If two gay dogs wanted to get married would it be possible?
no. dogs no not mate for life and have no concept of marriage.
what this annon said
So Gay marriage would have to be legal in the state where they live?
Humans don't necessarily mate for life.
Rule34 - personal favorites edition. Pulling from all fictions, post the one character you'd most like to fuck. Pic related.
better than tinder! plenty of hornyyy sluts of your city on http://epi.my/thRd4Q
Right or left?
Which one is uglier? they're both about 3/10, rounded up of course
They both need to lose a person's-worth in weight combined. Right has a cuter potential face.
They both look good enough for fucking. large tits does help but I sure as hell wouldn't introduce to the family fuck no.
God Tier Guitarists
>god tier guitarists
>mediocre bass player
I love Rush as much as anyone but Geddy was never very good live.
eric johnson
dubbs have spoken
John Mayer got me into the guitar
Hi! My name is Tarl,
> and I'M A PEDO
Do you like Hispanic chicks?
Si amigo
I like the hot ones
What is Hispanic exactly? I never really got it.
People with heritage in Spanish speaking countries
I do! I do!
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Early Guy Fawkes day faggots edition.
Guy Fawkes is good, gonna burn shit.
Some of us need to sleep. I hate this shitty holiday.
sup, dunedin here
Dunedin also, North D?
The past few months I've spent on /pol/ in anticipation of the lolections. This morning, however, I came back to /b/.
Good fucking God I missed you bastards. Good morning, all.
Go fuck yourself
just kill yourself faggot
oh look
another faggot
California nudes time go!
661 bakersfield here
No fucking way, I never thought I'd see another fellow bako around.
I/we are here most nights man. Usually the same shit getting passed around but occasionally someone new will float in
You have any sluts to share?
Pics you shouldnt share part 24628
got these today
Damn nice, who is she to you anon?
Face if request
fb fap thread
more if interest
Its my turn to give back...
none of my friends can appreciate this game or can run it so i guess /b/ will have it. Roll me a 31 my age, and yo u get Deus Ex Mankind Divided game code download for amdrewards.com
all u need to do is register in that site and use my code and you will get the game code for steam and bam, i have 3 copies kos i accidentally exploited amazons costumer service.
as the rules state i must bump a couple of times
rye bread
with the help of my dad I did. it took a couple of hours, it turned out it broke off on the inside
just like me
i worked today. if the weather isnt terrible i may go out on sunday assuming i have it off work.
it looks like pieces of bread
how was your day?
I don't know if it does or not.
Save /b/ Youe are not my army i know
But this can save face for /b/
I recently found out that this killer is my second cousin. He has killed these two girls and nobody has been able to find them.
This side of my family is hiding the truth and I am determined to help their family find closure and fry this punks ass...Is /b/ real like the old days? I beg for help as an anon, lets solve these crimes and put /b/ on the map for what it was intended....good! I will post follow up images....Anony Missouri need you
These are the girls he was last seen with that have disappeared.....Jessica Runyions, and Kara kapensky...spell ck
This is his Fb page...I know you are not my army...but this is a cry for help
These two girls ceased to exist after being seen with Kylr.....help
I need anonymous to help me....I can provide more detailed info...anyone?
Write a story using only 2 words per post.
I'll start.
Once there
the game
was lost
nigger nigger
Fucktards rise
vote trump
I ejaculated blood, what do I do??
Jerk off again.
Did it hurt? Obviously you're gonna have to do to a doctor.
Go see a fucking doctor...
Wait until you die
Jerk again!
Internet filth.
Pictures that can't be explained with words
Man swims in flooded kitchen
Fuck your thread.
Can't be explained...phssss
Reaction image thread, dump your folders
I NEED YOUR OPINIONS ON BOTH OF THEM. Who is more qualified to be president and why?
Trump, because he is the only political outsider who could actually run this country and not another 4 years of Obama like Hillary would be
The guy on the right is friends with Crazy Russian Hacker, but the man on the left has an army of minorities
>more qualified
Clinton, she's been pretty much her whole life in politics.
That said, i don't like either.
Clinton is a corrupt cunt while Trump is a dumb clown with extremist ideas.
>Michael Moore:TrumpLand
Explains a lot.
who wants to get a real hidden clockcam thread going?
me too
do you have OC?
this thread has potential