random images
according to the archive this is the 11th thread like this, made today, all with similar images.
isn't it time to stop?
You would think this is a random image board or something...
better than anything else on this board
it's not random when the same guy makes the same thread 11 times a day. that dog pic has been posted multiple times a day, every day for weeks, with that same filename.
constant repetition is part of what's killing /b/.
You know what to do
rolling for monsterfu
rolling for wife's monsterfu
My ex's dick...anybody else have a little dick relationship or hook-up story?
Tits or GTFO or if your a fag GTFO
you like grills or guys?
where you from?
Ma lil dicky
That dick is average to slightly above average. You cant really tell unless you post erect.
I like guys obviously
I'm not telling where I'm from
Loli lv 34
Show me what you fuck! 2
8 ball thread
it's magic so ask anything and you should receive your answer
will she call me back post haste?
Will I ever kiss her again?
Will I try to kill myself again
will i get the sweet sweet nookie tonight?
knew it.
Trap thread
Post your favorites
It's midnight, a member fell through in my music project, and I'm feeling a bit self-loathing... fuck it, bump
Bump for moar mental disease
whats his name again?
Loli lvl 33
Halloween Lolis
Anon, why would you vote for a pig like Trump?
>not abstaining
Hillary is a lying, manipulative, racist bigot and Trump is a retarded, memetic, racist bigot.
Lose lose
Why do people like this weird-looking little troll?
give me one reason you think Trump is a racist bigot
t. cuckold
Need to stock up on my Fap Roulette folder.
Post whatever you got.
Thanks m80's
rolling i guess
I like this one.
Just ordered five of these USB Killers for various testing purposes, what do you guys think of them?
how much where they each?
What's a USB Killer
itll rape a PC over and over again
then kill it.
(itll store a charge then discharge, frying the cpu)
you're a cock sucker for using this for anything other than testing lol
kek, have fun with em i guess.
Continued from 2nd thread
Alright /b you decide what happens in this world.
Dubs choose = Minor event
Trips choose = Major event
Quads choose = Anything
Example: They build a blacksmith
Top left corner shows:
Population, Food, Wood and stone
Day 12
The server materializes 5 men.
on standby for that anon who said he had a list of the gets
happened right before the thread ended
everyone converts to islam.
>The server materializes 5 men
Those 5 Men establish the patriarchy
The villagers suck a log of shit out of andy sixxs ass hole
Attention faggots. This man is a disgusting faggot. I have pictures to show you. Do what you will with them, this is not a call to arms. But the info is here.
It gets good.
Who are you in the Star Wars Universe?? You may reroll as many times as you want. Your very last roll determines who you are.
0 - Rebel Soldier
1 - Rebel Pilot
2 - Moisture Farmer
3 - Nerf Herder
4 - Scavenger
5 - Hermit
6 - Spice Miner
7 - Storm Trooper (If 87, then you are a TRAITOR!!)
8 - Imperial Pilot
9 - Imperial Officier
00 - 11 - Rebel General
22 - 33 - Smuggler
44 - 55 - Imperial Grand Admiral
66 - 77 - Outer Rim Gangster
88 - 99 - Bounty Hunter
000 - 333 - Jedi Aprentice
444 - 555 - Jedi Master
666 - 777
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Rolling spice miner
That's pretty lacklustre
fuck me
rolling for rimjobber
Loli lvl 32
But, I'm heading to sleep.
Hope to see 42 by the morning!
was gone is loli still going strong
Girls you know and want to have them give you a blowjob.
Daughter's friend. Would love to get my cock in her mouth
She has nice skin.
I'd like to wear it as a mask.
Stunning. Age?
Big tits thread?
be there more?
I love big titties but I'm still a homolord...
I know a lot of people joke around on here about killing themselves, but I'm seriously considering it tonight. I've been fantasizing about it for years, and I think I'm at the end of my rope... wow, that wasn't intended... I've been drinking, my wife just went to bed and I really feel like I'm going to do it. I have some cord in the basement and I can rig it up and do it and that would be it. Can anyone convince me not to do it? I really don't know what to think anymore. I'm afraid that my son will never forgive me, but I just can't
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What is your reason for wanting to die?
Can you see a doctor, get some drugs? Might help, might not. Might as well try that first. Death is permanent.
I think I'm really going to. I've had a note written up for a couple of weeks explaining to my son that this has nothing to do with him, but that I'm just ready to die. I mean, what's the point of living anyways? I'm going to die someday. Why not tonight. Fuck it...right?
Please don't. It actually, really can get better, and stay that way. It takes time and work but it's possible to enjoy life again. I promise it's true. I really hope you reconsider.
Know what I would do instead? Move to another state alone fuck a medium priced hooker, dust yourself off and start again.
ITT: post your career, salary, and age.
Rules: real careers only, no hourly job bullshit.
I'll start
>Head Assistant Manager at Wendy's
>18k plus quarterly bonus and tips
>lying thread
>real careers only
>Head Assistant Manager at Wendy's
GTFO hourly scum
You gonna post your career or what? Or are you an entry level hourly piece of shit?
I'm hourly, currently $55/hr which equates to 114k, but ok enjoy your real jobs.
Roll Roll Roll RUHOLE
777 pls
cyka blyat