>doesn't do requests for anons
>delivers for taith
In response to nims lewd..
What's so bad about Taith tho?
He's not that bad. From what I've seen.
2nd and last attempt, will be posting faceless nudes/creampie/bj pics. trips = face. op is not chick.
did you ever fuck that brick up the ass?
not yet, she's kinda small (5'1"), and my dick is about 8 inches, so i havent gotten her drunk enough to stick it in her ass (pic related)
celeb fap thread
shit tier girl for a shit tier shop
ITT things Americans don't know about America.
Its coming to an end
oh we know all too well
US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People since WW2
more than anyone else
but they're the noble country, the shining city on a hill.
The government became a leeching entity and its own fully functional war machine using the dense and the desperate.
NASA??? no! NAZI
Pics you're not supposed to share/pics you want anons to jerk off to.
Cum/cock tribute this ginger slut
Faces of /b/.
Chill, rate, insult and kek.
Perfect jaw/10 no homo tho
Rate me?
I don't know man, like 6? you look like a dude who could use long hair.
Is this really you/10
And another
pictures of girls you have wins of but you have never shared them before. see what other anons think and post more if you feel bold. maybe find someone to trade with. Picture related GF:) She'd kill me
She's cute, you feeling bold?
Dump her!
I could do a swap if you had more. I'm really into thongs, too
you have OC?
How does this make you feel?
Wtf is the appeal of rimjobs, do is make you feel like an Indian?
Pennsylvania nudes thread. Post em.
Area code?
814 here!! near punxsy area
I'm looking for 215
Really hoping for 717(ephrata girls) or 814(lara specifically)
Conwell Egan graduating years preferred 215
ITT: Post best Game of Thrones girl.
>inb4 danyfags
too soon
Waifu claiming thread
>mi liu edition
Here are the rules, kiddo:
>Z0MG NONE!!!!1101
>claim waifus
>inb4 "muh rules"
>a cat us fine too
>pls no ship
>no loods
>ignore that last one
>read next rule
>disregard last rule
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pls no ship
kys learn to make them and respect last post fagg
lets summon the mods
do what you gotta do anon
Bump and roll
Oh mods, mods... nope didn't work
Post a girl cuter than her.
>protip:you can't
Too easy
big forehead bro
another pic fam, eyes close cant determine cuteness. even with dubs.
Her forehead is a landing strip and her eyes are two positive magnets.
Hi...my name is anonymous and...I'm new to g/fur and now I have an addiction...
welcome to the club. You're here forever now
What would you like?
at least toss me a frickin' bone here
Go fags
The gravity is a lie
Op is fag
The holocaust didn't happen.
19 and 20 year old pansexual here. Bored as fuck, help us, /b/! Timestamp is on the way
pa what?
go back on tumblr
pic related
Blow a dog then snowball his load with your friend if your REALLLY a pan
You're 19 and 20? Are you some sort of pan-ageist faggot?
"Not calling my self bi because it does'nt earn enough oppression points"
Post girls you know, other anons say how they would fuck/abuse them.
If someone replies to your girl, you do theirs
Bump. Anyone have a girl they want abused?
i would fuck her throat till her fucking smile is gone
do her please
i'd gag her and share her with a friend to fuck her in the ass. she then swallows our loads
H/fur 6th (is it time for editions yet)
Her eyes are literally dead
You say that like it's a bad thing