Anyone want a key for XCOM? Guess what game I'm playing and get it. General Trade/beg thread, I'm Audi to get me some after it's gone, but you nig-nogs have fun
Self-bump pls no ban
dota 2
That's literally f2p
gta 5
I openly admit to being a poor fag currently and have never played any of the Souls games
Anyone wanna hook me up?
Can we have a feels thread?
Also, please share with us if it is your birthday and you're lonely. I'll make you a birthday card (not high quality though, sorry)
Was my birthday yesterday, can I still get a card Op?
kakacarmen electra
My name is Selvir today is my birthday. Not a single happy birthday text and its 7 pm.....shit hurts.
So I went to a massage parlor and got jerked off. Does anyone wanna know about the expireince?
Yeah sure
no not really
>inb4 it was a guy jerking you
Useless super power thread
The power to be op in any thread
you're always a faggot
The ability to change the color of your kidney
The power to walk on lava.
The power to see upside down without turning your head
The power to able to form clouds in thin air, but they're invisible and won't do anything
Anon, your résumé says you can "get dubs".
Can you show us what you mean by this?
yes, all you gotta do is checkem
Hang on. There.
WEBM below yours is what happens to your wife or gf.
Best way to knock up a woman
Jokes on you bitch, I don't have a GF.
Favorite quotes?
>>676212797 (OP) Have you shot up your school yet?
"I'm a faggot" - OP
Gayest thread 2016
>walk into a room
>see this guy fucking your girl
what do you do?
two words
lynch mob
Kill my self
I praise my Jewish overlords for promoting interracial breeding as a form of social control.
>wait for niglets to be born
>feed niglets to fater
good one retard
Sup /b/
My "friends" went clubbin without me for the 2nd time. Feels super Bad. What am I supposed to do? Neither i wanna be excluded nor i wanna tell them to take them with me.
Also feels thread.
Find out why they don't want you there with them, stop doing that.
I asked them. They Kinda dodged the questions.
My dad died yesterday. Ive never been so devastated. Im only 18 and it was so unexpected. He told us that he would finish Mario 3 in his lifetime, but he never did. I just want to see him again. I really hope theres an afterlife.
This. Be blunt and to the point. If they're truly your bros they'll tell you,
Let's go boys. Guess the rank
bronze 2
Seeing how that fucking faggot is your main I'll say retard 5
Silver 3
ITT: actors that ruin movies for you
Michael Cera
Uma Thurman
Matt Damon (yes)
Melissa Macathy
Jonah Hill
Kristen Stuart
Nick Cage
Kevin Heart
agreed, but Jonah Hill was pretty cool in Wolf of Wall Street tho
>Melissa Macathy
jamie foxx
Lia. Share. Nudes. All.
post then
Post more op?
Im a mod and im going to be banning everyone who comments on this post. good day
Lol like I care
die please
Can someone help identify this spider? /an/ was no help. My roommate said it was brown recluse, but I was doubtful. Pic was taken in Southern Indiana, near Bloomington.
OP here. Not sure if this is noteworthy or not, but it was extremely skittish and moved lighting fast, faster than any other spider I've come in contact with.
That there is a spooder. It's a bad spooder
>resembles pic related
that's a brown recluse
Never forget
How confident are you?
lost my dubs folder guys pls help me refill it
also, dubs thread
Ok, but first chech my dubs op
Hello lovelies. I'll help keep things alive on this quiet Easter Sunday. How's everyone doing?
Dropbox Thread ? Dropbox Thread!
>>676217330 .
Make a kik room
hey /b/, femanon here...
just letting you boys know that big dicks do matter. girls who say that average is satisfying enough are just slut shaming bitches just trying to make you little boys feel more like a man.
sorry to break it to you, but no girl actually wants something average, they want something that will actually fill them up and make them cum. ;D
Long hair dont care
Totally not bait, totally hurt my feelings.
tits or gtfo
This again...
>anything less than 8 inches will never satisfy my tight pussy.
lol at *tight* pussy. I hate to break it to ya, but if nothing but 8 will do you have a bored out slut tunnel. There's no tread left on the tires.
Let's play a game bros.
We'll begin once at least 5 Houses are claimed.
Open Houses: Arryn, Baratheon, Greyjoy, Lannister, Martell, Stark, Targaryen, Tully and Tyrell
Claim Arryn
>Sig inc
>>676214996 - hey bro
4 more
Open Houses: Baratheon, Greyjoy, Lannister, Martell, Stark, Targaryen, Tully and Tyrell
>Lord Jason Arryn, The Moon Knight, The Courageous Falcon.
>Bonus: The Bloody Gate, As High As Honor (1/1).
Claiming ur mom
Do you like keemstar?
no he is a fucking faggot
but 4chan is full of fucking cancer now
only 12 years olds who likes to discuss shit like him
Fuck no
Meme Star*
Gnome star*