Discord thread
I hate my my vagina.
I've always have had a super puffy/big clitoral hood (posted about this when I was still a virgin-- lost my virginity right after turning 20). Post all the vomiting reaction faces you want... I've seen it all when I posted years ago. Now I'm 21 now, go to a great college, am fit, am told I'm pretty, and have a bf who doesn't seem to have a big problem with the appearance of my vagina (he prefers unshaved). I've had three sexual partners total.
However, I am extremely self-conscious about the appearance of my vagina
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at least shave because you look like a fucking monkey
I would have sex with a rock if it had some lipstick on. You're fine
would look 10x better if shaven
post tits, ass, etc for total rate
show us what it looks like shaved.
by the looks of it now you could probably do well with a labiaplasty.
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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Alright I'm done
Yuuko Aioi is claimed!
We try to get banned again. You know what to do.
Bump now guys
tense game
lets get this shit show on the road
10/10 thread
Dubs for info
my 1 and only question.
why he use mayo as lube?
Jimmy Nelson
Capra Demon
seymour asses
Grandpa Skeletal
Angry Megumin
I have no sexual interest in tauntauns.
Though I definitely would fuck a dead woman if her body was fully intact and I can still feel residual body heat.
new celeb thread
I want to wreck her tight body
More Dove. You always only post the one pic.
Emma Watson anon?
I only post that one when I enter a thread or started a new one.
pics you shouldn't share, but meh
fucking ROLL
Just for you OP <3
What's up, faggots. Time for another adventure.
Dubs decides what you do.
You are stranded on a deserted island, and you have heard rumors of treasure buried here, but you would be happy just to get home safely.
Around you, you find: a tree and 6 coconuts, some sticks and stones on the beach, rocks in the shape of a fire pit, and a patch of disturbed sand.
-Only the first get after each update will be counted.
-Trips will trigger an event.
-Quads will always count, no exceptions, and will trigger an event.
-You only control
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Shove stick in ass till I die
rat sand
You shove the stick up your ass. It does not kill you, but you do have some moderate anal hemorrhaging.
Dubs decides.
Heal asshole in the ocean
drawthread: aaaaaa edition
>is that a benis
no, it's my real face
Hunger Games Sim Thread
Best Nigga survives, weak nig dies
Post 48 niggas to face eachother
Rules: No exact samefaggin'
Angry Megumin
Monkey D. Luffy
Capra Demon
Nazi soldier
>tfw femanon
>tfw every time someone knows my gender on this site ignores me until i deliver tits
>tfw im never taken seriously and receiving de hits from a bunch of men whom are mad with the opossite gender.
>tfw i never did anything to you
>tfw i have to hide my gender at any cost if i want to interact with you
4chan a site for free-speech? I don't think so, everybody here is taking advantage of the anonymity
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gtfo kek
how does it feels?
isn't this a copypasta? I feel like I've seen this exact post before
what is a copypasta?
>tfw you got le troll'd
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vc 0pokhmSA
Mister Beta demands a beta/cringe thread
....fucking really
Trap thread ?
What does /b/ think of prostitutes/escorts/hookers? I personally love them and I go to Thailand every year to bang young Thai girls.
>InB4 "girls" and "ladyboys" and yes I have had sex with a lady boy before.
>pics are my OC
what's the youngest you've fucked
19 and this is her pic, girl was a succubus in bed. I went back to her like 3 times.
tell us more
don't act like you are the OP, I'm the OP
What do you think of twinks
definitely hot. twinks make my cock throb
It's hard to find clips with real twinks and not those ugly fat "twinks", kinda dissapointing
What country has the best twinks? Id say north america
North America for sure . all of the twinks I've fucked here have been too notch
Any specific profiles or just serf the front page?
> ITT We try to get banned
Come on /b/ I know you can.
Bump 4 interest
Checked op
Last thread died just when things were goin' to be interesting
Things weren't interesting, THEY WERE ILLEGAL