dubs get her tits and trips get fb
will roll once
quads please
k twice
k I'm out
/b/ can't solve this
its 16 you dumb nigger
like 1 (one) banana
ok i wanna buy new pants and shoes cuz i dont have money.
i need 100 dollars for adidas shoes and adidas pants. after u send the money i will show you proof that i actually bought pants.
pls make my day
[email protected] <my paypal thing
got hyped for a second but it was a lie :(
sorry, money came back must have mistyped your mail
sent again
Sorry man, but I'm pretty sure that this is not how it works.
i dont really believe in miracles but today i just started believing
ITT we pretend we have severe autism
I'm OP.
>All threads on /b/
Eh we don't have to pretend. We're on /b/.
As if we have to pretend
No rekt thread? Rekt thread.
no buttfuck ur mom in blood retard? go buttfuck ur mom in blood retard
why is it always the chinese who die to being stupid with elevators?
to be fair they are a pretty hard concept to grasp
Satan trips for DOOM steam key
taking the bait
if demonic trips
i want OP to to kill himself instead
No way that'll work jose.
More of her?
fapped to this chick before
> hs freshman has sex with entire football team in school bathroom
who is claiming slut shaming?
She is a slut, get over it.
Surprised she was able to walk out after, her vagoo is probably permanently stretched out now
skeleton image thread
Loli thread 8head edition.
All loli welcome. Large foreheads get VIP pass.
let's start a feet thread
liar feet
feet are gross
pics you want saved and shared thread
bump with moar
39yr old wife here?
In the last thread. Are there more?
Love the pose
lets get some bush in here
okay /b/ hydrocodone withdrawals are seriously making my life a living hell, how the fuck do I make it stop
Do more hydrocodone, duh.
Get some more hydro
you dont, you have to just push through it.
doing something to get your mind off it is good.
hang yourself
Dubs decide what I say
(nothing racist)
Suck it Trebek!
Hollie, I want to fillie you.
"sup nigger"
dubs go
Nuck Figgers
>No Porn Webm
Porn Webm thread.
no one ?
op u post
Princess Leia
>No joking
My girlfriend is no longer prego, falcon punch worked. We're free now.
Good. Now fuck yourself off of the planet you disgusting piece of shit.
congrats from armenia, brother of mine
by the way what is falcon panch?
Dubs decides how we celebrate
Thank you Armenian brother!
What is /b/'s opinion on Indian girls?
my cousin is an indian girl (via marriage)....makes me diamonds
>curry niggers
Do not want.
They talk WAY TOO FUCKING MUCH. When I sit next to a group of Indians I feel like cutting ears off.
hot af
Hot, but shallow as fuck. Like all Asians, they wnt to marry a doctor or lawyer or something and their family will expect that. No matter how good you think your relationship is, she'll drop you like a bad habit the minute someone of higher social and economic status shows and interest in her.
But, they are pretty damn hot.
Cringe thread faggots - ameritard addition
Where's the cringe? Who gives a fuck what other people do?
Newfags, this is your /b/aptism of cringe
As much as you may hate America, they're still the most important nation in the current day. Everything that they did, do or will do will always impact you in some way.
Now go back to your factory and start assembling my iPad, fag.
Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Lee Sin?
talk about whos the best main with your friends in hell because you need to kill yourself for playing that game
Annie at the moment cause I'm silver and Annie is by far the least mechanical champion that can single handedly carry games at my elo
Diamond 2 - Vayne
ow the edge
Lee sin is a bronze 5 champ