You are trapped in a room with a female for 1 whole year.
Every single day, every morning, afternoon and night, you have to have sex with her for the entire year.
The last 2 numbers of your post reveal her age. 00 gets a male the same age as the poster below yours.
>No rerolls.
>rolling for pic related - perfect 20 year old babe
who the fuck is she? wow
>also roll
For justice
99 get
well this is going to suck regardless...
what do you think of my ass b? boyfriend can't enough of this. also general ass r8 thread
U have a very nice ass imo, 9/10 for me....can i ask initials?
timestamp and show front
Nice ass. Post feet.
5/10 white girl
He can't stop looking at your ass because if he stares at your messy fucking room he'll kill you
New battle station thread. Pic related: TP over web cam so gov can't spy on me.
>battlestation thread
>posts laptop
>conspiracy theorist
good luck with that one, OP.
I'd be more worried about some Chinese dude than the govt
fucking craft single over cam so gov cant see me
kraft single sorry lol
Just forced my sister to fuck me and I got it on vid, /b/:
pic related
looool. op vid got me off too!
i just came on my cheat code book now ill never beat DOOM
maybe i can fit in this video before dinner
brb fap
do the fucking top surveys and stop complaining you peices of shit
Oh hey I'm a fag that can host.
hunger games thread.
First 24, you know the drill.
Rami Hikari
Cutie Patootie
Reisch chan user
Judy Hopps
Mikasa& Annie
So I matched with this 10/10 asian (or half asian) grill on Tinder, then told her to add me on snapchat. She did and I got super high later and just messaged her "do I know you?"
If I didn't fuck it up beyond repair how do I make sure not to? Just what not to say, etc. I'm (supposedly) attractive and pretty smooth in person so I have no trouble picking up girls like that but my text/ snapchat/ tinder/ whatever game is sorely lacking so can i get some tips boys? In the meantime I can post some of my wins (read: failures) from tinder
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And it just keeps getting better and better
op you join too?
Also, general cringe thread
I suppose i could say something to them for dubs
bump for cringe thread
que pedo mexivergas
This is now a cringe thread
So this faggot
Is trying to use /b/ as his personal army
Got his name and phone number so far
Michael DeMaggio
(843) 687-3826
You know what to do /b/rothers
Nice try, but we are ent your personal navy
nigga what the fuck are you doing RIGHT NOW
not your personal army, fuck off
Stop your bullshit, kid
not your personal arm, we are too bussy posting feet pictures and trannys
Teens! Keep it "legal"
Anyone e has more of her? She is amazing
To the anon who posted this and the rest but eventually went e-mail only, can you post more?
Or email me at harukalovesyou2[at]
Plz no FBI, k thanks
No post no stay
Any good vola links?
This geezer posted something about my girlfriend falsely, add his snapchat and give him hell or send him dick pics (ryan.watts97)
we all know youre ryan and wanna see our dicks
underage B&
show us your gf's asshole
Hey /b/.... I have lots of software Engineering Skills in multiple coding languages... but I suck at Idea's... any idea's for software guys ?
How about a software that tells you that you should kill yourself, just like you should
Really Nigga?
Make software that will give you ideas.
Can you make a fully functional fleshlight app?
Get in here fags we're having some fun P
get in here you silly kuntz
come here faggots
Need some advice /b/
>Be me
>live in parents basement.youngfag
>have 2 pieces but no place to hide
>where do I store to high smell?
Also, general stoner thread.
>also, my car is not an option
dont smoke weed
>be you
>get job at target
>find stoner friend/future roomate
>move out of your parents basement
>yolo swag 420 blaze it all day erry day
Learn to roll or become an adult and move the fuck out. Why would u create a stressful environment and pain to your mother WHEN they find out ...
I have a surprise for you... that shit aint surprising.
sure son, sure you do
does the number 159 mean anything to you?
Don't believe you. You're just as fake as you look.
Some of you guys are alright.
Don't go to 4chan tomorrow.
Claim your porn star /b/ros
Can't believe I am going to ask this...
You can have her.
A very saggy Minka I think.
Alright faggots. I need a badass background for a powerpoint I'm making for "school". Thenks
Almost forgot. Scarlet and Silver colors pls
I dont even got one tho
So, my gf just fucked another guy..... But I kind of allowed it to happen..... Am I allowed to be pissed? Cause I sort of am
Pic not her, but it's basically what I'm looking at rn
Just leave her bro. srs its not worth it after this
also, post pics nigga
Welcome to cuckaholics anonymous. Fag
Second these AkfwEplY
Please remove this video of Ivy, /b/ 4chan. I know you did this to her. Why does 4chan and Anonymous have something against her? Why are you people so mean?
Lmfao thanks for making my night :)
Fuck you. Its people like you that are ruining lives.
Whiteknight fuck.
Ivy wears a diaper now because she tried to off herself in shame of #pissforequality. She should own up to it and not have faggots like you trying to defend her.
>tumblrfag detected
Indian thread
I leader the teens and milfs not in between
go dump acid in someone's face you curry scented fuckboi
For fucks sake, pick better Indian women. Disgusting 0/10 for making me reply
Shit, like you wouldn't smash. Don't even front.