Black girls
what can I get for $100?
YLYL thread
[spoiler]This is stolen[/spoiler]
You must post ITT or this will happen to you. Immunity only makes it stronger.
sure thing fam
NYPA, dumbass.
uwu if you say so
fucking nig
Fuck off
just like you lied and said you were joking about being a short midget cuck? sure friend whatever helps you sleep at night
Hey Cobalt. How are you?
so talented
Quads gets her nudes.
Not good enough for quads. Maybe dubs.
Rollin like a white bitch at a music festival
steam rollin
Rick rollin
Is there any credible theory why British girls are ugly in general /b/?
I am from England, and the quality of girls is way lower than any country i've ever visited (over 30).
sure thing fam
Why you mad? Seriously m8, you can't tell me english birds are hot when compared to most other countries (except African countries)
Not enough sun + poor diet + bad lifestyles?
I'd definitely fuck her.
Its not even physique ( i mean that is an issue in England for sure) but like the faces are just not as attractive. Its kinda annoying, every country in Europe I've visited (most) has way hotter women on average.
more true
It worked for Detroit.
He sure as shit ain't bankrupt now
He didn't go bankrupt. He filed chap 11. Basically a way to get out of paying taxes. Just another loophole.
Aryan girls thread
>We post only blond aryan girls
>with their names
>redhead accepted
I always thought I only liked white girl's until I saw Arians grande
They say she's white though
Карина Сычева
Mariana rose femjoy
If finding really thin girls hot is wrong, then I don't want to be right. Who's with me?
Finally! Tired of these fat girl threads
That is way too thin. She looks like she will break her ankle just stepping off of the curb.
You're wrong. She's perfect. She's just barely above ED skinny.. So hot.
She should check her thin privilege
So you fags are the ones going around calling chicks like Ariel Winter fat.
thinking of getting a sex doll.
Buy 26 of them and reenact sandy hook
$1000 bucks for silicon ? pfft
Your better off buying an escort op
Buy a cheap blow-up doll to see if this is really for you.
I suggest you buy me one too.
I'm in a long distance online relationship with an asian female. No, I don't weigh over 400 pounds.
lol why? ever meet her irl?
I fucked my former boss wife for over a year, he had no idea. She got pregnant and I'm pretty sure the baby is mine. I quit my job and moved to another city to avoid them but I'm sure I have a 2 years old daughter I will never met
Waifu claiming thread.
The rules are very simple:
>pretend this is all legal
>discuss a lot of stuff
>minimal lewds
>more rules?
>damn these are complicated
Best type moon claimed.
>this is the rare occasion where shitposting might actually save this thread
Face rate thread /b/
Let's go!!
How can you start one when it clearly states goodnight?
R8 me testifle
just curious how many niggers do you own? if you dont me me axing of course
give her hell Bros shes from adelaide south australia seems shes having a good night
post your screen shots the better the reply the better the dump
> 2016
> still using o_O seriously
consider killing yourself
KYS using the O_o implies you're a fucking 12 year old, go to bed m8 you got school in the morning
Thank god summer is almost over
Fuck off faggot
found op
Still breathing
That's a good thing, right?
Not if that hurt you
porn webm
>inb4 source
my cherry crush
i love the style of her videos and the way she dresses up sometimes. but unfortunately she kinda looks like a tranny..
FEET vol. 2
Asian thread. Post those amateurs, shit lords.
sure thing fam
How does this make you feel?
Indifferent. I ate KFC earlier today.
Feel? Not much. But it does make me realise that for a guy who makes so much money, his food taste really is bad..
KFC isn't terrible, but fast food isn't as good as other foods.
Weirdly horrible
>fakes eating tacky and cold, shitty fast food on his private jet because hurrr he's just like you work hard xDDDD
>Americans fall for this