So who on /b/ has been to jail/prison?
What was it like? What did you go in for? Whats the most fucked up shit you've seen?
I work at one. AMA
Did one month at a holding facility while awaiting court before I got out with a bond.
I can't really speak with much experience because I wasn't in a "real" prison, but it seems an easy life to adapt to if you don't mind being treated like shit.
Alright ive spent a total of 10 days locked up all combined. Pretty much all because of 1 dwi that I was under the age of 21 and twice the legal limit... oh yea and did I mention I live in Texas. Basically I tried probation fucked that up because im a complete idiot and have issues with authority (im and alcoholic and drunk right now) so I end up taking time in county instead of lengthening my probation. They let me do 48 hours at a time each weekend, I'd show up at 6pm friday and get let out around the same time Sunday. Did this for 4 weekends, the other 2 days were for...
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All in all* but I'll give your drunk ass a pass.
Do they let you sleep just whenever you want? Legit curious
Spent two months for a DUI I wasn't actually guilty of. Turns out an epinephrine inhaler will fuck you. Didn't have $7k to pay for expert witness to beat it. It's pretty shit, you get up early af for no reason. Not allowed to sleep or be under blankets till "lights out". Food is ass,people are worse, and guards are lazy fucks so you spend all day on lockdown. Craziest thing I saw was some big big got ahold of dry ice somehow and got fucked up by guards for it. Also merlot made in the toilet...
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U.S. citizens voted a huge lobbyist for the wealthy into office. Is there anything you want to do about it? And how long until his impeachment?
America is an idiocracy. The idiots voted in the exact person who fucked them over and actually took their jobs. All while blaming anyone they didnt like for it.
Somehow its a mecians fault that the owner moved a job from Us to Mexico.
Straight white christian males hate anyone who isnt one of them and blame everything on them. They are the most easily conned retards on the planet. The jungletards in Africa display more competence.
Trump will prob resign in 3 years right before impeachment if...
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so much butthurt. so many tears.
actually the lobbyist lost.
aww frustrated little millennial. cry some more tears of impotent rage.
better learn to share kid.
Trump may not be flawless, but let me make one thing clear...
The ONLY reason Donald Trump is being misrepresented, attacked and slandered by the controlled media and political operatives online is because he was the only real threat to Hillary Clinton (the planned replacement puppet for Obama) being handed the Presidency.
I happen to know for a fact that Trump was largely playing a role and acting controversial as a political tactic. Making ‘brash’ statements was part of his game, as a way of throwing out ‘red meat’ to attract mainstream GOP voters. In...
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The libtards only have themselves to blame. Looks like the majority is fed up with the fucking incompetent, hand-holding, "ban everything because I get upset and offended" crowd. The progressives and their "safe space" needing cowardly ass supporters can go cry in a corner now.
god tier album thread
ITT we post fucking pleb-tier CD's our mom got us at target.
Here's a god-tier album you fuck
I hate all of you
Stuff you jerked to when you were a youngster.
More pics you need more of, or pics you said you wouldn't post at all too.
For the love of god more please
Has anyone busted half a nut then kept going and busted this huge nut
First thought :
on what?
Keemstar ehh?
I don't exactly see why there is so much controversy about this. I've been a fan of Shads work for maybe a year now and I think roasting Keemdwarf is not the most fucked up thing he ever did. Maybe I am missing somethig. If so I would request some explanation. I do not follow his Twitter or YouTube Channel by the way.
Shadbase it should be the second post in the archive.
FB / IG Fap unlimited
Bonus points for big fat asses
(No average / busted bitches)
only shit you lost too
kys faggot
You're really shilling those cat videos where ever you can.
ITT: Oldschool pornstars.
Do you think amateur will ever get so exposed that the whole shit flips back and fake silicon bitches get the 'gasm????
sluts that you love to jeark to
Stop being disrespectful.
She doesn't look like a slut, and she probably wouldn't appreciate you talking about her like that.
oh rly
Let's get those noods
/b/ I really want to fuck my sis in law how do I get her fucked up or make her pass out enough to fuck her if it works pics
Pic unrelated
Not an option don't know where to get them
Bump for interest
Double bamp
Loli thread?
Dick rate thread? Pic is mine
Can I give it a kiss on the tip?
You are a fag that wants attention from other men
Yes you can
Can I suck that for you, Sir?
discord thread:
It's time b, get rolling.
anyone but Kristen Bell anyone but Kristen Bell anyone but Kristen Bell anyone but Kristen Bell anyone but Kristen Bell anyone but Kristen Bell anyone but Kristen Bellanyone but Kristen Bellanyone but Kristen Bellanyone but Kristen Bellanyone but Kristen Bellanyone but Kristen Bellanyone but Kristen Bellanyone but Kristen Bellanyone but Kristen Bellanyone but Kristen Bell
>Jennifer Lawrence
>Psychotically needy
>Interested in hobbies
>Anna Kendrick
>frequently fucks her father in secret
>Retains beauty
>Emelia Clarke
>Is physically unable to orgasm
>Constant hard nipples
As-salamu alaykum.
My dear /b/rothers, you can shout "TRUMP!" 'till you are blue in the face but it won't prevent the inevitable.
The caliphate has been established and the world WILL be Muslim.
Islam is peace.
Islam is love.
you're trying too hard m8
deez nuts
Nobody's trying, infidel.
We ARE taking over. Just look at Europe.
not even europe wants europe
Primitive tribes will abandon their brethren as soon as the going gets tough.
Random images thread, start now /b/ros
r34 thread i guess ill start it since op is jacking off in a corner crying because hes a faggot i dont have the rest of the ster comic tho
ITT: pics u shouldn't share but are going to anyway
Starting with OC
should we go chubby or fit u decide /b/
nice puss have some fit pussy
bampin with moR
This is Teddy. Teddy is dead. Teddy is hiding somewhere in your house. Tomorrow at exactly 3:37 AM, Teddy will rip out your eyes unless you post in this thread.
Ack ack