Dear /b/, today I was a retard.
I've met this girl on tinder and after talking all day long she asked me for my facebook and I said I didn't have one, this is a fake account I made just for tinder, so I blew my cover and was a total retard for that.
>virgin detected
so ur catfishing her or ur too autistic to be honest to say i dont want to give u my fb?
none of those, actually I felt bad If I met this chick irl eventually she would know my real name. trust me, she was gf material.
Why don't you use your real facebook for tinder?
It doesn't post anything it's very discreet
I don't have a facebook account,not a real one
you sound disconnected/
How are you?
Anyone got the donald trump info that was leaked?
Bump I wanna see that private stuff
Bump this shit what the fuck
Bump x2
Bump x3
Aatisome threat pleece!
Irish Thread...Hungover nudes edition
I get the feeling she's just ginger, but not actually Irish...
Usual Vola also
Pics you want spread
Anyone up for a raid
i'm ready.
let's do it
He has songrequest on
what do you think about makeup?
i don't
needs more tits to complement the natural look
Me gusta!
that's a sexy boy
It makes ugly bitches fuckables, crazy stuff really
NEDERDRAAD report in 0344
sup dan, vanavond jonko!
0172 meld zich
Bump 0598
Nederdraden zijn vol met faal en aids.
Hallo en tot ziens.
Vriendelijke groet, 020
EYYYY swa broer 020 je weet zelef
was met deze thread matie
be honest /b/. am I ugly?
pic is me :p
you're just a child
Not at all
No timestamp = fat neckbeard sperglord
you look so boring. you look like the least interesting person on earth jfc how can anyone ever be so generic?
I'd ask for tits and stamp but it's 3spooky5me.
>current wallpaper
Stop trying to make this a meme
Facebook rate thread.
Rating/10 for girls on either side? Not me in the pic btw.
My time to shine
ITT: random things that you used to find sexually appealing and/or very disturbing when you were a child.
When I was young (like 5 or 6) I used to find Sonic's belly in the cartoons really sexual, like It used to give me butterflies but at the same time I would be extremely disturbed by it, so the butterflies were like being overpowered by this sense of danger. I used to find it super creepy how it was so clean and round and smooth. I have no Idea why but whenever he was rolling, I would get really scared, like every time he stopped rolling I was frightened by his
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What the fuck
ye wot m8
It was genuinely disturbing to me like I couldn't watch the show because I was staring at his belly the whole time
you may think i'm lying, but Im actually fully serious. I never watched it because I never had digital TV. the only time I watched it was at my grandfather's house because he had Sky. I only ever occasionally went to his house and I think in total I have seen maybe one or two episodes of the show, but I am still a bit haunted every time I see his belly. I couls play the 8bit game fine, but the show disturbed me.
sonic only has one nutsack
Waifu claiming thread. Version 10.1
>the ride never ends
>is anyone still here eddition
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
Syndra claimed
mugi claimed
The ride never ends.
Mr bones. our patron saint.
Go home in an hour and a half.
Red claimed
Miho claimed
oh boy 7am
At first glance, I thought the pic in the thumbnail was a Bad Dragon product.
What a cutie
hey thread that was first that i missed
Simple requests?
>Mundy are you okay
I'm just doing an intense river dance.
Be fish
ITT We talk to each other only using reaction pics
Wtf /b/ faggs no porn webm thread???
Nice, somewhat basic, but really nice.
the first person that texts this guy and can get a response back......wins the internet
What do you think about this guy, anon?
Slav as fuck
This is Paul Rusin. Internet phenomenon in the Russian-speaking Internet space. He writes very strange messages in your profile in a social network.
Ah russia. I don't care. Bye.
Guys, I fucked up
This morning I was trying to touch up my hairline, but i shaved too deep and now I fucked up my hair
wat do?
Tell everyone that you felt it was time to reveal that you're the last Airbender.
Here is a better pic
>covering your face
What are you? 12?
Nigga I need help
Stop being a faggot nigglet and fuck an Asian trapeze artist like the rest of us cux.