How does this make you feel?
Indifferent. I ate KFC earlier today.
Feel? Not much. But it does make me realise that for a guy who makes so much money, his food taste really is bad..
KFC isn't terrible, but fast food isn't as good as other foods.
Weirdly horrible
>fakes eating tacky and cold, shitty fast food on his private jet because hurrr he's just like you work hard xDDDD
>Americans fall for this
Does anybody think that conditions improved under Obama?
It doesn't matter what anyone thinks, the fact is they have /thread
sure thing fam
Whole bunch of government bureaus who gather data seem to.
are you going to take objective answers?
Not for blacks
H/fur thread
Marble soda self bump 1/5
Marble soda self bump 2/5
Marble soda self bump 3/5
Cuck thread?
Cuck thread.
Can't find cuckold story about guy who went to beach with wife/gf and they meet another couple. Soon enough guys take a walk while other man's wife talk his into gangbang. He wants to go back but is persuaded not to. In the end other guy fucks his wife too.
Who would want this? I don't fucking get this fetish.
"I want to be the biggest bitch possible by letting someone fuck my wife." The fuck is wrong with you?
It's 3AM and you know what that means, Club Kek is still open and still keeping the party going, even through the morning, though before you can pop in, you gotta show us you're a certified member of Club Kek
>Dubs = Member of Club Kek
>Trips = VIP of Club Kek
>Quads = Owner of Club Kek
>69 = The hookers in the bathroom
>6969 = Pimp of Hookers
>404 = Person
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so this isnt club penguin?
Dindu dun did it
lemme in
Hey boss
Flippy floppy moffs edition
Post your car and we guess your age and ethnicity.
sure thing fam
1996 Saturn
oh hey i saw you a second ago
what a coincidink
Either black 28, or white 40
White American 23
Deutscher Fotzen Faden Frühedition. Hier rein ihr Opfer.
Kiki da?
WTS frost rhino loki latron bo ankyros boltor burston braton lex orthos odonata carrier wyrm prime sets, primed point blank/continuity
>mfw the "guy" looks more queer than the trap
Ass thread
nice bro but moar!
Post milfs/matures.
If anyone has a exploitedmoms or mompov account, that would cheer me up cuz I'm feeling kinda depressed.
She looks under 30
cheer up op
Best of 4chan? The rarer the better. OP starts with normalfag one.
sure thing fam
sure thing famerino
Does your mom have sweet tits?
I'll help you anon
>No ylyl
YLYL (you lol you laugh)
Fuck you OP
Well i guess you got me. That's okay though, i forgive you friend.
¿Tributhes Thread? make tributes for other anons of /b/ or show us the yours
can someone cock her?
Who did those tribs?
New /s/Fur
fuck no!
feet thread? feet thread.
Singles are peasants.
Dubs are bankers.
Trips are knights.
Quads are kings.
Quints are hitler.
666 is satan.
404 is an elite spy.
117 is a spartan.
88 is a time traveller.
Hey its me, from the future
That feel when I am Hitler.
pics you shouldn't cont.
the ride never ends.
what ride my new friend
Post random shit
She has nudes
Holy Canadian...
>No Frills
>Swiss Chalet