G/fur: The reckoning
You loose!
So my alternate universe mother will die if I don't reply to your post? Well scare me shitless and call me Wanda. You got your reply tho, so guess you're happy.
you you laugh you lose you lose?
My loose what?
too early thread
hi nibi
how goes
Thinkin about booty
>tfw no booty
there's always going to be one booty
fuck you're own booty
hey /b/ i just caught this little guy trips says what i should do with him
release him
Go to the grocery store and put him in with the limes.
name him pepe then open the door and let him choose if he wants to be your pet or be free in the wild
b/ what's your fetish?
specific type of cumming in her mouth. She has to have her mouth open, and be willing and eager, ideally also masturbating, on her knees, and I have to be controlling her head with one hand while controlling my cock with my other hand.
Not so obscure I know, but surprisingly hard to find porn for when actually looking. I've been seeing a girl who is really into me cumming in her mouth, but she doesn't like me doing it, and she likes to suck, rather than to kneel obediently with her mouth open. Still, I am thankful.
I wanna watch my wife suck another guys cock
that's not a fetish you fucking moron
I wanna watch another guy suck my wifes cock.
Lets review: This bitch was:
>Born middle class.
>Graduated from Yale
>Was a published author and recognized expert on the legal rights of children in her twenties.
>Was the first female partner at one of the most prestigious law firms in America.
>Made millions investing in cattle trades (cheating or no, she made fucking bank).
>Sat on the boards of three multinational corporations.
>Sat on the legal board of a Children's hospital.
>Was Chairwoman of the Children's Defense Fund.
>Was the First Lady of the United States, where she focused on healthcare reform.
>Elected to the senate.
>Serves two terms, on the Senate Budget, Armed Services, Public Works, Health & Education committees.
>Runs for President.
>Almost wins.
>Is made Secretary of State by the man who beat her.
>Visits record breaking number of nations as international diplomat.
>Has charitable foundation responsible for 50% of all AIDS relief on planet earth.
>Leaves State Department with 68% approval rating.
Honestly, the only people who have a problem with Clinton are *totally* uninformed plebeians.
Stop triggering the tards. We already know she's going to win.
This is shit tier Bait my friend.
>Listing all the positives about a person and none of the negatives
You could make Hitler look good like this.
2/10 I replied
Basically, yeah
I could list all of her negatives and she would still be an overwhelmingly net positive force for good in this world.
Lewd cosplay thread
Stories also welcome.
Do people actually get laid there?
I always assumed it was hot girls with boyfriends, ugly guys would go after them with no luck while fat chicks ran around after the ugly boys all day until nobody got laid.
Undecided voter here, convince me one way or another.
Before Hillary supporters say, "Are you joking? Don't vote for that racist moron"
Or before Trump supporters say, "Are you kidding, Hillary should be in jail"
Please support your arguments with facts I can go look at.
Thanks, niggers.
It doesn't matter who you vote for, you dumb motherfucker. They're empty suits.
Honestly if you're undecided at this point just do the world a favor and don't vote. Or breath.
Both are zionist cucks giving America's troops and money to Israel.
Long story short: They're both slaves of the zionist jewish elite, it doesn't matter who you vote, the jews always win.
Hilary has boobs. Trump doesn't.
Ref: just google boobs.
watch their speeches you lazy fuck. support who you agree with. if still no idea, hold your head under water for 10min to clear out useless opinions.
Why no Caturday thread /b/?
Pics you shouldnt be sharing thread. Pic related is ex gf in south fl
Pump for Tay Tay
Fuck yeah
Gets me so hard
yeah I hope this gains traction.
I hope so, just keep going
dat ass
Any anons ever fucked a celebrity?
Not sure, is your mom famous?
Yeah, I fucked Rockefeller a couple times.
Really sweet guy.
Doesn't she have leaked nudes somware?
What is your experience with prostitutes ? I don't want to kiss a womens shoe just to get some pussy :)
>I don't want to kiss a womens shoe just to get some pussy :)
spotted the virgin
Am not a virgin, I just don't like to have meaningless relationships with stupid blonds.
Good, in general.
They are not stupid, they just think in German.
I've been with 30 + escorte girls. Most are pleasant memories. I just called them and we agreed over the phone about services and price. Then i showed up at their place and did the dirty deed. I still get a smile on my face when memories of that pretty young Latvian girl who allowed me in her asshole. Came buckets on her face. Have video proof ^^. Yep, i'm a pig
Ask incest girl anything
Tits or gtfo?
post tits and time stamp.
"ask incest girl anything"
should I jerk off now or later?
Family thread
Here, want to fuck her so bad
can't blame you, she is amazing. tried anything?
kys samsap
New R34 bread
Post more league edition!
Random Pictures with no context.
>triple points if it has pizza in it
Herbs in a pot? 3random5me
give me some god-tier series /b/
The Wire
ray ray donivon
watched the first season,i don't really like it
The night of
Game of thrones
Parks and recreation
Comfy as hell
So /b/ whats your fetish?
Today I learned it's boots and nudes
This... can't stop watching.
Glad to be of assistance
Boats n hoes
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Being an Elitist in the /waifu/ Community is like winning a gold medal in the special Olympics. You're still retarded.
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last chance
Get in a line if you want to get FUCKED IN THE ASS
Raughed tbh
Smoking is bad for you and so is coffee
I want your butt
Grill Pete is pretty damn cute
Hello Mask
Do you happen to have the non sandwich version for scientific research purposes
>>708894916 tomo
Ah drink more water m8
>>708894963 pete
How's it goin'