Szkoda strzępić ryja
co myślicie o nowym systemie akcyz na samochodziki?
Pierdolone polskie śmiecie! Karakany Europy.
This is Barron. Barron is autistic. Barron is hiding somewhere in your home. Tonight at exactly 3:37 AM, Barron will remove your eyes with a rusted ice pic, unless you post in this thread.
Well, okay then.
better be safe
not takingmy chance
leave the name of the person you want to see nudes from. pre props for any successes
Post the last girl you came to
cringe thread boys lets go
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFY 0AuHFX2A
I feel like cringe culture is just a bunch of jaded 12 year olds who are openly resistance to anything new or interesting.
If you cringe this easily at something, I think you might be a little emotionally broken. Definitely on the autistic spectrum if this registers genuine emotions.
Have you ever sought help? Serious question.
Hey /b/, hacker here. I hacked this site (again) so dubs decides what i put on it.
In order to stay consistent with your 3edgy5me too kewl for skewl attitude, I suggest gore.
um im not edgy, just bored. and i dont like gore. so, that is excluded.
Rolling for porn
lol get rekt faget you dunno hwo to hack shit
SQL injection?
Post a pepe trump pic
ITT: things that make your dick hard
what an ugly cunt
Kinda looks like a slightly retarded Riley Reid with tits
5 guys
>install hidden camera
>film this
>wat do?
I. Hate. Humanity
Which model you used?
Post more OP?
Don't watch the webm. You've been warned.
R34 Thread
FB/IG fap
Make it fappen
Any love for Helen?
holy fuck ,, more of the big tits
Since no one else will s/fur
I'll contribute
Thought it died.
All I have are these Amazon boxes
This is Teddy. Teddy is dead. Teddy is hiding somewhere in your home. Tonight at exactly 3:37 AM, Teddy will remove your eyes with a rusted ice pic, unless you post in this thread.
How do freddy
Why man, why.
oh man i love jared leto
does he suck it good
I'm fucking gay
talk about anything thread.
I honestly dont like blacks. 100 years and they've done nothing with their lives.
I don't know if my career is what I really want to do. But I don't know what I should do instead.
Not true. They have invented the free bike.
I hate my major but my parents want me to keep it, and I can't keep disappointing them.
I think that the universe is technically predetermined, but only insofar as it follows the laws of physics. If one knew the initial state of the universe, they could predict the exact position and velocity of every particle at any point in time.
Read: Laplace's Demon
Look around you.
Look at your shitty bedroom and its lack of female presence.
Now roll.
Roll like it's going to change something.
post girls you think are cute
nice. more
10/10 OP
my pen pall. i added the freckles
why did you add freckles what the fuck
Draw Thread - Hump Day
Draw Thread
>Take or give request
>Interact or roleplay with others
>Threadly reminder that you can always git more gud
>Don't be afraid to try a request yourself
>New Drawfriends are ALWAYS desired
https://www.systemax.jp/en/sai/ (PaintTool SAI, ¥5400, nearly all drawfags use it)
http://www.clipstudio.net/en (Clip Studio Paint Pro, $49.99, also sorta popular)
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Almost full!
can you put smirk in there?
Oh my...... didnt want you to see that....... but obviously you make everything warm at night!
Not comfy, you can drown inside the slime!
i love your style and drawings in general, you should invest in a scanner somewhere down the line, though
i wanna see those lines in a clean scan
Dubs decides to what we do
dick in pooper
sharpie in both poopers
Put a bannana in your ear
Write "sorry Lana" on your ass cheeks or belly while getting dick.
YLYL Photos you lost to
tfw when /b/ trolls ruined my life telling me 5inches is enough and girls care about the experience more
>be me
>21 year social autist
>but 6'3 and athletic body
>finally summon the confidence to go to a college party
>rule is that a guy must bring a girl
>cutie in ethics class has a really nice smile
>white girl in ugg boots type girl but a little
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Fake and gay.
>thanks 4chan for telling me 5 inches was enough
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
ITT we post girls and anons will tell you what creative things they would do to them
how would you make this never been used girl into a dirty whore?
never seen a dick let alone touched one
I would insert my penis into her vagina.
I would insert my penis into her vagina.
I would insert my penis into her vagina.