why? What about being left wing is bad in ur eyes?
4chan is contrarian. It's the asshole of the internet that people go to when theyre shouted down by the majorities on other websites. The majority of 4chan anons are American. So whichever is in power, you can bet your ass that 4chan will be shouting the opposite opinion.
Imagine people as a cloud point, most will be centered around the middle buy when asked, will swear allegiance to one side.
Making it seem like they're all the way on the other side. When in fact, they're barely on the other side of the border.
I was sharing her a few days ago, if anon has interest.
Do eet
Add riccthetrick on kik, sharing gf nudes
Hello poorfag here (not really just ran out of yea im a poorfag)
i would be so thankful if you anon would gift me a game
thx 76561198090506127/wishlist/
>poorfag here
>not really just ran out of money
>so yea im a poorfag
fking poorfag
i wasnt a poorfag before summer sale..
bitches asking for it thread
Sexy Sisters Thread. Post your hot sibling you want to fuck.
Would love to have my younger sister dominate and control me.
Ur sisters hawt. You've posted her before, amirite?
yea. like her?
When fucking a sissy, should she be allowed to cum? Or even have a boner?
N-no mods here
>No banana
>worst ylyl
roll i guess
post bizarre stuff, i got some
whats your opinion on tattooed girls /b/?
They're trash
love em. girlfriend has 12 tattoos i think? wants more
Whores with loose pussies, have daddy issues, usually smell and are dramatic as fuck.
depends anything on hands or neck is shit tier
10/10 girls
Girl next door edition
What is wrong with it's hand?
Her hand is alright, trust me
That her arm was a dick for a second kek
Dubs nuke a country into oblivion. Last country standing rules the wasteland. Go.
cuz fuck em thats why
Deutscher Faden
>Was gibt es zum Abendbrot?
>Arsch, Titten, Gesicht oder Charakter bei Frauen
>Kampfsport cool oder gay?
Wann zuletzt euren PC upgeraded oder eine neuen gekauft?
>Was gibt es zum Abendbrot?
>Arsch, Titten, Gesicht oder Charakter bei Frauen
>Kampfsport cool oder gay?
meistens gay
>Wann zuletzt euren PC upgeraded oder eine neuen gekauft?
hab gerade neuen bestellt
wieso schreiben hier so viele Keks falsch?
>Was gibt es zum Abendbrot?
Brot, mit Fleischwurst
> Arsch, Titten, Gesicht oder Charakter bei Frauen
Alles natürlich
> Kampfsport cool oder gay?
Kampfsport ist schon ok, ausser Ringen natürlich...
>Wann zuletzt euren PC upgeraded oder eine neuen gekauft?
2004, sorry aber das Internet/PC dient zur information, kommunikation, lebenshilfe, alles andere ist hurrdurr.
>was ist, wenn es sich um eine römischegruß und kein Nazigruß?
Dann ist sie ganz klar eine falsche Schlange, gratuliere!
Holy fucking shit
Lets roll
to battle
roll for trips kkk
Game Link:
Newbie Guide: sing/tyr's-newbie-guide/
Its essentially a apocalypse survival mmo, its browser based and has a ap system, in fact its similar to another game called urban dead but its better as ap regens faster, and more stuff to do.
You basically choose to play as either human, zombie or vampire in the quarantined city or serling, each race has lots of benefits, i.e humans get guns, can craft items ect. Zombies are infectious creatures who
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map of game, I would suggest maybe hitting up the fort, I just repaired it from a fire that happened so its livable in right now. the fort is the big green building
game guides
Post girls that make your balls sore. V2
Pic very related. Schools Aboriginal counsellor.
Sister... Everyday
Aubrey O'Day
Where the fuck else do aboriginals come from
Why the fuck does /b/ hate leafy? The only reason i can come up with is if your or an sjw/feminist or a normie.
>buh he maeks klikb8
Cant you take a fucking joke? and you're just going to forget 'pic unrelated'?
>He ies a pathetiec 20 yo dat sits on his pc al dey
Thats litterally the everyday 4chan user
>buh he bullies pepul
You do know what fucking site your on right? This is the same site that caused teenagers to cut themselfes, and this is
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/b/ros hate /b/ros. /b/ros hate everything and everyone
I just think his voice is annoying and I personally don't enjoy his content.
>that's it really, calm down
his shit is boring and his titles are annoying.
/b/ only hates obnoxious faggots
you think people hate him because he's '' offensive? ''
people hate him because he's not funny
Ok you fucks, it's time we all settled down with our new girlfriend. You know what to do.
>no radit gf