Last picture downloaded no context
That sure backfired.
anyone have a forum to get porn passes and netflix/hulu/hbo/crunchyroll accounts from?
^ try this one, OP
fb fap thread platinum
Figure I'll keep it going
Drawthread sand edition
Requesting Rukia doing something cute with an Azurill
tant og fjas?
The Irish are the greatest people.
>Hardest Working
>Best Fighters
>First country to vote for Same Sex Marriage
>Most Proud
>Always Up For A Laugh
>Best At Holding Their Drink
>Irish Accents
>Good Honest People
>Friend And Family Oriented
>Brilliant At Sporting
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> Hardest working
Who works harder then, mo chara
The Scottish are the greatest people.
>Hardest Working
>Best Fighters
>First country to vote for Same Sex Marriage
>Most Proud
>Always Up For A Laugh
>Best At Holding Their Drink
>Irish Accents
>Good Honest People
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your girls are the ugliest right after brit sluts
probably because the vikings stole all your pretty ones for a millenium
And that's OECD only. The fuck knows how many hours a chinaman works.
To be fair, this is hours worked not how hard those hours are worked, but it's the best metric I've found. Open to change mind upon seeing better, fam.
Pics you shouldnt share vol. 200000000 old one is close to img limit
Some girls are just steaming hot
some... this one not so much
also checked
Howd the old thread get pruned so quick?
>>702944267 #
>>702947000 #
We got WINRAR, so this is the new bread. You all may discuss ideas here
The Swedish government was just acting nice to the Muslims and is actually gassing them Holocaust style, and the Russians are helping.
The Russian chauffeur for Putin that was killed yesterday was actually going to leak the classified documents to WikiLeaks. Sweden took him out
>tip my fedora
>turn 360°
>walk away
cock tribute thread, part 3
Cum blast this cum slut
cuck thread cont. cont.
What would you do too her
Look at that naughty smirk.
What would you like to do?
I want to hear more of what you all would do to my wife. She can be a huge cunt, but once you break past that she loves to treated like a slut.
being megan's little brother must be fucking sweet
porn webm
any source on that one?
ratchet as fuck. rip off those lashes and tell chicken little to fuck off then maybe this would be arousing.
i hope the bottom one is a trap
anyone have a forum to get porn passes and netflix/hulu/hbo/crunchyroll accounts from?
^ try this one, OP
Why do black girls like white men so much /b/?
Because they aren't jobless gorillas who smell like assholes.
Gods? What new nigger speak is this?
one black girl with a white guy and suddenly they like them so much.
with that logic why do white women like black guys so much?
good bait. youre an idiot.
Why do white girls like black guys so much OP ?
Mature, stable income, attractive, loyal, etc.
any one following dakoda access? dogs unleashed on protesters. fb is taking down images with names of dog handelers and the companys they work for. any thoughts b/?
Good for her. We should sic the damned National Guard on these damned protesters the same way we did during Vietnam.
What's all this?
>mfw America is now no better than Gabon or Burundi
top kek
I have no idea
but I hope theres a vid
God tier metal album thread
Only top shelf stuff.
Fucking love tool.
aren't they finally making a new album? even though they're like in their 50's now kek
yeah, like 12 years later.
same guy. but...still cool.
tool > a perfect circle > puscifer
ITT: we try to spin for a win.
NUDE GAME, Master Rules
Rules are simple:
1. Post a clothed picture of your girlfriend/wife/anyone you know. and choose a number between 0 and 9.
2. If someone replies with that number (last digit), you post any picture they request.
3. If someone replied with dubs you post another non nude AND add another number for rolls
4. Best to make your request in your reply and not later as to avoid confusion.
5. If you post a pic of your girl for rolls but don't put a number, ALL ROLLS on her will count as valid.
6. reply only to pictures with numbers,
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Girl on the left. 6
get for tits and face
full front
So, has Kim K officially BTFO Taylor Swift and Chloe Moretz?
I love this woman.
What value does she have to society? What does she provide for our culture?
How do we as Americans benefit for her existence?
Fap material.
bro you're just in love with her surgeons work not her
Time for some more assfat injections
Maybe, but you gotta admit, she did BTFO Taylor and Chloe which is pretty awesome.
Looking for sexy dropbox links. Vids please.
Why are you such a fag?
this is /b/ now try 8ch its not as bad there, also not as active but meh
bump for interest.
you gotta post more than one pic OP
hello op here i stopped wanting to fuck animals and i moved on with my life
oh okay then
>4 unique IPs
come on man.
hell ye
Fb fap cont.
more of emily?