its all your head
it's time
German axe dude killed like 20 people lets wait and see the left put a positive spin on this?
No... 4 people properly injured and the rest are cucked and being treated for "shock"
He's a migrant who has seen horrors of war OP! This just tells us we need to be more welcoming! We failed this migrant! He could be a doctor or a surgeon! Blah Blah Blah!
na mate twenty people have been seriously injured and are unlikely to survive kill yourself
I don't think so OP - the tide is slowly changing against his ilk.
>UK leaves Europe because of immigrants
>Trump promised ban on Muslims and is soaring in polls
>Angela Merkell's love of immigrants is going to cost her a lot in next election
>France are openly booing and baying their socialist leader at Nice memorial
this whole situation makes me happy these cunts should stay in their shit country
loli bread
Nude game thread
1. Post a clothed picture of a girl and post a number other anons have to roll
2. anons then roll by requesting a new pic, (ff, ass, boobs, face, etc.) All requests must be a direct reply to the OP. if not your roll doesn't count
3.If anon rolls the required number OP must then honour the request.
4. Rolled dubs gets another clothed pic from OP.
5. Trips and Quads don't mean shit
Start with an 8
tits and face
full frontal with face
Ass and titties, ass ass and titties titties
This picture is from tumblr as well
Cock tribute thread
a blondie for you, please
this girlie wants you to tribute her :)
If I inject semen into my veins will I die? What will happen?
Tits or gtfo!!!
be the first to find out
Just do it you autistic faggot, don't forget to stream it
....... Are you...retarded?
your a fucking newfag for sure
Hey /b/, I'm looking for Brazzer/Netflix/Hulu/BangBros/etc. accounts. I had a forum I previously used, but they closed. Looking for a new forum.
^^^ There you go, OP
post girls you know and anons say how they would fuck them V2
No same pictures
What are your thoughts on axes being used as weapons on train passengers?
race war
if he couldnt have gotten his hands on such a dangerous assault axe, this could have been entirely preventable. this is why we need stricter axe control.
Americans would try to ban axes.
Id be fucked up too if i was an afghan refugee in europe. Fuck off who cares, become a policeman
laziness thread
I just saw a hedgehog outside
That was fun
was he going quickly
New thread Boxxy/Catie
Forever Queen
hey hey
Did we get the story?
G/Fur Thread
Post em if you got em.
i like the art of sigma
YLYL: Actually God Tier edition. Only the finest grained keks.
I just lost the game
>which game?
>how did I lose?
newfriend detected
pics you're not supposed to share/have cont, from >>695259038
this is my gf
nice! more?
why does she pixelate herself? is she bigfoot?
Autistic christian kid I went to school with also black :> dubs decides!
Why haven't we fucked yet?
Will he cure my erectile dysfunction?
rolling for this
send me da booty
Nigger hate thread.
Mr. Edgelord over here
Deutschland - Die Nacht
"OP ist schwul"-Ausgabe
Der Faden war heute wieder ein echtes Highlight. Jetzt bin ich wieder voll aufgedreht.
Warum Schreibt sie dann? :(
Wieso brauchst du einen zweiten Faden? Nicht genug antworten im anderen bekommen sodass dein Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit schmerzt oder was? Hast Glück dass die Fabrikarbeit und die 5 Bier mich dumm machen. 3/10 weil du mich erwischt hast.
wayne, jetzt geht es um boxxer
Next trap thread
sarina valentina before plastification