I'm not shy, just poofed.
Something on your mind?
Oh, okay.
You are performing good, my sir.
Er... you ok there...?
melbourne hoes
Literally never heard of it. Fuck off euro poor.
fuck off amerifat you'd be fucking lucky to sniff a melbourne girl through your layers of macdonalds grease on your face
Guys don't upset the virgin
fuck you ive fucked heaps of girls like 20 or so lost count lmao
at least im not a beta fag
ITT: We have a nice conversation.
How goes your day, Anon?
Kill yourself you pathetic loser
piss off you fukn dindu nigga cunt
Welcome aboard, newfags
I wanted to see what you do... And you didn't dissapoint...
Tally ho, bespectacled gentleman, from whence did you begin thine journey from?
>be me
>be 26
>be NEET
>wake up at 7pm
>mummy has made dinner
>it's vegetables
>i hate vegetables
>refuse to eat it
>"well, you're going to go without dinner tonight, anon"
>she thinks she's won
>go back to my room
>hold myself over for a few hours on mountain dew
>wait till mummy is asleep
>start screaming "I WANT FOOD I WANT FOOD" as loud as I can
>mummy wakes up and stumbles to my door
>"anon what are you doing?!? It's midnight!"
>walk up real close to my door and stop screaming
>"anon, are you ok?"
>mummy opens the door
>me standing right there
>scream "I WANT FOOD!" two inches from her face
>she falls backwards into the hall
>keep screaming "I WANT FOOD" as I head to the kitchen
>start taking food items from the fridge and throw them all over floor
>throw gallon of milk onto the ground and it explodes
>mummy is pleading with me to stop
>mummy crying
>"Why do you do this, anon?!? WHY?!"
>mfw I see her getting her car keys
>mfw she comes home with a double serving of Jack in the Box tendies
>mfw she'll never get rid of her little boy!
You got issues, dude.
Good for you for showing that bitch who's boss.
poor woman
I feel bad for your mother
You'll end up in hell fag!
Get in here! Real kik thread.
Add taylor1996s
Add me : feetntoes2k15
Obligatory hannafaust post
Did anyone get pics off ktpi8eight?
Need some advice on psychedelics and mental illness, heard that there is in cases good effects from people with depression taking shrooms
also general drug thread
lsd made me less afraid of death. made me realise as bill hicks put it, that "life is just a ride"
do your own research faggot.
don't depend on the world around you to spoonfeed you the right answers.
asking if people had real life experiences fucking degen
ya because research papers are not based on real life people and real life experiences.
you need to go do your own research. not ask /b/ for mental health advice. seriously get the fuck out of here and get your ass on google scholar.
>Need some advice on psychedelics and mental illness, heard that there is in cases good effects from people with depression taking shrooms
>also general drug thread
I took 4 hits of acid and I normally dip a can a day but after the comedown I didn't even want to for 2 weeks
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzX VN3OukXw
the rap scene in my country (Finland) is horrendously juvenile and incompetent
you can just choose anything to sample and start laughing (including the stuff lauded as "art")
come on motherfuckers
recycled j motherfucker
What do I reply /b/? Help
"I dont remember my dreams"
"Like you"
how about describing HER?
if you don't take the obvious "please flatter me" bait you don't deserve a penis
Not like you
You bitch motherfucking small tited femanazi
Go try somewhere else
post link to free incest site an i will post steam keys
You gotta prove that you have the keys first...
Missed it man
One key for every site?
fb fap
this chick though
gentlemen, i've seen the future...internet is superior in middle earth
Mine is
0.3 MB UL
27 Ping
Please kill me
Hello fellow strayan
this is obviously photoshopped
valid...but dunners won gigatown
from my family album
should I post more? maybe requests?
MOre tits. Got any sisters?
haha do you like milky boobs? Maybe want 20yo?
love them milky. I wonder what she'd think about my dick. Whose the one with the milky tits?
Cards against humanity
Join us niggers
http://pyx-2.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/ga me.jsp#game=58
im in
Haven't fapped in three weeks /b/, give me your best shot!
have my gf anon
Fucking nice feet
Thanx! Glad you like em :) Wana do a cum tribute to them on cam?
will timestamp.
666 will get rituals and offerings from gods.
Timestamp then, with your tits visible. Or get the France out
I think i've fallen in love with you. Could I get you phone number? Your the most beautiful thing i've seen all year.
Timestamp, until then
Saggy tits.
What's the easiest way to earn £20-£40 ($30-$55)?
I'm broke as fuck and want to earn money to play DOOM on ps4, what do I do?
>inb4 sell ur body
The easiest? Mug someone.
Or like, get a fucking job, you mong
Holy shit you are pathetic, kill yourself
scam some 12 year olds on csgo or mow a few lawns.
sell someone else's body
take a part time job for a single weekend. or mug someone as stated before, i hope the person kills you tho.
trap thread.
Fucking faggot get off/b/
What are you fapping to exactly? What about these pics sexually stimulates you to orgasm?
Yes, that one I understand. Tongue out, bent over, hand out. But what about the first two?
Ex pics u shouldn't share because nobody wants to see them
I guess it can be a girl or guy