got banned from /vg/ thread b/c me and a sexy wow gurl in chastity were talking about her chastity cage.
Celeb thread
Oh yes
Did you know when Katy Perry was a kid she wasn't allowed to eat lucky charms because luck is considered satanic.
Girlfriend finally cheated on me. The faps I've had since then have been the most intense sexual release of my life. Please post more cheating sluts.
OP is a cheating slut.
A woman will never cheat if she fears you. Try to be less of a beta faglord and you may have a satisfying life.
i can imagine this is the type of shit that gets a person killed
Nude Game
You know the rules
Roll an 8
4 or 8 rn
full frontal
A winner
wow more
any front photo?
What are the odds the Democratic party will have a coup-de-tat? HRC "healthed" out and a
real candidate steps forth?
Considering that only a few months ago the Democrat party conspired to get her the nomination over Sanders, not likely.
She doesn't look like she can go the distance.
Wonder if Bill is being paid to slip drugs into her mash?
Discuss BLM.
Do black people hate Eminem?
BLM is not a religion of peace as the leftist media likes to paint them, they are nothing more than a group of thugs. They completely disregard the tactics of MLK jr that were successful and just devolved into fucking apes
they are regressives, not progressives
BLM is a natural response to a police force that even the DoJ says is deeply racist. Not that this changes anything for the cop-loving bootlickers around here.
Thanks for the fill in. IRE fag here so not submerged in the BLM culture crap. It is just annoying/unavoidable. People here wearing BLM tshirts and bag patches.....makes me sick
Not to mention they're supported by ISIS.
Dubs decides what I write to this girl.
Tits or gtfo. Check'em
are you into anal vore?
So how about I come across your face to make it even?
I'm gay.
Drawthread, Cancer absolute Edition.
You are my favourite cancer.
>cancer in carnet.
I've never been in a draw thread before, ever.
Roast me.
Ah, were you one of the last posters on the drawthread that was just deleted? Hi.
Draw me doing something mundane or whatever how want please
Have the fucking face to tell me this isn't genital mutilation. Circumcised guys can't masturbate without lubricant. And who the fuck is fighting to stop the circumzicion? And of course im talking about circumsizion at birth with no sense
literally jack off without lube always
So much this
How's that less sensitive glans treating you?
>Who the fuck is fighting to stop the circumcision?
Yes, I'm serious.
Just fine, you want to find out faggot
I think they're fighting against "fart rape" harder than male mutilation.
Waifu claiming thread.
Previous: >>705227625
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>This is not /b/, this is /mai/
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>PLS don't
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Get Rekt Shiro. Also mom got fucked up.
Ye, hello. <3
Well shit, you guys are fast. I thought I should've done you guys a courtesy and make my own thread.
Thanks anyway.
>chen and shiro sneak into the dark sports equipment storage room together
No please.
Story time!
faces of /b/
What species are you?
You're cute.
Family Fap Thread continued
My cousin
hmmm, no its not.
My cousin
love those feet and legs
shotafur i guess
lolifur is okay too, but i'm just gonna be posting shotafur
oh yeah, artist name is in the filename; most except kagerofu is on pixiv
Male 5'4 here!
Everyday with this bullshit.
No one likes you.
6' 2 master race here, feels good man
How does it feel knowing your jeans are inferior?
milf thread cont
to all btards!
have u ever have kik/snap fun with real (single) milf? If so how was it?
Got any of her naked or topless at least?
Show the nudes already fuck!
It wuz gud
Now /b/, show us the landmark of your home town. I begin, Malmö in south of Sweden.
We've already accepted that you're Danish, it's time for you to leave.
Go back to Denmark.
Basilica Palladiana
>near Venice
University of Kansas
lots of cool buildings
Lawrence KS, USA
new fb fap
What would you do to her?
Who loves footsluts?
pin her to the floor spread her legs and pound that pussy. cum inside her
Let it out /b/.
>Be me sophomore year of college
>Desperate so I hook up with this crazy chubster.
>Never use a condom, always go inside.
>After sex she says she stretches. Puts legs up against the wall.
k drinkbeer.jpg
We stop hooking up. 2 months later I find out she's pregnant, the only guy who knows we hooked up is my best friend. Looks at me as the blood drains from my face.
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guess its copypasta, but I dont care, sounds good
I'm done.
Nigger's need to hang