fb fap thread pt.2
Are these real?
yes but it's not actually her, just someone who looks similar
>is this an actual pic of a real porn star?!
Why yes, Spergman, it is.
The heels? Yeah sure they are.
>She's a met art model you dink
Yes they are
They are nudes of dasha b
Chinese/Taiwanese/Malaysian/Singapo rean thread!
why won't you just call it an "asian thread"
Sorry, only have pictures of vietnamese
Because it's only the shit tier Asians
Asian includes Filipinos and shit.. Don't want that
Post them anon. Fuck OP VIETNAM GIRLS ROCK
Can we get a cuck/feels thread?
Share your stories so I dont feel like such a beta...
Have gf for almost a year, my best friend introduced us, one night I want to go to his house to hangout and smoke weed and gf wanted to come with... after a while we started talking about snacks and I said I would quickly go thinking my gf would come with me... she wanted to stay with him alone rather which I wouldnt have a problem with usually but they were lying right next to each other on his bed smoking a joint really close to each other which I thought was abit weird... so I
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>doesnt even attempt to kill one of them
stay cuck
The whole ride home I was replaying them kissing in my head and thinking I shoulda set the house on fire before I left... kinda bummed I didnt
should have just 3 sum that shit up and then fucked off
Not into sharing.. especially with a another guy... another girl maybe
if u get really high you can make urself get into anything you like
Milf ass
So gays can fuck and get married, mentally ill people can change gender and are deemed heroes, but I get weird looks when I (26) go out with a 17 year old?
Sauce motherfucker
dont worry, soon pedos will have their rights too
If there's more then seven years difference its weird
Sorry kid, try again in a few years. I'm 42 and dating a 17 year old, it'll happen for you.
My wife's 22 years older than me.
Go fuck yourself.
why didnt the allies keep together after ww2? what caused them to disband?
the need for war
>The UN was created after WW2
someone felt there weren't enough asians so white shit storm.
Why did the fellowship disband after destroying the ring?
>what is Nato
Truman had a thing against communists (rightfully so cause Stalin was batshit nuts) and pushed the Soviets away in the early post war era
DEUTSCHFADEN - Ausgabe zum Nachmittag
Hereinspaziert, macht es euch gemütlich.
Welches ist das beste Bundesland?
Pritt oder Uhu?
Wie heißt das letzte Buch das ihr gelesen habt?
Wasser mit oder ohne Kohlensäure?
Glaubt ihr an irgendetwas?
Seid ihr künstlerisch begabt?
Wart/seid ihr in der Schule einer der beliebten oder eher eine Randfigur?
Kein Bonus heute.
ah er hat sie gegründet und jetzt erst überlegt er was er machen will. Er hat alles mögliche angemeldet wie zbs Autoverlei, Ökogemüse anbau, Autoreparatur, Bergbau, Fischfang, Hotelgewerbe, müllentsorgung.....
ich habe keine Ahnung wie er ne genehmigung bekommen hat....
Kopiert aus dem alten Faden:
Hey ihr Arschlöcher
ihr habt mein leben zerstört. icq steht nicht mehr still, meine freundin (als ob) ist am durchdrehen gewesen und ist mit dem fahrrad weggefahren ich weiß nicht, ob sie überhaupt nochmal wieder kommt. und das alles nur, weil ich irgendeine beschissene krautchan scheiße mitgemacht habe und gepostet hab meine frau hat gesagt man wird dich noch erkennen am ende. wie kann man nur so naiv sein und auch nur irgendwas auf diesem kackforum glauben. ich habe 800 nazigold dafür bekommen und ich werde den laden richtig...
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>>684263599 // >>684264205
Worum geht es überhaupt? Womit soll der Faden bitteschön dein Leben zerstört haben?
>inb4 Kopierte Nudeln
Erste Antwort
>Welches ist das beste Bundesland?
>Pritt oder Uhu?
>Wie heißt das letzte Buch das ihr gelesen habt?
Romeo & Juliet
>Wasser mit oder ohne Kohlensäure?
>Glaubt ihr an irgendetwas?
Ich glaube ich werde nachher ein Bier trinken
>Seid ihr künstlerisch begabt?
Musikalisch etwas
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This is about your last digit. If you're rolling for a specific one, then you must say why you're rolling for that particular one.
1 = #1
2 = #2
3 = #3
4 = #4
5 = #5
6 = #6
7 - 9 = Nothing
0 = All
Rollie McRollingface
Rolling for 1 and 2.
Let's see more of 1.
Alright, I need help talking to girls on kik.
How do I get nudes from girls on kik?
How do you do it?
Bumping my own thread.
This isn't bait. If it is, il eat a dick.
Practice on ArmyWife1979, its pretty easy
Do I compliment them, or just say "tits or gtfo!"?
Be nice man... Or bm if u have smth on her. This time use first option
Tell her she's cute and ask for a pic, post everything you get here though
Waifu claiming thread.
>Late Night Epiphany Edition
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of your waifu
>don't be a faggot
>keep ERP and RP to a maximum
>Don't be a faggot
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important:
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Good morning everyone!
>who wants a hug?
Shiki claimed
kagami claimed!!
bye bye!
wuh? what do you mean?
I think even if the food is the same the methods differ yes?
Like in america they eat scrambled eggs. but arabs eat it with bread, tomatoes and peppers. They it it with fork and hashbrowns.
Vigil here:
Is this what you were looking for?
From 1-10, rate Obama as a president, --objectively--
was he good? bad?
I would say 9/10
He got done as much as he could be expected to get done, given the toxic partisan atmosphere in DC.
4/10 in his first run, 6/10 in his second.
He was pretty bad, though looking at Crazy Hillary and Butch Trump, this nigga might have been a half cut president.
tbh a 6.5/10 at best, even though he did create lots of jobs
race relations reaaaaally took a massive shit
Let´s start squirting thread
you mean pissing
because they're pissing
it's just pissing you retarded faggot
kill yourself
Rate my girlfriends asshole??
Worth going in dry
dirty whale/10
looks a bit dirty and i can see some hair
Rate my cock /b/
Dick thread
I'm cracking up. it's hilarious to me.
What a nice cock.
9/10 More please
Yes sir
I'd suck it any day
Bump w/
Yeah! Was seconds before making a thread myself
Dropbox is a file hosting service operated by American company Dropbox, Inc., headquartered in San Francisco, California, that offers cloud storage, file synchronization, personal cloud, and client software.
ITT you go close to being banned
>close to being banned
>no crayola pencils
mods are illiterate trap loving retards who worship nigger cock and always have a mlp buttplug in the ass
I like this one.
>Tranny: I don't feel comfortable shitting in them mens room. You must let me shit in the ladies room.
>Women: But we feel uncomfortable with a man in our bathroom. We're sorry you feel uncomfortable, that we won't play along with your delusion, but wanting to be another gender doesn't make you another gender.
This is our wold now.
Transexualism and gender reassignment is natural, beautiful and is the only form of surgery where a doctor is somehow not violating ethical standards by removing a healthy appendage.
You just flaming for fun or you really feel this way?
I genuinely feel this way. Why is the comfort of a small group more important than the comfort of a larger group (women)?
And the comparisons of this to the civil rights movement is frankly ridiculous.
Transexualism is a mental illness but instead of focussing on finding a cure they focus on acceptance if they had done otherwise we could've had a cure by now
Yet again feminism and the LGBTQAIP+ movement is hurting the people they're supposedly protecting because the formed an ideology that doesn't root in reality.
Hey /b/. I'm 22 and I just had my first alcoholic drink tonight after telling myself that I'd never drink alcohol. It was okay I guess, didn't drink enough to feel different though.
How old were you when you had your first beer or whatever?
13 ya Lil cuck. Also shame on you for thinking you'd feel different after one
Too old.
19 got wasted on Scotch. Good times. If you felt nothing, you didn't have enough. Alcohol isn't bad, just be responsible and don't make it a habit.
I had a beer when I was a baby
13 or 14
Redhead/Ginger Appreciation Thread
Prove there's a single type of girl that's hotter
>Protip: You can't
>being this perfect
blondes and brunettes just can't compete