Dub6 decides what I do to my dog
pet it. check em
fuck it
Peanut butter
cook it then eat it
God tier comedians
Robin Williams.
amber heard's purse.
Master of none is okay but this guys stand up is like 4/10 dude..
This has to be bait.
>but I'll bite
if you think Aziz is god tier than you have absolute shit taste
this af
Why don't you own an AR-15 for self-defense and to protect your family, home and country?
because im a felon
I do faggot.. and I have a 12gauge pump and a 1911 45
I prefer my mini 14
Sorry for my bad english... it's hard to shot that kind of gun? I really want to try but in my shitty country, guns are illegal :(
>Everyone is having sex but you
got a lava lamp
What color?
what color is it?
Anybody got a full version to this comic?
second link in here
youre welcome
need to pay zzz
dump in a min
this anon knows
Post all your tribal nudes
Now a Nigger thread
we'll see where this goes
>Bite me, please
>When your weapon is so good that shreds armors.
Didn't see one, sooooo pics you shouldn't share thread??
OP got the rest this from last thread?
on it.... got more of her?? shes hot :)
Still there anon?
pretty good
Im gonna tell my grandpa to watch this
Ignore the trolls this is fucking great.
I just came hard so hard that my dick fell off.
You Boner You Lose
everybody lost
Jokes on you i already had a boner
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Joining means a reserved place in Strickland Propane
>Most importantly, grill.
Permavirgin thread.
If you're not a permavirgin nor spiderman you have no authority being here.
i only have sex
I wanna be inside a shark grills belly
Really? Mine is nice too but randomly a cunt.
No survivors.
I'm monitoring this thread.
watch wheel of fortune and go to sleep
Send me some cookies.
Post a green text about your life regrets
show saggy tits
Check em
Valiant effort Anon
Idk why everyone is so pissed. This superb Stanford athlete did nothing wrong
Who is he?
A hero
would have a beer with..
this kid is a prime fucking example of potato privilege, straight purple toads have no place in this world, they're all evil
i guess he's not dying a virgin, so well done to him
The finale.
Five threads seem like a good number to stop on.
I know for a fact that the long island serial killer posted on /b/
cool story bro
yeah, i did
Who doesn't?
Serial killer thread? I'll keep it bumped for you. Everything is better as a cute little girl.
>no ylyl
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC9 xrsAmeeE
le dae dat boi forced meme am i rite guize xD
This is it my dudes. Trumps probably my pick now that Bernie is gone.
i dislike both of them, but i don't want a cunt in the office.
so ima have to go with trump as well
What's up America? Do you need a hug? Do you need to talk it out? Is somebody touching you? Show me on the doll where they touched you.
Bernie is probably gone but it's not 100% yet. Hillary may actually get indicted and then it's a whole new ballgame.
Again, he's probably gone. My hopes aren't all that high.
Yes, corporations are touching my democracy.
leave murica alone, leave it alone!
Have you heard of "The Mandela Effect"?
Which do you remember?
If you build it, THEY will come
or HE will come?
Oh shit what
supposedly a ton of people remember nelson mandela dying in prison
but in this timeline he got out and became president.