Shitty car mods/ricer thread. Post what you have.
Lol holy fuck, imagine how much that weighs
fuck I want one
post your airsoft guns /b/
pic related
and number 2
I see this thread is full of believes of the almighty 9x19mm.
Based on current ballistic data, all other rounds for EDC and self defense is, well, obsolete. Other pistol cartridges have their place, though.
roll niggers
Guess ill roll
Red Vs Blue
Dubs Chooses
I think the term you mean is RACE WAR!
gotta tell what to do faggot >>703696025
pink scout team appear and put up a gay flag
Yellow Team re-emerges to the battlefield with NAruto Uzumaki as their leader.
Post age, job and salary
>$12/hour about 40k with the fucking ridiculous hours I get
>valve salesman/operations manager
>65K/yr salary. Possibly a yearly bonus too
> 50
> computer industry, putting up with prima donnas
> 114k
Male escort
I fuck women okay
5,500 per week
>80k year
Do you get to pick and choose the clients?
pics youve saved from other anons and want more of
Prove that you are white.
Remember, this is very different than proving you are not black.
I dressed like that everyday during high school.
Also I finished high school.
My skin tone choices are rice cake or a freckled elmo
Finishing high school is not proof. Dressing like OP is a good shot at proof. 6/10.
Certainly sounds pretty white, but might be albino black.
I know my dad
Hello and welcome to another monthly installment of my Camp Sherwood dump!
Plenty of new pages since last time, enjoy guys, be sure to bump or ask questions to keep this afloat!
In 2007 there was a rule 34 comic called Camp Sherwood, created by an artist named Mr. D.
This comic got really famous on 4chan for it's attempt to have a real story and show accurate characters.
In early 2008, Mr. D vanished off of the face of the earth, leaving behind an unfinished comic and a bunch of hungry fans
<3 giving you a bump.
I was surprised by the progress.
a couple of /b/tards attempted to continue the comic, but it devolved into rape and non-characters.
pics you shouldn't share thread
cont of >>703681087
Really shouldn't share this :O
Or this :O
why not?
Is there a topless w/face you shouldn't share even more? ;)
Loli bread contribution to the Aussie guy I owed a beer a few months back
(18- edition)
Rip thread, we had a nice two minutes together
Pokebox 2! Last one hit the limit.
Rule 34 thread? rule 34 thread.
What does girl butt taste like?
It must be pretty sweet, since they never have to poop.
It can be a bit funky. You know you've got your tongue on an asshole. But most of the time it just tastes like skin.
Depends on the girl. If she's a slob, it will taste and smell like poop. If she's clean and healthy, it won't really taste like anything.
>they never have to poop
Wew lad
You're in for a rude awakening, when you grow up kiddo
Salty milk and coins
fuck off nigger
I hear that.
Random images
What's your favorite Nirvana song?
enter sandman
All Star
12 guage
How You Remind Me
serve the servants
gore/rekt thread
Ask a jew anything
How does it feel to be Hitlery's Ashtray?
Where the fuck is my wallet?
what happens to your cock skin when you sick fucks cut it off ???
What, you think you're some kind of fuckin' celebrity?
Megu-Anon's Hunger Games Thread #1. (Well rested edition)
>First 24
>There are no rules
Laura Bodewig
Dead Zoom
Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Spades Slick
i still can't believe both of my UT tributes last night got killed by fucking Furry porn
FB Fap cont.