Lurker here
sup nigz
I am a good rule34 drawer, this is elsa.
good job.
u like dudes
Let's start a wallpaper thread guys!
anything by leif podhajsky
pics shouldnt share continued
god tier girl here, moar from anon required
need to see face before I can fap
ew small tits and not defined hips
need tits and face from OP
as was foretold
Saw this the other day, pretty funny stuff!
wow! can i save that?
Dubs and you tell that girl you like her tomorrow. I'll make a thread tomorrow to see if any of you fags have the balls to do it.
roll again
What time? Also roll
you scared faggots?
will do it but probably won't post
post the first pic you can find
no restrictions
I'll go first
I just found out I have ball-cancer
>99% chance I'll survive AND won't need chemo :)
>I'm gonna lose my right nut :(
you're forced to marry the girl below you
fuck you op
...wait for it
I'm gonna cum
New waifu thread
Mai claimed.
Trips demand cum. Now I really have to go.
Mugi Claimed
Also Sylvie claim.
Creepshot thread
Would masturbate to furiously.
Post a pic, then anons rate and say how you would fuck her.
Against her will
Right in her pussy, no pulling out
Just cut a hole in the pants and do it right then and there
celeb claim thread! only dubs can steal
Deutschland Faden - Nachtdienst
Warum noch wach?
Lieber Soldat oder Müllmann sein?
Was war euer bester Urlaub eures Lebens?
Werden wir Neuwahlen bekommen?
Opfas, was geht?
Nochmal derjenige, der nach einem Politikchatroom sucht. Kennt einer von euch einen, der sich mit deutscher Politik befasst und nicht von /pol/tards besetzt ist?
>Warum noch wach?
Keine Ahnung
>Lieber Soldat oder Müllmann sein?
Eigentlich egal uezs
>Was war euer bester Urlaub eures Lebens?
>Werden wir Neuwahlen bekommen?
>Warum noch wach?
Nicht müde.
>Lieber Soldat oder Müllmann sein?
>Was war euer bester Urlaub eures Lebens?
Vegas letztes Jahr oder als Kind mit meiner Familie in Spanien.
>Werden wir Neuwahlen bekommen?
Wäre schön, glaube aber nicht dran.
Warum kann ich Frauen nicht ernst nehmen?
Die sind weder Intelligent, noch auch nur ansatzweise lustig, bzw. verstehen keinen Humor.
Sie "denken" mit dem bauch und nicht mit dem Hirn...
Stimmt was mit mir nicht, bin ich vielleicht Frauenfeindlich oder sowas?
what percentage of Muslims are radical?
I'd imagine less than 5%
They are shitty little brain dead stone age cunts
Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslim.
bout tree fidy
there were polls that showed like 70% of Muslims in Europe think sharia should be law.
I hope to explode it
77 virgins
YWYL thread
Feminists' vagina.
not enough wat
Porn Webm Thread
Gigi Rivera. Dunno which vid.
Name a job you don't respect.
being OP
pizza deliverers or waitresses
i despise them and never tip
entitled assholes
I respect people humiliating themselves for cash doing sign shit much more than people who have some entry level white collar job and talk down to people. This poor bastard is just trying to make the most of what he's got, take note OP
Chairman of The Trump Organization
War veteran.
So /b/ I'm legit scared I might get robbed I walked outside to find this
shitty yellow x faintly painted on my house and some shady guys in a
shitty car pulled into my driveway and as soon as I stepped out fucking
zoomed off. All that plus I live in a shady neighborhood where robberies
always happen.
Anyway /b/ on a scale of 1-10 how fucked am i
Put all of your valuables outside on your front porch, anon. They will have no reason to come inside and steal your shit.
Pretty fucked. Buy a gun if you dont have one.
You might want to call the police aswell
maybe there's even more valuables inside
somebody put a hit on you
get out now, never return
Then set up a till and sell them your valuables once they get inside. PROFIT