if trips ill cut my dick off w timestamp
Lets see
we can only hope a fag like this won't reproduce
You better do it pussy
PLz doo eet
FB/insta fap thread
Damn, she's so hot.
How many pics? and I might need a name for the folder.
You guys like raids? I'm not asking for a personal army. But this bitch is totally asking for raids. Send her dick pics.. as many as you can. I want this bitch to rage, just so I can have my laughs along with you guys!
Maxwell... im not your army!
Your name is Maxwell, OK? You don't get shit.
Give me your best post election memes
https://youtube.com/watch?v=J4jJRhH JYlg
New creep/hidden cam/voyeur thread.
Have vid of my sexy future mother in law (petite Asian) gotta find them. Bump in meantime!!
Bumping for you anon, sounds hot.
show me your setup skatefags, i'll start
>chocolate jerry hsu pro model (8.0)
>indy trucks (idfk what size)
>jessup grip
>some off brand / local wheels (45mm)
can you laser flip 720 muthafuckka ?
what bearings you cuck
>if anything but redz your a faggot
no but can fakie switch nollie 540 360 flip sex change pigeon mall grab stall to fakie
oh shit i got some shit spitfires
gay nigger
spitfires are trash
Celeb thread con't again
Tell me how much of a fat bitch she's gonna become
Where are you Debby? Want to blow me?
Because she is fuck off
Right here ;)
ITT: Awkward sexual experiences.
I'll start.
>Be me, britfag.
>Talking to girl on tinder for a few days, just the usual flirting and shit.
>Pretty cute face, in the pics that I saw she was a little chubby but not obese or anything.
>Conversation naturally turns towards sex, turns out she's into the same stuff.
>Skype for a bit, never saw more than her face, didn't think much to it at the time.
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>Sit on bed awkwardly, trying not to make it clear I'm surprised.
>Turns out she's still quite nice to talk to, but looks completely different in person.
>Lie on bed next to her, faces quite close to each other as we talk.
>Her phone goes off, she moves over and looks at it.
>Minutes pass, girl is still scrolling through her facebook feed for some...
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go on
>10 minutes of fingering later, figure twice for her is enough for it to be my turn.
>Carry on kissing, move her hand to my crotch.
>She fumbles with belt clasp for solid minute before I do it myself.
>Girl grabs limp penis.
>Looks me in the eyes with a 'Yeah you like that don't you?' sort of smile.
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Why would you continue after that? Jesus.
also, bump
more more
In one word prove you're an oldfag.
>We will know if you're lying.
im a newfeg
Mkay 3rd time's the charm rule 34 thread go >>711988720
Syndra <3?
ok i lie
The self-ult~~~
ITT: post pics that you probably shouldn't share
Nasty ass band aid
Post YFW you just saw the new POST SUCCESSFUL! screen.
sauce please
3rd day in a row. Maybe more?
Could you please stop posting this stupid fucking picture. As the anon said yesterday; everytime I see it, I have to go to porbhubbo to jerk off, and I need to study.
As requested by >>711987734
If you're taking requests:
Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before
Please and thank you. God bless
I'm just making the thread. I don't draw nuffin.
Didn't mean to bother. Keep staring at me if you want.
I'm just making the request. I didn't ask ya for it
Requesting Rukia brushing a Staraptor's wings
what's wrong with fucking a horse? you're not gonna hurt them physically/emotionally
Horse aids
What's wrong with you that you can't find a human to fuck? Are you that disgusting or pathetic?
cus its wierd innit. basically the reason behind all sexually prohibiting laws.
yes, you will hurt them physically and emotionally
Beastiality is frowned upon for a reason, horse fucker
>Implying your tiny dick will hurt them :^)
Good evening, Anonymous! How's your week so far?
>Come in for advice, fortune-telling, and friendly conversation.
>GETS (dubs, trips, etc.) can request a tarot reading from me.
>Ask for a general reading, or suggest a topic, or ask a question for the cards! The more information I have about what you want to know, the more informative your reading might be.
>Leave a name (nickname, real name, or made up name) for a fortune cookie, courtesy of the
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Hm have you started changing shrine hours?
I achieved a major goal and I'm very introspective, thinking of the past and how to approach my future.
What took so long?
Hello all~
Hey Hikari. There were alice threads!
ADHD thread buddy Bois.
I don't know how many of you guys have tried this but Addy and weed mix so well together. I've had like 3 different college essays to write this week so I've been taking a lot more Adderall and things like not being able to sleep or eat are fixed right when you smoke. It's like without weed if I take Addy after like 6pm I won't fall asleep that night. But if I toke right before I go to bed Its all smooth sailing.
why do you keep making this thread
Just wanna talk with other fags with add I don't have any other friends with it.
bro I have ADHD as well and im high as fuck right now. took my addy this morning, chillin now. it has probably worn off by now, but still
well i wish i had addies but i dont. my roommate is a stoner; i smoke but its bad for my bulimia (binging from munchies) and bipolar. he doesnt have any weed anyways. he smokes it all and his hookup is dry.
ihave a couple edible gummies at least.
Can confirm. One of my favorite things to do in college was to take a 30 in the morning, knock my homework out early, and then smoke for the rest day while I built something/tinkered. They really do compliment each other.
I can never get dubs, gg
There you go.
Well, that doesn't happen often. GG, op. gg
same, sigh.
Random picture thread