moar celeb thread because it had to be done
kill yourself
how empty is your life?
Loli/Shota Stories?
>Was 15
>Parents in rush to leave to run errands
>Left me with 11 year old sister
>cutest little girl ive seen in my life
>never fantasized, but she has a nice round butt, especially in the high cut shorts she was wearing
>shes watching TV in the living room, and im on the ps2 in my room
>get bored so i turn off the ps2 and reach for
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keep it going gaybo
No shit OP
>dropped remote by accident
>she stands in confusion and shock
>"Go Away!" As i turned off the TV and threw my shoe
>She closes door immediately.
>god damnit im caught
>i wait 10 mins and then walk out to see her back on the couch in the living room.
>ask if shes okay
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wtf cunt, ofc cont
Washington thread
Any kent/Covington/KL
i hate fat people
fat people disgust me
i feel very uncomfortable around fat people
i hate how they smell
i hate fat people who think theyre beautiful
fat people should be called skinny coz they have more skin
do you guys think there will be a ww3 soon? with a draft
Good luck lulz
What fucking planet are you smoking on?
I am world war 3
hopefully not one with stripper clips. they pinch the shit out of you
gay paedophile thread 2: shota vs predator
requesting gay
>tfw no shota to cuddle at night
hold me, boys.
i can put it in your butt, if you want.
whats dick in the ass feel like
post in this thread or your mom dies tonight in her sleep
sage goes in all fields
fuck u
haha jokes on you fag my moms already dead
Draw Thread
>Take or give request
>Interact or roleplay with others
>Threadly reminder that you can always git more gud
>Don't be afraid to try a request yourself
>New Drawfriends are ALWAYS desired
TOOLS: (PaintTool SAI, ¥5400, nearly all drawfags use it) (MediaBang Paint, Freeware) (Krita, Freeware)
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I main Sheik, Samus, Captain falcon and Charizard
well first couple matches I was getting wrecked pretty hard with dedede but no 2 stocks
then I came back hard with sheik and samus
I feel like I won pretty hard but really we kept 2 stocks to a minimum
>he taunts too much
really no they're not
I'm just trying too hard
What an honor I have recieved
Hey hello thread
Requesting Eerie from Telemonster--anything would be appreciated. Doing manly shit would be preferred. Please draw him on-model, that's my only real request. That means no grown human proportions, muscles, or sexy curves... Just Eerie.
Also would be cool if somebody could make banners for my /eerie/ board. "Banners must be exactly 300px wide and 100px high."
>be me
>at gfs house
>she falls asleep
>she gets text
>my fucking best friend
>read through old texts
>they've been seeing each other
>go to liquor store
>slammed half of this in car on way back
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Oh ya.. dubs decides
Write down your thoughts and feelings. Go to sleep. Wake up and break up with in person.
im not mad at all. are you mad?
take photos of sleeping gf w/ timestamp
jizz in her hair
FB Fap till you snap
rate for more
gay butt retardation thread
i am literal retard so this is perfect for me
Waifu claiming thread. Miho edition!
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more, or if you're Miho-anon)
>No RP of any kind (unless you're Miho-anon)
>Discussion is welcome, unless it's bad things about Miho
>No one is going to
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Still alive.
Filthy early bake
Claiming Georgette
hey yo xj9
hello again rory
Terrifyingly terrible images!
Renee Hartvelt?
Whoa, good eye! You must be kinda fucked up.
Bookmarked and bumped
>Someone please tell me how people become this stupid.
Live in a state that lost a war against the united states
Who are you quoting?
God exists and he hates us
that's how people become that stupid
we should raid that fb lowkey>>710833494
moar celeb thread
because it had to be done
guess feets
win blowjob
Pornstar posted below yours is who you have to fap to for the next week!
This cat, OP.
cant complain
FB Fap continued
i'll take more
evens - fap
odds - sleep
rollin for tomorrow man
Anyone got Tia G from the 717?
Who /610/ here
Let's get some 610 up in here
GF titty tournament thread.
Post ex's/gf's tits, /b/tards r8 and compete for best titties.
7/10, would be higher without the hearts though. Good contribution though, more?
Can post more if good rates.