FB/IG thread.
They look like 12-year olds
Who can help me get nudes of 1 and 4
Share your gf, ex or wife thread
I don't have any of those things.
Any nudes?
nice thread guy
Nah, just bikini pics if you want
Celeb Fap Thread
i actually love fapping to jlaw if someone could kindly dump
who am i to cum for tonight
I'd do anything to see her naked. Shame her pics haven't been leaked yet
What's your biggest secret /b/?
i used to beat my sister when i was babysitting her to let out my anger and frustrations
I've been fucking my ex almost every other day consistently for 3 years, even though I'm married and have a child.
nice try FBI.
I once drank an entire glass of a female friend's spit/snot/phlegm
What the fuck is wrong with you man
no tribute thread?
>no tribute thread?
God you are a fucking faggot. A "tribute" thread? This is some kind of special retarded faggot concept...
one of my favs
Why do americans make fun of canada?
probably cause americans are insecure compared to canada
>Anonymous 09/24/17(Sun)
well atleast we dont cause earthquakes everytime we step unlike our fat neighbors
Because it isnt a country
National animal is a beaver compared to the Eagle. Have money called loonies and toonies. Allow a whole area to speak French.
Fb/insta sorority edition
How about just FB/IG in general?
Lindsay in middle
Watch what happens to this puppy
How do i open the file
kill me already cunt
only cuz of trips
The trips speak.
ok i will reply.
State you're job, salary, and age. No trolling.
>Chef at Wendy's
>$8.75 an hour
>37 years young
Kek if you actually believe this is a real image.
not your personal army
>furry porn artist
>$15-30 an hour
>18 years old
>sous chef at wendy's
that's the gayest thing ive ever heard
Traps and femboy thread.
Thats one hot dude
More of
from last thread??
Good evening, Anon. How are things? Feeling down? Need a hug?
Let's talk.
You first
I have to put my first pet down tomorrow. Pretty rough.
free bump
It is rough, Anon. How are you handling it?
Thank you. How've you been?
Well, in that case. Me and my monkey can't sleep, and the music I put on doesn't seem to soothe him so now I'm at my wits end
C-Celeb thread: M-M-May the m-mistress d-dew drop a-a weave o-of s-sweat u-upon your o-open m-mouth e-editions...
Good job stutter bro.
thanks for making this stutterbro <3
here's a r a r e 4u broski <3
Ho. Ly. Fuck. You're my new best friend for bringing that picture to my attention. Jesus that's hot.
Asian thread
i need to fap. post some cute innocent asian pics
have nudes for all of them?
Niggers take these off my front porch in Chicago in ~5 minutes if they are left out.
What should I fill it with so they get a surprise?
So far I've done cat shit and rotten food.
Thinking packing peanuts and razor blades next.
Any ideas?
Maybe just move south west? Like oak lawn area?
A bloody knife.
heres what you do
get a nice pair of the latest nigger fashion sneakers
insert a nail in the toes so when they put them on their feet etc etc
Maybe stop living near niggers.
try puppets and put used hypodermic needles inside them
https://youtube.com/watch?v=J4jJRhH JYlg
WWYD Rape Edition.
Some one bring some logs to share. That creamy throat stuff. Oh yeah blacked photos welcome to
left all fucking day
Do you possibly think that you are safe posting your degenerate thoughts and intents on this website, where everyone is "anonymous"? As I type this, my team of top ranking international hackers in countries such as Russia, Thailand, and even Africa are busy tracking your IP. My team and I find people who fantasize about sexual abuse online and bring them swift justice. Prepare to lose everyone you know and love. In only 30 minutes, every social media account you own will be posting your, oh so funny and promiscuous "thread". The shitstorm you're about...
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The psychological harm from child sexual abuse is generally a product of culturally indoctrinated attitudes about sex that the victim internalizes and uses to gradually reinterpret their experiences with their abusers, and not from the sex acts themselves. Non-violent sex acts are not inherently traumatic or harmful in themselves no matter what the age of the person experiencing them is. Current attitudes about child sexual abuse are flawed and irrational, and this bias even taints professional psychological research on the topic.
Kill yourself
It's not that it is flawed. It's simply the standard, one individual ruin sit for everyone. For every person there may be that will perform sexual acts with underage children in a non-damaging way (assuming this is possible), there will be another that will not.
So instead of having to deal with both cases, it is easier to simply remove children from exposure to either incident. There's no harm in preventing children from praticipating in sexual conduct with adults, versus the possiblity of harm if it were allowed.
Society tends to always go with...
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Come on, man.
My abuser murdered a kid a year older than I in the same house he abused me a day earlier.
I always thought of myself as lucky after that.