Oh boy
Asian thread? Asian thread
Only trips removes the censor.
Second trips gets her full imgur album link! (Tons of nudes.)
> No trips never see her nips.
Roll to see those nips
fuck u
Not just nips. She spreads EVERYTHING.
got em
Deutschland Faden
Fragen stellt ihr Opfer
Keiner da?
Wo sind di Deutschen? Etwa alle arbeiten um die Zeit?
warum muss ich pippi?
Die haben gerade was im Gesicht.
Die Fäden haben seit ein paar Wochen echt nachgelassen.
Woran liegts?
Chubby thread part 2
She is cute af
Love this view
The only bread u want in your mouth - s/fur bread.
What about some shepherd's bread?
Trump supporters should consider what just happened. Trump agrees to debate Sanders if the money goes to a charity, so Sanders accepts. Then Trump says only if that donation exceeds $10 million (underestimating how bad the people want this). So when the offers made it up to $20 million, he goes and backs out completely. Not only did he turn away the opportunity to give $20 million to charity, and not only did he cower to an opponent, but he blatantly went back on his word. He's a bullshit artist extraordinaire, and I have no doubt that this foreshadows how his Presidency would play out.
Sad thing is the hype this will get
Trump was right when he said everything he does will be under budged and ahead of schedule.
He is the republican nominee before California and had invested less money, than the other candidates (Yeb! included for the keks)
You could say, he got the nomination under budget and ahead of schedule, let this sink in.
I just like the idea of Rome burning and people want to put gasoline on the fire
Skinny thread pt. II
whats the thing about blacks that bothers you most?
mine: stupidly loud in public places, like yelling into the phone (speakerphone obv.) about how doodoo need to go to the sto, etc
pretty much hit the nail on the head...
except the fact that they are proud of that stuff
The only technology they know how to use is the latest iPhone, meant solely to post jpeg'd emoji nigger posts to twitter.
another one i like: when they're walking three steps in front of you, they let the door slam in your face or on your body
addendum: if you hold the door for them, they ignore you completely
Currently dealing with an infestation of bed bugs. They're about to drive me towards burning my house down. I can hardly sleep due to the constant paranoia they ensue. Can you guys help cheer me up with a Judy Hopps thread?
same here. dont scratch the bites and they wont get bad.
Yeah that's my biggest problem. Last night they fucked my arms up.
Also, bumping with my folder.
Not gonna stop bumping until my sheets are clean.
Waifu thread
The rules are very simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>Refrain from posting porn
>Most importantly: Have fun!
>Lazy edition
>mfw everytime i see that image i think it's lewd
>blue nigger claimed and leaving for a short bit
Celeb fap thread
Post pictures to get COCK Tributed (COCKED on) and do some requests yourself.
Everyone contribute for a good thread.
From last thread
do her...
No cringe?
Let's change that
where is fedora?
Skinny girl thread, post your favourite girls anons
saved from old thread
S/fur thread
+point for foot fetish
Rekt thread
Sickest shit you have
Why did the cop do that? He seemed like such a stand up citizen.
Because cops are fucked
Ayyy lmao
Gotta love police brutality
Richfag here. Trips gets a free copy of Overwatch
who the fuck is trips and why is everyone always giving him and dubs free shit?
I'll bite
contact steam
Greentext bread?
nothing to contribute, but bump!!
damn I've never read this one before.
really good.
one of my favorites
>When I was 12 me and some friends were playing truth or dare and i was dared to cut off my dick. At first it was a joke but then everyone was egging me on and said they'd give me like £50 altogether if I did it. None of us really knew how important a dick was, it was just a flap of skin which you piss through.
I went for it, everyone laughed and I was a hero for like a minute before blood was gushing everywhere and I went to show my mother, she flipped out and took me to the hospital. They reattached my dick but I've got no sensation...
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Post pictures to get COCK Tributed (COCKED on) and do some requests yourself. Everyone contribute for a good thread.
PIC RELATED - I will fulfill a few requests so post the pics you want COCKED on.
cock this
someone cock dimples please.
Thx op