I need some advice, anons.
I'm thinking about upgrading from a "fat" ps4 to the pro variant. My biggest concern is that said pro ps4 could be too noisy. My current one is extremely quiet, and I really value immersion in vidya.
So, does the PS4 pro sound like an F-14 taking off with afterburner or is it just fine?
>wasting money on a glorified 30 fps piece of metal
Shit life you got there bud
shouId be fine as Iong as you don't stick toast in it
you invest in headphones or you buy a PS4Pro from Scandinavia where they put in effort to have long lasting electronics per law.
>and I really value immersion in vidya.
>on a PS4
This is bad bait or you're just a fucking idiot
Why are consoles even a thing anymore
what does you light you loose means?
What does “ylyl” mean?
fb/ig cont
pick one
>fb/ig cont
Chubby/Thicc/& Perfectly Plump Chicks Thread. Premium Breeding Material.
Come and get your daily dose of ass.
Tribute thread
Anyone want a tribute?
I want some people to send cock / cum tribs of Jessica Nigri to my Kik
If you want different images, just Google her
Kik: killthekiddies99
I guess me ;p
Someone big tribute my wife please?
Cumming to her
I don't understand why idiots try to kill themselves by jumping into water. It's not like hitting concrete, which would actually kill you.
Now this retard has to swim to shore and try again another way.
Go to /gif/ and search for a rekt thread. Theres a huge one going on there.
You can die from this kind of wounds, stay safe out there kids.
Never forget that France is the best country in the world.
Haha good joke op
Good start to your ylyl thread
It's full of muslims and niggers
Stop it watching fox new
At surrendering?
You have to live as the main character of the last video game you've played.
How screwed are you?
I don't play video games
Why post then you stupid nigger
I have to stave of gollum and get the fucking ring to mordor. You tell me how fucked I am faggot!
Pretty satisfied.
Isn't it 2B? Well I'd rather be 2B
lets have a roll roulette thread post all and any
also roll
i'm swiss, ask me anything
lutschisch eier?
What's the most annoying thing people ask you?
are you swiss
How has the rapefugee crisis affected you?
What are your thoughts on Merkel?
And why is Eastern Europe have a stronger identity compared to the west?
Matched with this girl not usually what I go for but seems thick
Opinions ?
that's fat not thick
thats a whale
Send the whale back to seaworld
That is not thick, it is only fat.
Opinion, she should run more than she eats
You got it boys
Seriously considering an hero.
What do?
Play with your doo doo and nut
consider this.
>haven’t posted logs
Dial 911. It will take you less than 2 seconds and it will probably save your life.
>Goes to /b/
>no loli thread
Loli bread
just here to bump
Contribute OP
You gotta contrib
This isn't really how this works.
Anyone know what this is and able to decipher it?
Amy Schumer farded and camed in her pant.
It looks like a spectrogram. If it is, it's not a human voice being shown there.. and there's not really a whole lot of information that can be gained from this ("something made a sound" - that's about it).
looks like a spectral analysis, two status fields and a line chart
maybe some sort of radio signal?
could be part of a process management software
clearly it's an USB port on the PCI address 14013 bus 00
Why do Asian boys make the best girls ?
Not enough evidence to support your claim yet.
Let's take this meme personally test.
16personalities . com
I got this.
I'm 20y male.
I don't know what to say.
inb4 intj. i dont know why descriptions of the type keep saying its the rarest, its always like 60%% of everyone who takes these tests
>tfw male
>tfw INFJ
I hate debates
>fitness whores edition
>preferably round ass athletic blondes
why are they whores though?
Strong legs and abs are also welcome.
fit girls are best girls.
New celeb thread
Thanks to anon for this pic edition
She is such a hottie
*used to be
*once upon a time
*stands above you* OwO
does my cubby sense detect a cub thread?
u mad bro?