ITT: we are all from the year 10000
humanity with its warlike xenophobia has conquered half the milky way galaxy
Pic related, Smash 35 has just released their Ozzy Osbourne DLC
Man Call of Duty Next Dimension 255 is so boring, why'd they bring this shit back?
poor fag still playing on consoles
i bet you still have hair lol.
R8 my hat /b/
i wonder if we would enjoy an interesting conversation with each other if we were ever to meet in real life/10
Trup 2016!
Bad sitching
Decent fabric
Unoriginal slogan
There is no incest thread.
Lets have one.
Post your stories of inter-family degeneracy.
Also, I used to fuck my sister but dont do it anymore. She got married, had kids, and doesnt want to do shit any more for sentimental reasons. ("it feels like cheating".)
>pic not my sister. its just there to get your attention.
When did it start?
more than a decade ago. when we were young and living with our parents.
>btw, i've posted my story before. you might be dissapointed.
Started when you were 14? Got her pregnant by accident, had her aborted it, and last thing she did to you was a blowjob? Are you that guy?
Post pics of her, then
When she was 14*?
You wake up one morning and find out that your dead goldfish Pablo has disappeared. You find a note that says:
>If you wanna see your goldfish ever again bring 10$ to the harbour at midnight.
What do you do?
First comment to get two replies decides.
put my dick in the tank
making it wet
check house/pocket for 10 dollars
Buy a new pet but not fish because fish are fucking gay
They can keeps the dead goldfish
>First comment to get two replies decides.
you should choose yourself OP, or people who gets dubs.
Found pictures of my friends GF stripping. what do ?
Well, you post them here, of course, faggot.
Show Them bro
shit op is posting from from jupiter and the heavy gravity makes every post a heroic victory for mankind but takes 1000 years
Dubs names my band
We play metal btw
Fatty and the faggots
Use an image that hasn't been posted a million times already.
The Cool Band
Methy and the Autists
3 + 1 in the can
Let's see some beautiful pussy's, /b/.
I'm in. Moar?
More of her?
Nope. Saved it from other anon. He only posted this one
That's fine. Saved any other girls?
Name your favorite famous human from australia. mine is Martin Bryant. wish he got to kill more.
joe fritzl is the greatest australian b knows
Nice meme
pic related
I was more of a fan of Ivan Milat, where Martin Bryant was just fucking insane, Ivan was methodical and enjoyed what he did.
Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Shyvana?
I only played LoL a few times and I thought that Shyvana was a pretty good hero.
She is really strong!!
Because check em
lol this nub can't even dub
But I can, check em'
"come join us Anon.. We'll always have fun, i promise"
I'm ready
its a trap anon, dont
OK but who is the 2nd best looking woman on the planet?
It ain't that monkey
Id rather fuck a cute male than that muscular fucking ape
Only elite memers allowed ITT. newfags fuck off
How do i apply for this "elite" membership?
Hey. I'm here for the newfag conventio....... Sorry, misread the thread title. I'll see myself out
O shit waddup
Who the fuck is moving that much weight on Seseme street?
1am L33t w0t up m8
FEET thread, post girls feet you know or from FB/Insta and let's jerk off to their feet!
C'mon bros
also webm thread
Bumping for sauce
Post you are you're literally 10/10's
You are you are literally 10/10 is
ching chong much?
you are you're literally 10/10's
>being this grammatically retarded
your a idiot
you are you're literally 10/10's
So Im selling this 12 year old fucktard "weed" but Im not really I was just gonna put some oregano in a small baggy but does anyone else know any better way to fake it?
(Pic unrelated)
Just give him the weed and watch him trip the fuck out and laugh
Im considering it to be completely honest
just tell his parents he tried to buy drugs, don't specify
Fuck no, go for oregano
Add a little oil
Post result
>Get a teabag
>cut open and place in baggy or whatever
>tell him you already grinded it
>tell him it's super good shit that doesn't smell and will make you trip
>video tape him acting stupid
>post on /b/
Friday the 13th official bad luck thread
>I'm the wizzerd and will grant you bad luck.
>roll singles, you continue your day like nothing
>roll 13 and you will get bad luck for today
>dubs or higher and you can wish bad luck upon someone else.
>roll away boys, singles get.
I wish bad luck upon OP
I love this thread.
>singles get. please
bad luck you say?
Rolling for un-evenly distributed luck.
Alright, I'll play your silly game.
dubs and I will wish it upon myself
I got picked in the Green Card Lottery. Looks like i'm moving to the greatest country in the world.
Wat do?
There's a lottery for greencards? Like seriously wtf?
Correct. Millions applies, 150.000 gets picked, 50.000 green cards are handed out. 80% of those 150.000 often fails to fill in the new application forms corectly, so they end up being disqualified, kektus.
And you're happy about this? What shitfuckistan are you moving from?
go there and spread a disease please
Shaddap, USA USA <3
I'm abandoning the biggest fail country of this era : Sweden. To much hippies, lefties and liberal scums over here.
Why do hispanics have oddly shaped heads?
ITT: General racism threat
>inb4 inb4
Spics, also known as beaners, wetbacks, Mexicans, lawn mowers, and cleaning lady are the product of greasy and horny Spaniards raping the retarded spear-chucking natives that inhabited what is today Mexico. Spics can be identified by their diarrhea colored skin, refusal to speak English, unkempt appearance, and foul body odor. For many centuries this cesspool of subhuman genetic material was confined to Mexico, but recent promises of no taxes, free welfare, foodstamps, and voting rights by President Obama have caused a massive migration of bean-eaters into the United States....
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Spics' bodies are generally considered to be an abomination of the human form. They are short, stubby, useless hunks of flesh and bone which are wrapped in a disgusting shit-brown elastic substance.
The Spic genus shares many aspects with numerous other animals that somewhat resemble their evolutionary pathways. The sandnigger, for instance, shares a strong resemblance to the beaner: both smell like and are the color of shit and are prone to terrorism. However, the fundamental restrictions of Islam and hot desert sands can be faulted for sandnigger violence, whereas the spic is just naturally hostile. Likewise, the earthworm is a simple creature which only has the objective to consume and breed. Spics are quite similar to this creature with the only difference being that while the earthworm may be useful for creating soil nutrients, beaners are useful for nothing but mowing lawns.
Spic leader
Two typical Mexican children.
The spic is a suborder of canine. While it shares many of the negative traits, it lacks positive traits like intelligence and loyalty.
Trait Spic Dog
Loud barking for no reason X X
Public defecation X X
Travel in packs X X
Unpredictable violence X X
Loiter in the streets X X
Public fornication X X
Polygamy X X
Can be trained X
Is loyal to its master X
Spics' ancestors include horny Spanish conquistadors (mostly convicts and expendable retards), Iberian gypsies and Sephardim (hence the penchant for theft and deception), various and sundry animals, and a legion of extremely primitive spider/monkey humanoids who ran nude through the forests. This is to be truth since present-day beaners share so many characteristics with said insect family.
They are coming...
The latest mutagen of the Spic species, known as both the "Border Jumper" and the more fitting "Illegal Alien," has finally...
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Today, spics carry on a proud tradition of being slaves to their white masters. This has been a most fortunate thing for business, which has suffered since Abe "Hitler" Lincoln said people couldn't own niggers anymore. Most of them make tolerable cooks (if you don't mind Mexican lungbutter in your menudo, that is), landscapers, or basic manual laborers. While rednecks, niggers, and chinks can perform the same lowly tasks with far better results, each would demand a liveable human wage along with insurance, overtime, paid vacation time, etc.; hence the desire...
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