Moar FB fap
show more of dis ass and gib de pussy boss
the last 4 digits of your comment is the scp coming after you, how fucked are you?
Rolling for lube
if the number is too big, last 3 digits
I never die
Draw Thread
>Take or give request
>Interact or roleplay with others
>Threadly reminder that you can always git more gud
>Don't be afraid to try a request yourself
>New Drawfriends are ALWAYS desired
TOOLS: (PaintTool SAI, ¥5400, nearly all drawfags use it) (MediaBang Paint, Freeware) (Krita, Freeware)
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I gently request one of you skillful drawers to draw a picture of a Futa Waluigi Centaur. I am in dire need of this; it's a matter of life and death. Thank you.
that makes no sense. waluigi is a dude already... you want tits on him? futa is girl with penis...
Wat the fuck?
Yes, that works.
Who's your favorite living wrestler /b/? Mine is Tough Guy Robbie Salvage. "Yeeeeaah Boy!!!"
Honk Hoag-man "hello sibling"
Albert the dwarf
He was pretty cool, but I said living. R.I.P. sibling. R.I.P.
What's for dinner /b/?
10/10 for presentation
hey /b/ is my ass too hairy?
well, your timestamp is not.
eh, could use a waxing
Not for my standards
ive had my brows done and it wasn't bad at all but it's like $60 in my town to get your crotch waxed
id tongue fuck it
45 minutes, /b/
Until you kill yourself?
You better steam it, fag
im legit curious anon
ima try and keep this bumped for that time, just in case
I'll bump with you, I see some potential here
panties thread
more like this?
Bumping for interest
ive never understood how people manage this, how fucking loose and oversized can their underwear possibly be?
thongs are like 85% elastic/this would also probably rip them a bit
alright /b/, what are your predictions?
who do you want to win?
>I'd rather have an idiot who makes other people do his work than a total nutcase
?Trump by 5% to 8%
Never had Black Man as prez b4
Trump, he'll work with Russians instead of starting a war with them.
Hillary will win, and I want Hillary to win. Life is good, butthurt trumpfags
> inb4 shill
G/fur:Advanced memetics
CTR only in this thread
OP is a newfag.
Requesting horses please
if you find the full color of this...
im bad for not saving it when i saw it.
thanks in advance
what happened to his tumblr?
Dat yummy twink booty. Feet in my face, cock in his ass
>get in here boys
If I was at home, I'd post a pic of my ass with those words.
I think my body type is vaguely twinkish, but I'm way too lazy to get all the hair off
is there any particularly easy way?
celeb thread 3
Azor Jon
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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I sent you an example
It's no so much a matter of fazing you guys, as much as it is me not wanting to post terrible art
Are these pictures Phillips CD-I Zelda/Mario tier bad?
>Smug attempt
I love it and I had personal things to take care of
But they're not meant to be cause that's weird
Trips get her nudes, dubs gets a regular pic of her. GO GO GO
last reroll before i give the fuck up
Let's roll
ITT: We try to accurately predict the election 2016-electoral-map
Montana aint going to hillary
Why all the libtards want to give Bill access to the white house and have his wife as a president even though he has been known to be a kiddie fucker and a frequent flyer on loli air is beyond me let alone the inability to handle classified material that would put any normal person in prison for decades let alone all the other shit she has pulled baffles the fuck out of me.
I want to do it just to piss you off, specifically.
Can we have a feels thread?music and tell us your story
I spent 4 hours today making a bigass batch of golabki and nobody liked it.
cabbage rolls are disgusting
do you like ematballs? hamburgers? it's the same thing but wrapped up in a leaf. they were good
the only thing i want my meat wrapped up in is pussy lol
that aside, lettuce > cabbage
lettuce is better raw but cooked, cabbage is king
femanon here, why don't you guys have girlfriends?
Most women I'm attracted to are lushes or are married.
tits or gtfo
y dont u have a girlfriend thO?
Because i'm a fat, lazy, unhygenic beta.
I would ask for tits or gtfo but youre probably a smelly cow
when does a woman deserve RAPE?
serious responses only.
When they run for president.
So, you sick fuck want to justify your urge to rape someone?
If she's a bitch then yes
Mind you im bi so if anyone pisses me off then...
>serious responses only
KYS, no BS, just KYS