where is the chubby thread? here it is.
>Starts Thread
>Doesn't contribute
OP is Faggot
Sage in all fields.
I need to fill up my folder faggot, now contribute yourself
. . .
you are a disgrace
Glow2:wave2: buying gf for rune platebody
kill it
You bastard look at what you did
theres the egg
non-nude pictures of girls you have nudes of but wont share. Previous thread: >>672359780
What a fucking shitty thread idea. Fuck off with this garbage.
Man you have no idea what was posted in the other thread.
Keeping this shit alive with a random girl
s/fur thread of death and destruction
if you're in this thread your fate is already sealed and you can't go to heaven anymore
Didn't plan on it anyways
Hey Em, I was not a fan of that artist you sent me
Draw Thread: Berries Edition
How about oppai-loli Goldie Goldenglow giving a titfuck?
My Skype was RLKZ_Rage
Couldn't answer at time
Doing requests, will fuck oc's if permitted. (lol j/k gonna fuck oc's anyways, but I would stop if told personally by the owner.)
Also doing coloring now if you like, it's going to take longer though.
Relax in a cup of warm chocolate.
Requesting drawfags version of this
Pics you shouldn't share
post more
is this a nostril bread?
Creepshot of friends sister...
Atheists could simply kill ten thousand infants for no reason and they shouldnt feel bad about it because you cease to exist after death and you will not be punished?
No wonder atheism is Satan's masterplan and you degenerates are falling for it.
religion shouldn't exist, but neither should atheism. actually, maybe they should. why?
because we don't know. we don't know what happens when you die.
Why is this picture used in every athiest bait thread
Lay the foundation pupper.
Left or right thread
Left. No contest.
gotta go with the right.
left or right?
can the mods really keep off the child porn?
Yes, they can
So can the fbi
I hope so.
Should I open it?
do it faggot
ITT we post 10.10s
Her dick looks like a greasy uncooked breakfast sausage
Name judge thread GO
Nativus Americanus
Trap Thread.
to fap to
And Get Hard as fuck
new $h0ta bread?
are you gonna make a thread and not dump?
good point.
Dubs decide how we can get my beta ass some nudes
Titties or gtfo
send link of this thread
let's hang out susie
Send her a nude, expect one in return.
Sex or coffee?
Hey everyone! I have some games to give away.
The games are all redeemable on steam and are:
Retro City Rampage DX
Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power
Else Heart.Break()
Star Warsâ„¢ Knights of the Old Republic
Road Not Taken
Rogue Legacy
To have a chance of winning, post your Steam ID below – You will get an invite from me if you win.
Winning numbers are all multiples of twelve,
So that's:
>12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, & 96
Games are on a first come – first serve basis, if thread 404's
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Bump 1
bump 2
Bump 4
Already won a game, so good luck to everyone else
bump 3
i missed 3?
Roll dubs and you have to text your crush "I love you"
haha, ok
I don't even have a crush anymore
well, you're ok then
Message the last girl you talked to or a random friend
No creepshot???
Shameless self bump
OP has 1 fucking pic, starts a thread.
> wtf man!
Faggot starts with a fucking shit sized pic.
any face shots?
It's not a creep shot if it's a picture of a zoo animal
no porn webm thread?
porn is degenerate
>Media literally cannot stop talking about needing to stop Trump
>Does nothing to stop Trump
Explain this shit.
>Explain this shit.
Several factors
- He's running with the people AGAINST the media who champion 3rd world immigration, rapefugees, and political correctness
- his fame came before his presidential run. he has made a point of keeping his name in the papers by starring on TV shows, promising to run for POTUS, and picking feuds with celebs for a couple decades now
- People genuinely like his agenda of limiting immigration, sending Muslim refugees to Muslim...
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you saying the media should stop Trump?
he's so fucking cute
The media and GOP and Democrats and all organized establishment are against him.
They think if they promote it enough that it will stick, just like promoting that Bernie is done. When actually he has more people voting for him over Hilary.
I went out and Voted today. For the T man.