So /b/ we live in the same house
Open a window... Your spicy food smells !
What's this mozarella liquid in the fridge?
It's my organic yogurt, please leave it be
It's not mozarella
I think John put it in his cereals this morning
New Ass Thread
We wait edition
Please keep this going! Where can I find this?
that's what the waiting is for
Post pics of girls you know, other Anons say what you'd do to them.
Reply for reply niggas.
I'll start
look at those lips... facefuck for sure. She's a cutie, post more anon
make her kiss the tip of my dick as i cum on her face
how would you use these girls
I wanna feel up on them tits
ITT: Only 10/10 games
We post sluts you're not sure if they're hot or not.
hot or not?
Drawthread. cancer free edition.
shameless self bump
obligatory bump
get paid pupper
get paid pupper
get paid pupper
Have some money kitty
get paid pupper
get paid pupper
Why are you not in the navy
Because I graduated high school and actually got into college
Fuck you, that's why!
Cause people never join the military after college right. Kys
Because I'm not a faggot
I want to live
Is there any MMORPGs worth playing nowadays?
what does mmorpgs stand for?
cum targets thread
faces you really want to empty your balls on
righty. want to blast her so bad.
lefty could lick it up and snowball it back though
more asian cum targets pls ! with tongue or braces
love cumming this girl
Deutsch THread
Wer wohnt in der Ananas ganz tief im Meer?
Biotechnologie vs. Biologie vs. Bioingenieurwesen?
Euer persönliches Idol?
Bestes Game eurer Kindheit?
Geilste Studentenstadt Deutschlands?
Wer soll der nächste Bundeskanzler werden?
wer aus wiesbaden oder mainz hier ???
Harro Bernd
was willst du, herr bka?
Junge, BW ist beste, alle anderen ins Gas uezs
ITT: women who are both funny AND sexy
gr8 b8 m8
This will be a very short thread.
amy is the one and only
why did you post the single most unfunny woman on earth?
Ever been with a married woman before?
There is a woman I met on tinder, she is 45 and a milf. Found out she is currently married with 2 kids. she claims that she wants a divorce and told her husband already. he does not want a divorce. she states that he does not know she is seeing other guys. she keeps saying how she needs everything to be so secret because she has kids.
>did this woman really tell her husband she wants a divorce? and if she did, is it morally ok to fuck her now?
>do you think
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I fucked 2 diff married women before, but they both were already living in a diff house as their husbands and openly dating, no secrets.
banged one girl, who, after sex, started crying and telling me she has a long term bf
fucked another girl who had a bf..but she was my ex...who cheated on me with her current bf, so i straight up told him about it with no shame lol..cause fuck him and fuck her
and got a blowjob from another girl who was cheating on a long term bf, while i was cheating on a...
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You're not morally culpable either way. She's the one with a commitment, not you.
she's playing you, you dumb fuck.
Do you live in a soap opera
If you feel bad about it, the answer is fucking no.
The fact that you need to ASK about it, means fucking no.
At the very least she's dishonest, and if I were you I would rap my dick seven times because who knows who else she is fucking?
Poll time and be honest faggots no need to lie to yourself
How long in inches?
Have you ever had negative comments about your size?
How many sexual partners have you had?
-I'm 5.5-6 inch depending
-Never had a giggle
-2 partners 3 one night stands.
Only had one partner
My boner seems to change so much depending on arousal level
Usually around 7-8, although its rare I get near 8
>5.5 in
>ive told many women im uncomfortable with my size. they generally seem uninterested in "man" issues such as this
>only had a girl touch my dick while it was in my pants. i didnt have sex with her because i feel horribly inadequate
pics faggot
i'm rocking a 5.5 and my sex life is great. be more confident
no never had sex
I see no FB fap thread.
nudes you got of girls you know
got more or name?
tell the story
minty10101 trades on kik
YLYL thread
Oh shit Kitchener, wuddup
Put the memes in the bag and no on gets hurt
Are u ready to laugh case ive got the best joke!
... relgion!
Source of pic
ITT - quotes you live by day to day
"Always hope for the best, but expect the worst"
It's "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst" FFS
Also, your thread was dead upon arrival. Please try again.
Huh, alright.
"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst then"
"never do a kind deed"
Mind if I ask why you follow that quote?