Sounds pretty fucking sweet.
Very happy I went to /k/ today.
Jesus Christ, I've never realized how much I wanted to fuck a predator chick until now. They cover all the bases: aliens, tall, stronk, dominating, all around badass. I've been trying to not fap as much, but it's very, very hard.
Pics you assured her you'd never share
gf oc
Fuck face?
Anyone want moar?
Faces of /b/
>must be at least 8/10
>ugly faggots need not post
pic related
Ugly faggot = OP
Just because you make the thread doesn't mean you get excluded from the rules. 5.5/10
I don't see a picture faggot.
Automatic 2/10
Nice try though retard.
be me
And I don't see a timestamp, sucker.
Why would you tell lies on the internet? Who does that?
If /b/ can count to 7............
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
It can't now kys
Fuck comunism and russians. Also russian hate thread.
Chubby gf and what you would do thread
Id feed her small-portioned meals and force her to do 2 hours of cardio a day
Already doing
Spread her legs and fuck her till she forgot what words were.
She looks like prime breeding stock.
She has the same body as my ex.
Her name start with an M?
No but I Bet she'd love that
Fur is for the weak
non-porn webms
wtf is going on
Waifu claiming thread
Slow edition
The rules are very simple:
>Claim your 2D waifu
>Post pics of your waifu
>Insult other waifus
>Discuss stuff
>Keep RP and ERP to minimum
>Post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>Give all your ideas for a short game to me
>Most important: Have fun!
Akiko Claimed
ayy lmao
>stayed up all night, overslept by half an hour in the 3 hours I had left
>brain is fucked up
>gotta come up with an idea for a short game Fucking kill me
>>682266195 Tired as fuck but I'm happy, I got permission to make my very own short game. If you got any cool ideas or sugestions now is the time, I'm still in concept phase
Claimed. Now I can leave in peace.
New Asian thread
Asian chubs or asian moms would greatly be appreciated
Asian wife foot to bump
Fb: /kimberly.nguyen.372
mostly poor, I'm going to assume most people on 4chan are poor (as am I)
is there any rich people on here? and what do you mean by rich? were you always rich?
Rich fag reporting, live in 3.3 mil house, went to private school and good university, now have a good job at a tech company.
you live at your parent's 3.3 mil house?
Not rich, but not black person either. but I have everything I could reasonably desire in terms of food/equipment/hobby shit, I'm alright I guess, not rich or poor
I'm rich in heart anons. That's what matters.
32. I own real estate properties and have investments in the stock market
It's that time of the day. Keep em' rolling and coming
Farrrrrrr out
got discussion
jon snow is gonna poop blood
where i can stream this for free friends
hes a spooky ghost
Im just going to be a faggot, how old do we look?
1 more
You look like you could either be a 16 year old girl, or a 24 year old girl, but nothing else.
17 or 18
Hi /b/.
http://steamcommunity.com/id/Emmais here/
Know how to treat a lady?
I know how to treat you.
Fuck off
Timestamp or gtfo
op is not really a dutch girl
very nice Emma. I am a big fan of underboob shots
>ITT You get dubs, you leave
btw goodbye faggots
testing my might
Dubs have been checked. Now gtfo
guess I'm stuck in this nigga's house without them inside now? what's even in here to do?
Rolling with old man cock
Cuck thread Part II! Keep it going anon!
>Cuck thread
what kind of posts? gfs? girls you want to cuck you? cuck porn?
u like her? what would u do to her?
Post your girls and what you want to see.
I know I'm a newfag and I can't triforce , but I'm legit trying to know how to do it.
I tried the ''alt+255'' and ''alt+30'' method , but it always end up like this shit up there ^
I need help
On mobile so can't but someone help him out
please help
My car's mom tried to finger me in the back of my friend
I want to cum inside my best friends, and I've been trying for about months now. He knows I want to bang him, I'm real straight forward with it, but it seems to not go anywhere. I know he's a submissive bottom twink, and I want to bang that ass like there's no tomorrow.
>What do?
volvos like vulvas
I walk around campus being the brightest face people see even though I'm always contemplating suicide.
No trap thread?
1st time pls don't bully
No need for a trap thread seeing as we're all here trapped on this site.
Gas em, gas em all
Oh there is a need
A deep, dark, primitive need...
For dick girls