Secretly you have sucked cock before / have your cock sucked before or have been ass fucked by another guy.
We all know its true.
No faggot its just you
Do I hear jealously?
No more pity and disgust
So if a man / boy decided he wanted to suck you till you came, and you know he will do that Extremely good cause... you know, faggot, you will be like: nope, thanks. I'll just lube my hand again tonight...
used to play a "game" which was basically just us touching each others cocks. we eventually moved up to me fucking him up the ass. this was all before I could cum, so technically it wasn't gay
fuzzy things with dicks on them.
Celebs that would break the internet if their sex tapes leaked
Is it bad I've seen Tommy Wiseau's ass many times but I don't know who the fuck is in OPs picture?
I don't know who that is either
Christina Hendricks
>not recognizing greatness
the dawn of the computer age zleGxv7w
Why is Obama a bad president?
Because he thinks the democratic thing to do is meet half way between the left and the right even if one side is 100% correct about the other.
Obama Care was actually a Richard Nixon idea.
Because every single US President will have people say they where bad and others say they where good.
Americans love to hate so yeah.
Ask why any president was a bad president and you will get people telling you why thy think they where bad.
He's not. Only a faggot assumes facts not in evidence.
Obama may go down as one of the best presidents in the world. He has helped the monely challenged and lower class. With phones, tuition, healthcare just to name a few. That's why I'm voting Hillary. It will be another 4 of Obama. I've been doing excellent with Obama. My ebt card had an increase in benefits just a month ago. I get almost %300 a week for food and all my prescriptions are covered. It has really helped when I'm inbetween jobs.
He's not, other than Obama care he hasn't done any major institutional changes
Mostly just racists and republicans claim he's awful yet they can't name any specific policy why
fb fap thread cont.
Who you gonna fuck /b/?
Rollin Rollin rollin
Rollerino pepperino
Cuck thread continued.
Post a pic of your girl and the next poster tells what he would do to her. Replies get replies!
I'll go first.
id tongue that ass mercilessly
fuck her right in the pussy
name? come on man...
Fill her up with cum, send her out and let it drip out into her panties as she walks around all day
Waifu claiming thread
>One claim per anon
>fubuki claimed
>rolling for you
dubs and tsuyu's day gets better than great
still here
whelp i tried....
ITT: 10/10 aryan women only
Do you believe in a God? Yes/no + explain
Atheism is stupid
The belief that an invisible sky genie willed the universe into existence.
Doesn't seem any better to me.
kill yourself furfag
oh look, a beastiality thread
my fav one
Best rap albums?
anything by jay z
U won OP
Illmatic for sure!
The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological & Electro-Magnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness
Feminist hate thread.
I hate how feminists have changed society for the better
I live in an area with the highest suicide rate in the country.
It seems that we have collectively collapsed on ourselves. Those who realise it also give up a hopeless fight and die on their own terms.
Open your mouth OP you faggot
Women are attending college in rates higher than men
They lead the workplace and soon they will be the dominant political force in the U.S and the world
There are more women than men by a margin of 10% globally.
I cringed so much i even made a sour face while watching it.
Post pics of your favourite butt
Have more if interest
My girlfriend is going vegan and I was wondering if anyone here had some good counter arguments on why going vegan is a bad idea.
veganism is good for your health,good for the planet, and good for the animals. theres no counterargument you faggot
They also have super powers
As an adult there isn't much too say. But it is considered child abuse if forcing vegan diet on children, especially really young ones.
It's probably better to slowly transition to being a vegan because its really tough to just become one real quick. Many revert back after sometime.
Make sure you check chronometer for all your nutrient needs, and make sure you eat a lot of protein.
Otherwise, going vegan is great. Just try not to become a preachy douche.
Celebrity GIF and/or WebM Thread 2: Keep on fapping.
do you like her so much cause she looks 12?
Doesn't hurt.
Feet Thread /anime
pls dont fucking post fb feet
Which slav are you?
No Vladimir?
Roll me a slav
Rol for Dima
Time to get squating lads
Boris the cheeki breeki squat king